Cooperation among councils of young scientists of universities as the factor of development of scientific and research works | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Политология

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №2 (240) январь 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 14.01.2019

Статья просмотрена: 15 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Саидзода, Шухрат Шукур. Cooperation among councils of young scientists of universities as the factor of development of scientific and research works / Шухрат Шукур Саидзода. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 2 (240). — С. 303-306. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

Development of science and technology and any kind of technological achievements is not possible without cooperation and studying of others experiences. Through ages different nations and peoples have been using from each others scientific experiences and acquire new scientific and technological achievements. Sometimes peoples of Eastern civilization used the results of Western science and reciprocally westerners used from achievements of Eastern science and on its bases reach to the great successes and scientific achievements. Especially in X and XIIth centuries Tajik-persian prominent philosophers like Abuali Ibni Sino, Zakariyo Rozi, Umar Khayom and others developed theoretical science which further Western scientists on its bases developed pragmatic science to its high levels and gain great harvest from this fruitful tree. As Muhammad Iqbol mentioned about this:

– The pastorals plant the seeds;

– The westerners collect the harvest. [3.59]

Development of natural and applied sciences, information and telecommunication technology in the end of XXth and in the beginning of XXIst century pave the way for scientists of different fields to acquire scientific and technical achievements and technology of developed countries. Today researchers in different fields of science by using computer technology can gain access to research centers and scientific libraries of other countries and use from their electronic resources and scientific materials. Each researcher from any part of the world can order needed book and material and use it for his or her research works.

In the Republic of Tajikistan with the efforts of Leader of Nation and the Government of the country the conditions of implementation of scientific and research works are gradually changing and new actions are taking place in this field. Leader of Nation Emomali Rahmon in his Massage to the Tajik Parliament on December 22, 2016 proposed to establish Center of Investigation of Technological Innovation in the structure of Academy of Science in order to improve the results of scientific works and their practical implementation in process national of production. Intelligent and creative young men have a chance to be engaged in scientific and research works in this center [1]. In our opinion effective functioning of this center gives chance to our intelligent and creative youth to achieve new scientific and technical accomplishments.

Functioning of doctoral and post doctoral study departments in all universities, gradually rising of aspirant’s scholarship, establishing of research centers and scientific circles, especially functioning of Council of Young Scientists (CoYSs) in universities will encourage to the development of scientific works of young scientists.

According to the directive of CoYSs, which adopted by the Council decree of the Ministry of Education and Science as of June 29, 2016, No 9/41 “Council of Young Scientists of higher education institution is the counseling structure which will be established for development and active participation of young scientists in research works of high education institution, adoption of strategic and timely decrees to support young scientists. CoYSs is the public organization in high education institution and formed by representatives of all structures of university” [4].

Students of Master and Doctoral study, aspirants, assistants, senior teachers and young teachers who are under 35 can join the CoYSs. CoYSs ensures the organization of common activity of young scientists and coordinates their functioning.

Should be noted the Council of young Scientists under the Tajik State University of law, Business and Politics was created in 1995. The Council of young scientists is a social organization attached to the higher professional educational school and it unites the representatives of all university structures. The Council can include holders of a master’s degree, doctoral and post-graduate students specializing in certain branches, assistants, senior lectures of departments and scientific degree possessors up to 35 years of age. The Council unites the activities of all young university scholars and coordinates their work.

In order to elevate thinking habits, speaking abilities and to improve scientific knowledge of young professors of the university they organized the circle «Science and Contemporary society» which has been functioning successfully science January 2016.

The principal objectives of the Council of Young Scientists are:

– professional growth of young scholars;

– union of young scholar’s potential for elaboration of ideas and solution of priority goals confronting science;

– development of young scientist innovational activities;

– elevation of young professor’s scientific and potential standard;

– realization of young scientist’s creative abilities.

