Educational technologies in teaching foreign languages | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №13 (147) март 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 31.03.2017

Статья просмотрена: 1212 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Мадалиева, Д. Б. Educational technologies in teaching foreign languages / Д. Б. Мадалиева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 13 (147). — С. 696-698. — URL: (дата обращения: 27.10.2024).

Life in modern society requires developmental students of such important cognitive skills as the ability to develop their own opinion, to comprehend the experience, to build a chain of evidence, to express themselves clearly and confidently.

To increase the effectiveness of the educational process in the conduct of English lessons, I use the following educational technologies, taking into account the age characteristics of children: critical thinking technology, research technology, intensive training, ICT, interactive approach and game technology, project method, model teaching method, Advanced training.

The technology for developing students' critical thinking involves asking students questions and understanding the problem that needs to be addressed. Critical thinking has an individual independent character, each generates its own ideas, formulates its assessments and beliefs independently of the others, finds its own solution to the problem and supports it with reasonable, valid and convincing arguments. Critical thinking has a social character, since every thought is tested and honed when it is shared with others. The pupil's own active life position is especially evident when comparing previous knowledge and concepts with newly obtained ones. There are various forms of work that involve the development of students' critical thinking: essays, essay-reasoning, discussion, dialogue, role play, etc.

A special place is occupied by technology of research, when students go to a high level of cognition, independent activity and development of a new problem vision, mastering of research procedures. The generalized basic model in the framework of the study is the model of learning as a creative search: from the vision and formulation of the problem to the hypothesis advancement, their verification, cognitive reflection on the results and process of cognition. Variants of the research model are game modeling, discussion, interviewing, solving problematic problems, etc.

Using elements of intensive training, but not at the expense of extra hours on the subject, and the selection of methods and techniques, allow students to «immerse» in a foreign environment, where it is possible not only to speak but also to think in English. To develop abilities for intercultural communication, it is important to give students a full range of knowledge about the culture, customs and traditions of the English-speaking country so that students have an objective picture and can consciously choose the style of communication. Modeling situations of the dialogue of cultures in English classes allows students to compare the features of people's way of life in our country and the countries of the studied language, helping them to better understand the culture of our country and developing their ability to represent it in English. This approach is possible only if authentic teaching aids are used.

Information and communication technologies are increasingly used in the organization of the educational process, allow you to consider productively all possible aspects (from linguistic to cultural), improve foreign speech activity. Their use contributes to the improvement of the linguistic and intercultural competencies of students, the formation of a culture of communication in the electronic environment, the enhancement of the information culture in general, and the development of computer skills: the search, processing, transfer, systematization of information and presentation of the results of research activities by students.

An interactive approach is a certain type of activity of students, connected with the study of the educational material in the course of the interactive lesson.

The core of the interactive approach are interactive exercises and tasks that are performed by students. The main difference between interactive exercises and tasks from ordinary ones is that they are directed not only and not so much to consolidate the material already studied, but rather to study a new one.

Games allow a differentiated approach to students, involve every student in the work, taking into account his interests, inclination, level of language training. Exercises of a game character enrich the students with new impressions, activate the vocabulary, perform a developing function, and remove fatigue. They can be diverse in their purpose, content, ways of organizing and conducting. With their help, one can solve one task (improve grammatical, lexical skills, etc.) or a whole complex of tasks: to form speech skills, to develop observation, attention, and creative abilities, etc. Some games are performed by students individually, Others collectively. Each exercise of a game character requires at least 10–12 minutes of training time. Individual and quiet games can be performed at any moment of the lesson, it is advisable to hold collective ones at the end of the lesson, because they have a more pronounced element of competition, they require mobility. The same exercise can be used at different stages of training. At the same time, the linguistic content of the game changes, the way it is organized and conducted.

