Psychological foundations of pedagogical design | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Психология

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №17 (255) апрель 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 26.04.2019

Статья просмотрена: 101 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Мирзаева, М. Ж. Psychological foundations of pedagogical design / М. Ж. Мирзаева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 17 (255). — С. 198-200. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

Everything that is theoretically comprehended is directly related to the spiritual life of the teacher and student. This explains the appeal to the topic of the psychological foundations of pedagogical design. Pedagogical design is a normative and creative process at the same time. Regulatory — because it is strictly regulated. It has stages, forms, principles, methods of implementation, is reflected in certain pedagogical theories. Thus, it is accomplished purposefully and effectively. Design is a science. The science of design needs to be mastered, and the ability to design — to form, in this area one can gain experience, understand hidden processes. In designing, to rely only on the logic of science, to operate only with its categories, then systems, processes or situations, as a result of the work of a design teacher, will be dry and unnecessarily strict. How say the designers themselves, going in this direction, only “rough design” can be done.

Designing requires an emotional approach. Understand pedagogical design as an art — means to understand it more broadly, to engage in this process not only consciousness, but also activity, feelings, will, abilities are all that a person is naturally rich with. If pedagogical design is an art, then it certainly must have certain artistic qualities: beauty, harmony, ability to impress each of the participants. These qualities should be inherent in the objects of design: systems and situations they arise from their compositions, i.e., the construction of a natural sequence the complexity of the stages and parts, the combination of components of transitions from one part to another. The teacher beautifully moved from one method to another, managed masterfully quickly and accurately perform the sample details, to give harmony to the location of tools. Students' visual and auditory impressions, aesthetic satisfaction stimulate educational relationships, and consequently, education itself. In the process of designing lessons teachers will use new music recordings, humor, even think through your dress style.

If designing for a teacher is an art, then it requires a lot of tension, strength, feelings, the most difficult work of thought. It always individually requires special personal qualities from the teacher: artistry, ingenuity, inspiration, originality.

Frequently educated teachers could talk about how all the forces and opportunities are mobilized to enrich the pedagogical process or situations. The teacher who never sang, begins to create a chorus and successfully directs it, and the teacher who was not engaged in drawing, suddenly opens the gift of feeling color and perspective. Use singing skills, draw, play a musical instrument, understand music, painting, architecture, beautifully talking, walking, dress able to enrich any pedagogical process, breathe life into it, spirituality. Such a pedagogical process cannot but please students, not may neither attract them.

If the pedagogical process is built only as a scientific one, it lags far behind the true pedagogy. Educative pedagogical process connects science with art. Thus, the merits of the engineered systems, processes, situations not only in their scientific nature, but in enriching science with art. Many future teachers may have disbelief in their creative abilities. But first, you do not know all your capabilities, you have not experienced everything their qualities. And secondly, it's not too late to start hard prepare for teaching activities. You will to design pedagogical objects, given their personal qualities. Otherwise the project will not be yours, taken from distant and dry science.

Therefore, pedagogical design closely associated with creativity. pedagogical creativity is almost an invention. Invention, in turn, is a departure from traditions, habits, stereotypes. No wonder educators innovators transform the traditional the lesson complements the traditional methods, develops and enriches the traditional principles. Creativity in design, in a sense, is a flight of thought into the unknown.

What new can design, for example, the master vocational training? Develop your lesson structure, create a new form of the project instead of an outdated synopsis, suggest using visual aids and interesting techniques made by him in the lesson or methods. Develop new workshop equipment, design a more convenient form for students and for yourself, think about ways to accelerate learning, lesson analysis schemes, assessing its quality, ways to automate lesson planning, develop curriculum assessments student activities, incentives for their positive behavior.

How is creativity in the design? The basis of any creative work is a conscious need. The need for activity most often stems from external factors. The master has a desire to help, for example, students who lack up control machine. Wizard begins to search ways to implement it.

Follows the design process. Model is created coasters. At the same time, you can come from different plants: make a new stand or use existing equipment. Further it planned where to take it as deliver, how to adapt. Finally, the stand is adjusted for student growth, taking into account the shape and color of the machine, appearance of all workshop equipment. So there is a construct in accordance with scientific logic.

Design, even in this simple case can become creative. This process is enriched by intuition. The intuition of the master is based on the observation of students: their views, attempts to go and try working with other machines, etc. Pedagogical intuition can prompt the master who of small students is willing to cooperate with him, who most needs his care, who among them will appreciate the care…. In that is a pedagogical vision. Intuition is the most necessary condition for creative pedagogical design and is its component. She is helps to lower whole stages of work, reduces time. Search, deepens the understanding of the situation.

In the work of a teacher or master of industrial training, approximately, it is possible to distinguish as a creative process. Most often this moral creativity, that is, creativity in moral and ethical relations with students. Moral creativity necessary, above all, when designing pedagogical situations. How to reveal and help the pupil to show their best qualities? How to rally the group? How to help a pupil to believe in their abilities? There are many such questions, and the teacher is sometimes lost. Creative design is complicated in teaching that is not always the teacher himself ready for him because of his psychological inertia. Predisposition to specific methods, forms, means leads him to ignore others. But this inertia be overcome if develop flexible thinking from the teacher. The difficulty, however, lies in the very similar understanding of teachers psychological inertia and pedagogical traditions.

“Tradition arises not because it was conceived by ancestors, but because descendants choose it that way.” Einstein. It is this understanding of traditions that contributes to creativity. For the development of creative design in pedagogy, of course, we need certain conditions. Before all we need is the needs, their awareness, which is expressed in the readiness, the teacher’s desire to find ways problem solving.

Conditionally, you can put didactics in second place. Comic creativity as the invention of different methods of selecting and structuring educational material, its methods mastering the means of filing. There are a lot of variations here: a combination of student actions, the use of mutual transitions, additions, the invention of new receptions. Another kind of creative design this is technological creativity. Without it is not possible highly professional conduct practical lessons, organize production work students. For engineering engineers, technical creativity is almost always pedagogical; for its aims are pedagogical, that is, developmental, educational, or educational. We need special rules for the design of the learning process, taking into account psycho-physiological especially students as well as teacher. Only under this condition, the design becomes higher degree pedagogical.


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