Almighty power of the word | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: ,

Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №3 (189) январь 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 22.01.2018

Статья просмотрена: 62 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Юлдашева, Ш. Ш. Almighty power of the word / Ш. Ш. Юлдашева, А. Н. Хасанова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 3 (189). — С. 238-242. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.07.2024).

The article deals with creating workbook for native language education. Here is given the didactic, scientific-methodological, sanitary-hygienic and aesthetic demanding on workbook.

Keywords: native language education, educational methodological complex, systaltic facilities, workbook, task, didactic demands, scientific-methodological demands, aesthetic demands.

В статье освещены эстетические принципы, высокое писательское мастерство в использовании слов узбекского литератора Ш.Рашидова в его романе «Могучая волна», (1964).

Ключевые слова: “Могучая волна”, литературный язык, стиль, омоним, аналогия, речь персонажа, повтор, лингвопоэтический анализ.

Provide with didactic facilities in the process of teaching native language

Being from a simple teacher to the state leader-Sh.Rashidov was a great person who manipulated the government a quarter century with selfless work in a complex circuits, as mentioned particularly in the book “Деятели Узбекистана” (Dignitaries of Uzbekistan) [1.] of Radik Gaziev, and as a “phenomenon of XX century” noted by historian Shukhrat Ergashev that recognized Uzbekistan all over the world [2]..

Indeed, Sh. Rashidov was the author of series works on the development of Uzbekistan's agriculture, industry, exploration and activation of gold deposits, the emergence of dozens of cities such as Navoi, Zarafshan, Yangier and Gulistan on the map of Uzbekistan, and Tashkent's new look after the earthquake in 1966. Moreover he contributed to constructions of skyscrapers, such as “Palace of Friendship people”, and the first metropolis in Central Asia -Tashkent Metropolis. It is no coincidence that our people respect Sharof Rashidov as a chief architect of Tashkent [4,5,6].

Sharof Rashidov is honored in books as a talented person who had not a blind eye to his ideology of that time, worked with his long nearsighted service, lived not to himself, but to people of his country, especially in the books of historian Shukhrat Ergashev's «Erk istar ko'ngil», Sayyora Sharofovna Rashidova`s «Esdaliklar», Radik Gaziev's book «Deyateli Uzbekistana» (Dignitaries of Uzbekistan) and so on.

Sh. Rashidov knew history, literature and especially classical literature, and we can say him reachable “a sponsor of science, art, literature” who continued the traditions of Hussein Baykaro, Amir Temur. As evidence of our opinion, it is worth mentioning meetings of writers from Asia and Africa held in Tashkent, the international film festival of Asia, Africa and Latin America with participation of the former Soviet Union, international treaties of India, Pakistan and the signature of famous Tashkent Declaration in the period of Sharof Rashidov [4].

Even though half of the sixty-six-year life span was dedicated to state affairs and politics, he had a time to engage in artistic creativity, being a philologist-person who was a lover of speech, such as king and poet Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur, Hussein Sayfull, Abulgozi Bahadyrhon, Muhammad Rakhimkhon (Soniy) — Feruz. It is worth noting that he acquired the treasury of Uzbek literature with his lyric and epic works, and publicity.

Many of Uzbek books published since the 1960s featured some of the texts from the novels «Victors», «Stronger than Storms» and «Strong Waves», theoretical evidence to be used to support the theory, also the class exercises fitted to the themes, these textbooks have been read by the majority reading speeches of Aykiz, Olimjon, Pogodin, Umrzak Ata, Bakhor, Polat, Khalil Ata, Khayri, Nikitin, Anvar, Turhanhanov. Of course, there are some reasons why the works of this novelist were included in the textbooks.

First of all, it is important to note the greatness and sincerity of Sh.Rashidov's works, including poetry.

Everybody loves listening to following lines sung by Muyassar Razzokova, who was the People's Artist of Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan:

Friends, are you well, are you there,

Are you rosary angled together?

Дугоналар, омонмисиз, бормисиз,

Жам бўлишиб очилиб гулзормисиз?

This song was written in a volume of Lyrics by Sharof Rashidov named “Song of Kashmir”, which is translated into more than 50 world languages ​​.

One of the reasons why his works have become popular among the people is their simplicity. We see that the poet strived to make indescribable using of words:

Lola is the king of flowers,

Reddish bough he wore.

Лола гулларнинг шоҳи,

Кийгани қирмиз шоҳи.

The proper choice of homonym words that is distinctive features of Uzbek-language lexical database served as a lyrical melody: Lola is the king of flowers that is the ruler and leader, and wears reddish branch material.

According to Vohid Zakhidov, it is impossible to create artistic works without proper language and style. In order to conduct a small study on the language and style of Sharof Rashidov's works, we find some literature findings. As Vohid Zakhidov wrote, we understand the style of «Strong Wave» knowing it well-tested and well-designed, compact, colorful, meaningful, and beautiful [7].

Experts show the characteristics of the novel «Strong Wave» as designed synthesis of folk style masterly with artistic style.

The writer's skill is demonstrated in finding words that clearly represent a certain movement, scene and situation, and using those words in accordance with the idea, image, and spirit of logic. As we read the words, they turn into something that will build things and events in our minds, just as they do.

Sh.Rashidov reflects the magnificent statue of time and the scene with beautiful analogies. He describes the beauty of spring in a Bakhmal village with following visuals:

Bakhmal really is manicured. It looks just like a garnish of the widow [7: 8]

It is externalized in our mind not only the horrors of war undermining at every step, but also the spring being deplorable and piteous, even though it was far away from the front.

In order to fully expose the inner world of characters, he created the image in accordance with personage`s spirit, his level, also uses words and phrases that are specific to each person's speech to make the humor and jest.