For achievement of the aims set the Council performs the following tasks:

– elaboration of major issues concerned with young scholars activities for adopting resolutions at the level of leadership and University Council of Young Scientists;

– informing young scholars about scientific curricula, foundations, potential customers of scientific-technical produce;

– organization and conducting of conferences, seminars, symposia and other arrangements, participation unscientific organizations, institutions of Tajikistan Republic and foreign partners dealing with higher professional education;

– organization of collaboration between the Council of young scientists with Scientific Association of Students, dears offices of faculties, departments, masters studies division, offices of doctoral studies and the learned Council of the University;

– annual competitions of scientific works performed by young scholars working at institutions of higher professional education;

– compilation of initiative scientific-research projects based on thematically close disciplines;

– implementation of cooperation with association of young scientists of Tajikistan, Councils of young scholars functioning at institutions of higher professional educations and other social organizations, aimed at conducting joint arrangements, creation of conditions for effectuation of joint projects and consolidation of mutually profitable ties;

– propaganda of scientific achievements of scientists and young experts of higher schools, quest of potentialities for theirs use under the conditions of market relations and etc.

Based on the annual working plan and instructions of the university administration CoYSs systemetically conducts scientific and theoretical seminars, round tables, conferences and has a fruitful cooperation with CoYSs of universities and and scientific centers by means of participation in scientific events that take place beyond the university.

It should be pointed out that cooperations among universities of the region have been giving good results in recent years. CoYSs of the university in 2017–2018 academic year in coopearation with councils of young scientists of the universities and other governmental authorities and public organizations organized and conducted the following events:

  1. On November 14, 2017 Regional Scientific and Practical Conference entitled “A life-changing Session and National Government Development” dedicated to the 25th of the anniversary of the Session of Supreme Assembly (Majlisi Oli) of the Republic of Tajikistan was held in cooperation with Department of Youth affairs and Sport of Soughd Region (DoYASoSR) and CoYSs of universities of the region. The author of this article made a presentation on “The role of the XVIth Session of the Supreme Assembly (Majlisi Oli) of the Republic of Tajikistan in protection of Tajikistan unity”, Mehriniso Ochilova, docent in the Department of Persian and Chinese Languages of the Khujand State University named after Bobojon Ghafurov (KhSU named after B.Ghafurov) made a presentation on “Young people’s progresses in science” and Jumayev Ismatjon, student of the Tajik State University of Law, Business and Politics of Tajikistan (TSULBP) made a presentation on “The XVIth Session of the Supreme Assembly (Majlisi Oli) of the Republic of Tajikistan and strengthening of laws in the republic” in the conference.
  2. On February 26 of the current year a scientific and practical conference of the young scientists dedicated to the Year of Tourism Development and Folk Crafts entitled “Internal Tourism Development in the Republic of Tajikistan” was held in coopeartion with CoYSs of Institute of Economics and Trade of the Tajik State Technical University. The representative of the DoYASoSR, representative of the People’s and Democratic Party of the Republic of Tajikistan in Soughd Region (PDPoRTSR) and young scientists of the region were participated in the conference. Gadoiboyeva Sh., head of the Council of Young Scientists of Institute of Economics and Trade of the Tajik State Technical University, Muhammadyusufi Shuhratpur, assistant in the department of civil law and enterprenurship of the TSULBP, Ochilova M., represantative of the tourism organization “Zarafshon” made presentations on opportunities of the tuorism development and folk crafts in Tajikistan. At the same time, particapants expressed their opinions about the progress of this sphere.
  3. On April 16 scientific and theoretical conference entitled “Method of writing scientific article” was held with the participation of the represantative from DoYASoSR, Executive Committee of People’s Democratic Party of Tajikistan (ECoPDPoT) in Soughd Region, young scientists of KhSU named after B.Ghafurov, Institute of Economics and Trade of the Tajik State Technical University, Politechnic Institute of Tajik State Technical University and young teachers of the university. Nu’monjon Ghafforov, vice rector on scientific affairs and innovation talked about preparation and writing scientific articles by the master students, postgraduate students and researchers and in general young scientists. He pointed out that writing an article skill develops the skill that can be needed while writing dissertation and based on it the dissertation can be prapared apropriately.Then, Jurabek Isomitdinnov, chairman of the history department made a presentation on “Scientific Article: Its Essence and Structure”, Abdumavlon Samiyev, executive editor of the scientific newspaper “Herald of the Tajik State University of Law, Business and Politics” made a presentation on “Ways of using resources in scientific article”. They rubric for their article was “Some difficulties in the process of preparation of scientific article”. Ochilboy Zohidov, professor expressed his opinions regarding preparation of scientific article and its special peculiarities.
  4. On March 19, 2018 togather with the DoYASoSR scientific and theoretical regional conference entitled 19-“Navruz — heritage of our encestors” was held in the university.Tahmina Latipova, representative of the DoYASoSR talked about Navruz rituals, essence and importance of Navruz, Rukhshona Umarova, master student in the Department of Philology of KhSU named after B. Ghafurov made a presentation on “History of development of Navruz holiday”, Akmal Ibodulloyev, assistant in the department of sociology of the Institute of Economics and Trade of the Tajik State Technical University made a presentation on “Navruz holiday — representator of good customs of the ancestors”. In addition, “The Best Navruz Picture”competition was held and winners were awarded with presents of the DoYASoSR and diplomas of rector of the university.
  5. On April 12 scientific and methodological regional seminar on “Method of dissertation preparation” was held in TSULBP and Boymatov Alijon, Doctor of Economic Sciences made a presentation on “Choosing topic of research and dissertation preparation” in it. He talked about object, subject, scientific novelty, the extent of the research work done on the topic, research purepose and other issues of choosing and preparation process of the dissertation. Participants asked questions about research work and received concrete answers.
  6. On April 24 of the current year on the initiative of the CoYSs together with ECoPDPoT in Soughd Region scientific and practical regional conference on “Tajikistan — paradise country” was held in TSULBP. Sharifzoda M. M., professor, rector of the university opened the conference and talked about the importance of Tajik national traditions and customs and its ancient crafts. Then, Sarfaroz Fattohzoda, head of the ECoPDPoT in Soughd Region, Mirzoqosim Karimov, head of the DoYASoSR expressed their opinions about tourism development and folk crafts. Also Jamshed Turayev, senior teacher in the department of World Economic of the TSULBP made a presentation on “Tourism Development in the Republic of Tajikistan”, Islom Rahimov, chairman of the Persian and Chinese Languages of the KhSU named after B.Ghafurov made a presentation on “Rituals regarding cooking skills: history, current condition, perspectives”. It should be pointed out that within the conference exibition of scientific works of the students about website preparation and video rolics dedicated to the Year of Tourism Development and Folk Crafts and its winners were awarded with the presents of the Excutive Commettee of PDPoT in Soughd Region. Then, presentations of the young scientists of the universities of the region were considered in conference sections.

