Criteria and stages of development of educational resources for the applied sciences and humanities for children with disabilities | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №39 (173) сентябрь 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 28.09.2017

Статья просмотрена: 20 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Абдуллаева, С. У. Criteria and stages of development of educational resources for the applied sciences and humanities for children with disabilities / С. У. Абдуллаева, Ирина Базарова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 39 (173). — С. 79-80. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.07.2024).

Keywords: education, educational system, multimedia, computer, distance learning, electronic literature

The enforcement of the entitlement to education and training of persons with disabilities is nowadays a vexed problem. Along with the other human rights, the right to education is a fundamental human right. The right to education is an important social and cultural human right, which is enshrined and guaranteed primarily by the Constitution of Uzbekistan and other normative legal acts. The enforcement of the right to education is a prerequisite for the further successful socialization of a person. The quality education can be a guarantee of employment, participation in the political life of society, the enforcement of personal, economic and other rights.

It is necessary to provide children with disabilities with the available quality education so that they will be able to become full-fledged and useful members of society, who can support themselves and perform their civic duties, as well as be socially active. The state guarantees that the education should be available to all children without exception. Therefore, the problem of the fully realization of the educational needs of children with disabilities arises, and it is impossible to solve this issue without some fundamental changes in the structure of education. Nowadays the computer technologies are the part of our life, and our century is not for nothing called the century of information. The use of electronic educational resources in the educative process provides great opportunities and prospects for independent creative and research activities of students, as well as for overcoming of the barriers, which separate them from schools, libraries, teachers, and classmates.

ESM (DH) is a specially formed blocks of various information resources, designed for the usage in the academic (educational) process; it is presented in the electronic (digital) form and operates on the base of means of information and communication technologies (ICT). The E-learning demands a specific organization of the educational process, as well as a specific selection of training tools, training methods and techniques. Being flexible, such training process can easily be adapted in order to fit the capabilities of every child.

Therefore, for example, being at home, students can choose the sequence of study materials to obtain the access to all the necessary training guides. The interactive training provides each student the possibility of communication with the teacher and other students. For students, who have some health problems, it is essential to define the study materials, and E-learning provides this opportunity. The students learn at their own pace, and during the same time, one can complete two courses and the other eleven ones.

The teacher during the e-lessons can be at arbitrarily large distance from the student, and the level of retention of the educational material is recorded in an electronic environment. The grade is given according to the test results, the participation of the student in forums, carrying out of individual or group assignments in electronic form. At first the most part of the students have not any computer competence, but they learn very quickly and are soon in full compliance with the teachers requirements concerning the work in the systems Logs (preparation of verbal texts), Excel (creating of tables, graphs), Powеr Point (creation of slides, flowcharts, presentations).

The ESM as a mean of learning have several advantages in compare to the traditional means of education:

1. Multimedia ─ the simultaneous use of different means of representation of information, such as graphics, text, video, images, animations, sound effects.

2. Interactivity in e-learning resources, which is provided through the multiple selection of elements of the set. For example, typing of texts from the keyboard with the analysis and systematization of errors; the compilation of certain tunes with help of moving objects; the comparison of objects to change their properties or obtain new facilities; the association of object relationships in order to organize a certain system.

These features of the e-learning resources provide the students with disabilities the possibility to work in the most appropriate pace that takes into account their individual peculiarities of perception.

3. Accessibility ─ the e-learning resources are on the Internet, enabling to work with them to any user, at any time and for free. Accessibility and reflected in the content of the ESM of the main themes, where the use of multimedia and interactivity is most methodologically appropriate and enhances the effectiveness of training, is especially important for learning at home, as well as for children with disabilities.

4. Versatility — the quality of the ESM, namely that it is not strictly connected to any specific academic subject. A modern individual must not only have a certain amount of knowledge, but also to be able to learn: to seek and find the necessary information to solve certain problems, to use various information sources to solve these problems, to acquire permanently the additional knowledge.

The words of the famous economist Lester Toro can be a good confirmation of this idea: “Knowledge becomes the only source of sustainable competitive advantage, because everything else falls out of the equation of competition, but only knowledge can be used through the qualification of individuals”. The modern society needs people who can learn independently to work with information, only they can count on success in the information society. Resulting from the variety of real technical systems and devices, as well as the complexity of their operation, the presentation of educational material concerning the exact sciences or humanities through the use of tools of the Informatization within the e-learning should be based on the relationship and interaction of intuitive, imaginative and effective components of thinking of students.

Educational electronic publications and resources should reflect the scientific concepts of the educational field in the form a multilevel hierarchical structure, where every level corresponds to the particular inside the discipline level of abstraction, as well as they should ensure both one-tier and cross-tier logical interrelations of these concepts. Educational electronic publications and resources should provide the learner the possibility of different controlled training actions for the gradually increasing of students’ knowledge level, sufficient for the implementation of algorithmic and heuristic activities.

Submission of educational material for the exact sciences or humanities must match not only logical, but also sensory and perceptual, as well as the attitudinal levels of the cognitive process. During the development of means of the Informatization of education one should take into account the characteristics of such cognitive mental processes as:

‒ perception (mainly visual, but also auditory, tactile);

‒ attention (its stability, concentration, switching, distribution and attention span);

‒ thinking (conceptual, theoretical, imaginative, practical, visual, effective);

‒ memory (immediate, short-term, operational, long-term, the phenomenon of substitution of information in short term memory);

‒ imagination.

The creation and use of means of Informatization of education must develop the imaginative and logical thinking of students. Success in the ESM doctrine is one of the sources of strength and positive motivation of students. The given to children opportunity to feel confident, to strengthen their self-esteem will help in obtaining of the success. Technologically this assistance is carried out in the psychological atmosphere of joy and approval: some words of encouragement and soft tone, correctness of calls, friendly facial expressions in combination create a favorable psychological background. They appreciate every kind word and catch the smiles and encouragement of intonation of the teacher.

The E-learning allows people to get a full schooling in accordance with the State standard of education, regardless of their place of residence and material conditions.


  1. Ratner FL. The integrated learning of children with disabilities in company with the able children. Moscow: Humanities Publishing center Vlados; 2006
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ESM, ICT.

Ключевые слова

multimedia, education, distance learning, computer, educational system, electronic literature

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