Anvar is an agitator. We will focus on his speech.

“You know, my friend, I do not like sitting in the office, it's very formal.' Here are two of us. Should we really stock up to talk?” [7:89]

Anvar, who was sent as an agitator from the Oblast Komsomol Committee, should have made a public statement. In his conversation with Pulat, he said:

«You're a gappy orator, tell me about my report how it was. Right of conscience, I love to talk so much, but no way to talk in the crowd... There is also some formality. Of course, I do not pretend to be a preacher, and I'll tell what I know, but I have a good conversation. [7:91]

Anvar is a young man climbing up the stairs of career. But he does not have the disenfranchishes of spontaneity. He always wants to be with ordinary people. The writer was able to describe his characteristic features in his own words, and in that same way.

His friend Kasimov, the father of Pulat's father, Haydar Sodiqov, is a wealthy person with many experiences. He complained about Rustam who was always a jocose even in the time of the war:

–«Poultry is good for a meal, war is going on, but he is»... when he started talking, Kasimov said in a meaningful way to Pulat:

–If you work with Rustam, you will see the golden man. Our youths have a habit of hurrying to get a quick look at people. Knowing the good qualities of a person is a matter of principle. Learn what it is. [7: 117]

That's what Kasimov's instructions are not wasteful, Pulat becomes aware when he gets like brothers with Rustam. Writer who described Rustam as golden, tried to make the imagination of readers about this character, as well as the personification of this hero and estimated it. The typical habit used by the writer is not only made by the youth, but also by some adults, and the reader is awakened when he read the same lines and begins to inspect himself.

Here are some examples of Rustam's characteristic features:

It was a pleasure to work with the same person as brigadier Rustam. He loved everything about Rustam who wanted to be spiritually enthusiastic and cheerful at all times. Rustam was wearing comfortable, his beard was always shaved, and he loved high discipline. He always inspired all that on the brigade should be a discipline, not just artificial that was written, but a discipline that aroused burdens and ambitious of the builders.

There is no any words that is improperly used and distracted us. Everything is in its place. The writer used the word “discipline” repeatedly (five times). But this repetition is not a methodological mistake. Instead, it served to exaggerate the splendor of the word.

It is not surprising that the word was repeatedly used by the author, because it is a word of power that has its own value in all times.

There is a dialogue that has a special place in the work.

I`m amazed by You, your character, Rustam brother!- said Pulat amazed.

Well, my friend! — Rustam laughed. — Man is a master of his own character. [7: 127]

Usually, most people think that the character is created by Allah. The phrase «if you have crafted it yourself, what I do it» by Sufi poets most people interpret themselves in their own way. Sh.Rashidov's remarkable speech by the «Strong Waves» is very important. Man creates his own character. This is a lesson for those who do not want to change their character saying such as I`m.

Another aspect of the novel requires attention. From Anvar's speech:

— «Do you know what's going on in my head? Why are good people not as wretched as strangers?" The crooked man knows very well inside heart, and immediately seizes their fineries. They couldn`t spend the day without it. Achieving the black intentions by using the imperfection of the character of people is the main profession of any traitor. To be honest, we need to be more alert to fight with the ravages. [7: 169]

Aesthetic principles of the author are manifested by the emphasis on the word of alert, as well as the words such as “salient, harsh, black”, which is one of the tools that define the author's image in artistic work, his linguistic expression, and the individual style of the work.

In the «Strong Wave it is cited deservedly that Pulat said «They taught everything in our school. But they did not say how to deal with the flood of life. And now I do not know what to do».

Of course, as the author Sharof Rashidov, the teacher himself, it would have been appropriate to appeal by the speech of characters in a such way. Because our schools do not prepare graduates for the «flood of life» in the past and the present day.

Overall, when speaking about the language of Sharof Rashidov's works, it is not enough to limit on describing only as generally commonly thought-provoking, compact, popular, and juicy. Linguopoetic analysis of the works of Sh. Rashidov, who had to speak in other languages in different meetings, but loved his mother tongue, spoke in Uzbek fluently with everybody, whether they are peasants, or a pastors or workers, is one of the most important challenges facing linguists. Although the memoirs about Sharof Rashidov as a statesman are widely exposed on a number of websites [8], the artistic value, language and style of literary works, lexical-semantic features of his works, phraseologisms and linguistic nature of language tools, the study of their lexical, morphological or syntactic properties are being delayed. In contrast, Sharof Rashidov's contribution to the nation's prosperity and upbringing is increasingly important today, as the way of life, which is a favourite way of the future.


  1. Газиев Р. «Деятели Узбекистана». Часть 1. Ш.Рашидов. — Ташкент, 2012.
  2. Эргашев Ш. «Эрк истар кўнгил». — Ташкент, Ўзбекистон нашриёт-матбаа ижодий уйи, 2017.
  4. Шараф Рашидов: Мгновение жизни.
  5. Шараф Рашидов: от учителя до национального лидера
  6. Рашидов Ш. «Қудратли тўлқин». — Ташкент, Тошкент бадиий адабиёт нашриёти, 1964. 244 ст.
  7. см: Статьи Носира Таирова: «О чём мечтал Шараф Рашидов?», «Шараф Рашидов и Абдулла Арипов. Урок выдающегося поэта», «Шараф Рашидович и Хурсандой Гафуровна: любовь на всю жизнь», «Шараф Рашидов стоял у истоков нашей высокой духовности», «Дом в котором никогда не погаснет свет», «Шараф Рашидов и потомок святого Занги аты Рахматилла Камбаров»
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): Ташкент.

Ключевые слова

native language education, educational methodological complex, systaltic facilities, workbook, task, didactic demands, scientific-methodological demands, aesthetic demands

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