It should be said that one of the main indicators of the fruitful cooperaton between CoYSs of TSULBP and young scientists of higher institutions, DoYASoS, ECoPDPoT in Soughd Region is considered publication of the material of scientific and practical university conference of the young scientists, postgraduate students, reseachers and master students entitled “Young men and problems of modern society” [6], regional scientific and practical conference of young scientists entitled ““A life-changing Session and National Government Development” [2] and scientific and practical regional conference entitled “Tajikistan — paradise country” [5].

Further development among councils of young scientists of higher institutions and imrpovement of the activities of councils depend on the following factors:

– Having sense of responsibility and leadership skill by the heads of council of young scientists;

– Supporting initiatives of council of young scientists and appreciating the results of scientific and research works of the young scientists;

– Organization of scientific centers and modern laboratories for conducting scientific tests and analysis by the young scientists;

– Providing working office for young scientists and financing their activities.


  1. Message of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Leader of Nation, his Excellency Mr. Emomali Rahmon to Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan as of December 22, 2016. Email:;
  2. A Life Changing Session and Development of the National Goverment (material of the scientific and practical conference of young scientists of Soughd Region, Khujand, November 13, 2017). — Khujand: Dabir Publishing House, 2017. — 377 p.
  3. Muhammad Iqbol Lohuri, Persian Complete Works, Dushanbe, Payomi Oshno Publishing House, 2008. — 778 p.
  4. Standard Charter of the Council of Young Scientists Higher Education Institution of the Republic of Tajikistan. Approved by the decree of the Meeting of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan as of June 29, 2016 #9/41.
  5. Tajikistan — paradise country (material of the scientific and practical conference of young scientists, Khujand, April 24, 2018). — Khujand: Nabi Fakhri Publishing House, 2018. –228 p.
  6. Young men and problems of modern society (collection of scientific and practical conference of young scientists, postgraduate students, researchers and master students of TSUoLBPoT, Khujand, May 18, 2017). — Khujand: Dabir Publishing House, 2017. — 458 p.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): TSULBP.

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