The article is about the creation of specific educational materials, allowing for a new way to organize the educational process at the initial stage of mastering a foreign language culture. Presented in the content and technology of the organization of interactive learning, as well as the proposed teaching methods can be used in the educational process in primary classes.
Key words: methods, interactive, kids, principles, qualification, content, teaching, games, visual, improve.
Статья посвящена созданию специальных учебных материалов, позволяющих по-новому организовать учебный процесс на начальном этапе освоения культуры иностранного языка. Представленные в содержании и технологии организации интерактивного обучения, а также предлагаемые методы обучения могут быть использованы в учебном процессе в начальных классах.
Ключевые слова: методы, интерактивный, дети, принципы, квалификация, содержание, обучение, игры, наглядность, совершенствование.
In recent years, foreign language teachers have gained considerable autonomy in the choice of teaching aids, creative understanding of the content and ways of implementing the program requirements.
A large-scale work is being carried out in Uzbekistan to organize the continuous study of foreign languages at all stages of the education system, improve the qualifications of teachers, and further improve the provision of educational institutions with modern teaching and learning materials. From the 2013/2014 school year, the gradual study of foreign languages began — mainly English — from the first class in the form of games and lessons of oral speech, in the second class — from mastering the alphabet, reading and grammar [4].
In that regard, the primary classes of all general education schools are provided with educational literature, dictionaries and DVD recorders. A state educational standard for foreign languages in the continuing education system has been developed.
Recognizing the existence of various methods in the modern process of learning a foreign language, it should still be noted that the leading position is occupied by methods and technologies based on a personality-oriented approach to learning, which should: create an atmosphere in which the student feels comfortable and free; to stimulate the interests of the student, to develop his desire to practically use a foreign language, as well as the need to learn, thereby making it a real achievement of success in mastering the subject; affect the student's personality as a whole, involve his feelings, emotions and sensations in the learning process, relate to his real needs, stimulate his speech, cognitive, and creative abilities; to activate the student making him the main character in the educational process, actively interacting with other participants in this process; create situations in which the teacher is not a central figure; the student should be aware that learning a foreign language is more connected with his personality and interests, rather than with the methods and means of teaching given by the teacher;to teach the child to work on the language independently at the level of his physical intellectual and emotional capabilities — therefore, to ensure the differentiation and individualization of the educational process; provide for various forms of work in the classroom: individual, group, collective, fully stimulating the trainees' activity, their independence and creativity.
The involvement of students in interactive activities, as well as increasing the motivation of learning a foreign language can be achieved through the use of technology games in training. Game technology provides the unity of the emotional and rational in learning. The game meets the natural needs and desires of the child and is a unique means of non-violent learning.
The game does not completely replace the traditional forms and methods of training, it allows you to more effectively achieve the goal and objectives of the lesson and the entire educational process. At the same time, the game increases students' interest in learning, stimulates the growth of cognitive activity, which allows students to receive and assimilate a greater amount of information, contributes to the acquisition of skills for making natural decisions in various situations. Gaming interactions provide informal communication and allow its participants to reveal their personal qualities, increase their self-esteem.
Thus, the use of games in the educational process helps to achieve many educational goals: stimulating motivation and interest in the field of study; in the general educational plan; in the continuation of the study of the topic; maintaining and strengthening the value of previously obtained information in another form; systemic understanding; expanded awareness of various opportunities and challenges; implications for the implementation of specific plans or opportunities; skills development: critical thinking and analysis; making decisions; interaction; specific skills (compilation of information, preparation of projects);changing attitudes: social values (competition and cooperation): the perception of the interests of other participants; self-development or development thanks to other participants; The teacher of the same skills of the participants; awareness of their own level of education, the acquisition of skills required in the game, leadership qualities.
With the help of the game, you can remove psychological fatigue and language barrier. They enable the teacher, without undue nervousness, to check the mastering of the topic, to identify gaps in students' knowledge in mastering their practical skills and abilities. Undoubtedly, one of the advantages of games is the collective form of work. And most importantly, during the game — the creation of a benevolent atmosphere and a situation of success for students.
Thus, the use of interesting forms and methods in the implementation of a person-centered approach and the teaching of a foreign language can significantly increase the time of speech practice in the classroom for each student, ensure that all members of the group master the material, solve various educational and developmental tasks.
The teacher, in turn, becomes the organizer of an independent educational, cognitive, communicative, creative activity of students, he has opportunities to improve the learning process, the development of communicative competence of students, the holistic development of their personality.
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- Chaney, A.L., and T. L. Burk. 1998. Teaching Oral Communication in Grades K-8. Boston: Allyn&Bacon.
- Гальскова Н. Д. Современная методика обучения иностранным языкам. — М: АРКТИ, 2004.