The use of role-playing games gives ample opportunities for activating the educational process. It is known that role-playing game represents a conditional reproduction by its participants of the real practical activities of people, creates conditions for real communication. The effectiveness of training here is primarily due to an explosion of motivation, an increase in interest in the subject. Role-playing can be used both at the initial stage of training. It always presents a situation that is created both by verbal means and by non-verbal means: graphic, graphic, monologic / dialogical text, etc.

The situation indicates the conditions for the performance of the action, describes the actions to be performed, and the task to be accomplished. In a situation it is necessary to give information about the social relationships of partners. The role description is given in the role card. Students need to be given time to get into the role. Roles are distributed by me, but they can be chosen by the students themselves. It depends on the characteristics of the group and the personal characteristics of the students, as well as on the degree of mastering them by a foreign language.

The method of projects is aimed at developing the child's active independent thinking and teaching him not only to memorize and reproduce knowledge, but also to be able to apply them in practice. It is important that in the work on the project, children learn to cooperate, and training in cooperation fosters mutual assistance, desire and ability to empathize, and forms creative abilities. It should be remembered that in order to solve the problem that underlies the project, students must possess certain intellectual, creative and communicative skills. These include the ability to work with the text, analyze information, make generalizations, conclusions, the ability to work with a variety of reference materials. The creative skills include: «the ability to lead a discussion, listen and hear the interlocutor, defend his point of view, the ability to laconically state the idea. Thus, for the competent use of the project method, significant training is required, which is carried out in a coherent learning system, and it is not necessary that it precede the students' work on the project. Such work should be carried out constantly.

At the first stage, I develop a design work plan and think through a system of communicative exercises that ensure its speech level. Turning to the discussion of problematic issues, students should be fluent in active vocabulary and grammar as part of the academic topic. It is necessary to carefully develop grammatical exercises from the textbook, or suggested by the teacher such as «form the desired grammatical form of the verb», «Name the negative version of this sentence», «Translate the sentence from Russian to English», etc. In the first lesson, I offer students a hidden problem Form, which must be identified, formulated. Prompt questions will help. In doing so, I try to lead the questions to bring the guys to those points of the plan, which they outlined in advance.

The second stage (lessons 2–8) provides the language and speech skills of schoolchildren. In parallel with this, I conduct a phased work on the project. Texts from the textbook serve as a content base for the development of speech and research skills of students. Along with the work on the formation of linguistic and speech skills within the framework of the discussed issues, it is necessary to train them in the strategy and tactics of group communication. Great value in this case has purposeful training in communicative speech stamps. At first, children learn to express their own opinion. In this case, a cliche of the type is used: I think, It seems to me, etc. The training of schoolchildren in the use of these speech cliches begins immediately from the second lesson in different exercises. You can invite students to develop in pairs a small dialogue using the data of communicative phrases. In this type of activity, the children not only memorize new cliches and fix the vocabulary, but also learn a coherent logical presentation of thoughts.

In conclusion, it can be said that the use of new information technologies in the teaching of English helps to improve and optimize the learning process and make the lesson more interesting. I supplement and combine traditional methods of teaching with new methods, use information technologies, apply an individual approach to each student and develop their linguistic abilities, and objectively evaluate the quality of each child's knowledge. Thus, the use of new information technologies in the teaching of English is an integral part of the teaching methodology at present in the context of modernization of education, since, given the use of modern technologies, the learning process becomes more effective and person-oriented.

As for the practical application of technology, it is not necessary to use one technology at all. It is best to integrate several educational technologies, combining their best aspects. Pursuing integration of modern educational technologies in learning a foreign language for the formation of the communicative competence of the student, for several years carefully studying, ground the concepts and adapting innovative ideas of modern Russian and foreign teachers, we can conclude that it is this pedagogical system helps to reveal the subjective experience of the student, the formation of student-significant for him the ways of study, education of moral ideals, the development of critical m Shlenov, adequate assessment and self-assessment, self-improvement of each student and the opportunity to realize their potential.


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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ESP, ELT, IBM, ICT, REPETITOR, ROM, URL.

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