Improving professional competence in pedagogics | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №3 (189) январь 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 23.01.2018

Статья просмотрена: 40 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Отахонова, О. А. Improving professional competence in pedagogics / О. А. Отахонова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 3 (189). — С. 205-206. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.01.2025).

To meet the requirements of the strong competition in the labour market of our rapidly developing society every professional should possess excellent professional competence and gradually increase it. Higher educational institutions play an important role in educating the person, training them to qualify as a specialist and obtaining a decent professional and social status in society. The role of professional competence is very significant for everybody to reach that desired status.

In particular, increasing professional competence in pedagogy is one the most urgent problems of effective and purposeful use of pedagogical and information technologies in professional activities, providing student activities in learning process, improving the quality of education and getting high efficiency. Vocational training determines the level of knowledge and skills necessary to further enhance the moral and professional qualities of a specialist throughout his professional career and the formation of professional competence.

The potential of pedagogical staff is a decisive factor in ensuring that a graduate of an educational institution can enter into personal, social, economic and professional relationships in his life, play a role in society, solve problems with which he or she faces, and, most importantly, in their area of competence. Thus, professional competence is important, as well as personal maturity, in order to unite all the renewal in society. One of the conditions for the effectiveness of professional activity is specialist’s professional competence.

As a criterion for increasing professional competence, perfect formation and development of knowledge, experience and skills in the field of practical training and specialization of the future specialist the followings can be defined:

First, the training of highly qualified teachers in the education system, continuous and qualitative upgrading of their qualifications;

Secondly, it is necessary to create continuous qualitative methodological services based on the professional skills and needs of teachers in educational institutions;

Thirdly, to effectively use all available facilities, including existing training rooms, laboratory equipment, computer equipment, software packages;

Fourth, the introduction of best practices in the organization of a quality educational process, cooperation with higher educational institutions and secondary special and secondary schools;

The most important thing is a direct relation to the professional competence and professionalism of teachers working in the education system.

The most important component of the modern teacher’s professional competence is the application of his knowledge, skills and abilities in practice, that is, the quality management of the learning process. In particular:

‒ to know the stages of the development of education in the world and in the country, to ensure the content of the educational process, its commitment and continuity in the system of public education;

‒ ability to use computer, ICT and pedagogical skills;

‒ knowledge of psychological, physical development and age characteristics of students, the basis of the pedagogical and psychological approach in education;

‒ to be able to choose and apply effective modern pedagogical and information technologies and technologies for the exact stage of the course of the qualitative organization of the learning process;

‒ be prepared to provide information security in the process of education and extracurricular education;

‒ ensure effective use of media resources and e-learning network during the course and compliance with media standards.

Professional competence requires the constant enrichment of special knowledge, learning new information, understanding important social requirements, finding new information, processing and applying it. Professional competence is evident in the following cases:

‒ in complex processes;

‒ when performing undefined duties;

‒ use of incompatible data;

‒ unexpected plan of action

Professional specialists gradually enrich their knowledge; accept new information; deeply understand the demands of the times; find new information; process them and effectively use them in their practical activities.

Today's educator ought to educate our youth in that way that they should constantly enrich their knowledge, be able to quickly absorb new information, timely understand the demands of the new Era, constantly keep on acquiring new knowledge, and, they should have the spirit of honesty and contribute to the development and prosperity in our society.


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  4. Klimov E. A. “Psychology of professional competence” Rostov-na- Donu 1996.
  5. Paul Ramsdens “Learning to teach in higher education” Great Britain: TJ International LTD, 2003.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ICT, LTD.

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