The рropaganda of clothing collection of the Central State Museum of Kazakhstan | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Искусствоведение

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №6 (244) февраль 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 11.02.2019

Статья просмотрена: 25 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Жубатканова, К. Ж. The рropaganda of clothing collection of the Central State Museum of Kazakhstan / К. Ж. Жубатканова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 6 (244). — С. 185-187. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.07.2024).

The collection of Kazakh national costume is a reflection of our traditional culture, the development of our industry, a reflection of our culture. For this reason, it is very important to get valuable information through the originals of the original stock of the museum.

Keywords: collection of museums, clothes, attribution, cataloging, exposition.

However, in traditional culture, due to the fact that the fashion and aesthetic value of the Kazakh national dress is associated with the manufactured material and decoration, the amount of research on this topic is insignificant. However, data on materials used in traditional Kazakh uniforms can be found in the collections of Museum collections collected by Russian and foreign travelers during the expedition. Unique among them is the Central state Museum of Kazakhstan, filled with Museum collections that provide valuable information about traditional uniforms with a century of history. Therefore, the scientific and practical importance of ethnographic analysis of such problems as dizziness, strikers, appearance and typical types of materials used for sewing shoes, their quality, cutting, sewing technique, decoration [1]

In General, the history of the collection of clothes of the Central Museum can be divided into periods of» Orenburg «and» Almaty». In the period of «Orenburg» the number of sets of clothes was only 8 units. The rest, that is 363 units accumulated in the period of «Almaty». This is due to the transfer of the status of the capital from the city of Orenburg, which became the first capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the twentieth century, first in Kyzylorda and then in Almaty.

Currently, the collection of clothes from the Museum has about 3 thousand values. They were withdrawn from the Orenburg and Semirechensk museums, and also collected in 1958 for a decade of the Kazakh SSR in Moscow. The collection consists of traditional Kazakh costumes, stage costumes, clothes of representatives of other nationalities, as well as textile and embroidery products. Among the traditional Kazakh costumes-men's, women's, children's. In particular, they were presented: hats, typical for the Kazakhs-hats, tube, cap, Kasaba, saukele, tymak, kulyapara; from outerwear, shirts, shirts, pants, coat; outerwear — tone, coat, suitcase, shapan, bespent; of shoes-boots, shell, Massini, bran, boots, caps. Silk, shyta, velvet, plush and animal skins, animals, embroidery, patterns decorated with ornaments were used for sewing clothes [2]

In General, the problem of traditional clothing is one of the few studied topics, and about the scenic types of national costumes are not written at all. Stage costumes are especially important for researchers of art history. Clothing not only protects people from various environmental influences, nature, but also demonstrates the luxury, degree of strengthening and tastes of this nation. Everyone in the individual mind there panties, outdoor, napkins, clad, decorative and some of them are-celebration, rituals.

One garment is decorated with precious fabrics, called fashionable clothes, which were worn when visiting wedding, ceremonial gatherings, when traveling to a foreign country. To one of these costumes include stage costumes. Clothes are a big part of the scene attributes. The image of the artist plays a big role in clothes to get out properly. The authority of the singers in front of the country is influenced not only by the song and the role in the performance, but also by stage clothes. In addition, the Museum presents costumes of famous artists Zhamal Omarov, Kulyash Baiseitova, Shara Zhienkulova, R. Rymbaeva, M. Zhunusova, L. Costumes as Alpieva and later artists, embroidered in modern form. In the collection is the wife of Zhangir Khan, Fatima Ms. bespent, h. There are rare clothing items, such as: shapan Valikhanov of Valikhan, tones of Swan down Taibi of Chingizovna of Alihanovna, tone famous wrestler Kazhymukan munaitpasov, shapan ISA Shormanov [1]

In September of 1929, the collective of the Katsaktyansky musician became the head of the Alma-Ata branch, which was founded in 1898 by the Executive Committee of the Creative Commons. Co-author of the annual musical art of the XIX century. and in the first half of the twentieth century, the United Nations, the United Nations and the OIC member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States have signed a memorandum of mutual understanding and security, as well as the ethno-agrarian and cultural legacies.

From 1933 to the present time, the musical instruments were archaeological, ethno-australized eclectic and eagle search engagements. The major part of these genres are prominent researchers, scientists and ethnographers: A.Baeturcinov, NG Khludov, A.Margulan, M.Auezov, A.Jeirnshin, K. Achishev, H.Argynbayev, M.Mukenov, U.Zhanibekov, Z. C. Caaashchev, Zh.K.Kurmankulova, A. N. Pohdushkin, N.Alimbaiy and other leaders in the field of engineering, geographical, and ethno-agroindustrial search, collection work [2]

Many of the above items from the Museum were collected during the ethnographic expedition in different years in different regions of Kazakhstan and neighboring countries, where Kazakhs live-Karakalpakstan, Turkmenistan, Mongolia, China. Every nation has its own clothes, national clothes of the Kazakh people for centuries passes many stages of development. For this reason, the collection includes representatives of the Kazakh Diaspora: Russian, Ukrainian, German, Polish, Uighur, Dungan, Turkish, Chechen [3]

In conclusion, national clothing is a mirror of the development of our culture, industry, one of the manifestations of the subject-everyday culture. Therefore, despite the fact that in the oldest written sources, symbols and drawings of scientists and travelers, samples of oral literature and language data, in the works of art there are many written sources that have survived on this topic, it is now very important to get special value in the original clothes stored in the Museum [2]


  1. Kazakh OI Kim-kesheh (illustrationen scientific catalog) I-Tom. Scientific editor and it's getcss NRCan Lembi. — Almaty: «Oner», 2009. — 126 b.
  2. Zhanibekov On. Time Keruen. 1992. 192 b.
  3. Zakharova I. V. Khodjaev R. D. Kazakh national clothes: nineteenth — early twentieth centuries — Almaty: Nauka, 1964. — 178 p., 26–27;
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ISA, OIC, SSR.

Ключевые слова

clothes, collection of museums, attribution, cataloging, exposition

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