Achievement of goals through the model of Uzbek education | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №5 (139) февраль 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 06.02.2017

Статья просмотрена: 658 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Муратова, М. У. Achievement of goals through the model of Uzbek education / М. У. Муратова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 5 (139). — С. 513-517. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

The state with great future in the first place must concern for its coming citizens who should be cultural, educated and spiritually wealthy.

Islam Karimov

«Education is the matter of life or death, salvation or destruction, good or bad fortune for us» once one of the greatest Uzbek scholars Abdulla Avloni said. Indeed, as our first President Islam Karimov emphasized — «Future begins from now, if a special attention is not paid to the issue of education, we will surely lose our future». On condition, that education and upbringing, which are, based on prosperous purposes it will give us a successful result at the latter stages. However, except if there is even a slight consideration in the matter of education, the power of this neglect can destroy not only one’s life but also the whole country.

The terms «education» and «upbringing» have become an inseparable conception. In accordance with this, for over the years of independence the Republic of Uzbekistan has carried out a great number of fundamental, structural and substantive reforms that have encompassed all levels of education system and its components which were aimed at ensuring compliance with the long-term objectives and interests of the country, modern requirements, as well as international standards. At the initiative of the first President Islam Karimov two important laws — «On Education» and « National programme of professional training «(NPPT)were adopted in 1997 and since then they have been elaborated letting Uzbek teachers become more responsible for upbringing and educating independent, knowledgeable, harmonious young generation.

«How and when to get our children to know about our Uzbek nationality and its traditions? What stage should be considered for young generation to start thinking critically and expressing their ideas independently?» — Islam Karimov highlighted such kind of questions suggesting their explanatory solutions at the session of Oliy Majlis named «Harmoniously developed generation is a reliable base for development of Uzbekistan» on 29 august 1997.

It is an irrefutable fact that having applied above-mentioned programs into practice has resulted in the improvement of the quality of both educating and upbringing strategies.

On the first day of Independence Islam Karimov undoubtedly commenced to reform the Educational system of Uzbekistan, which was far from the world standards. Accordingly with these reformations, quite many prestigious institutions like National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, West Minister Institution, Management Development Institution of Singapore (MDIS), Turin polytechnic university, a branch of Korean Inha University in Tashkent and others have been founded in the last two decades

Along with the foundation of institutions, teachers have been trained with high qualities to meet international standards and to have a particular qualification related to their major. In 74 institutions of higher education, among these, there are more than 20 universities; over 200 thousand students are being educated.

Today 9.5 thousand comprehensive secondary schools are functioning in Republic, more than 5 million children are being taught there.

Here I would like to present some articles from the Law «On Education»

The initial article of the law «On Education»informs us about the legal basis of training, education, professional training of citizens deals with providing the constitutional law of everyone on education, which means every citizen of Uzbekistan has a constitutional right to have free education.

As our first president Islam Karimov said –»Uzbekistan is a state guided by the principles of humanism, a state which insures irrespective of their ethnic origin, religious belief, social status or public conviction»

According to the fourth article, everyone has equal rights to have education independently regardless of the racial, national identity, belief, the relation to religion, the social origin, the occupation, the social standing, the residence, the length of residence in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Not every person is able to be an educator, as we know. Being a teacher means understanding one’s inner feelings through his actions and words. Therefore, the fifth article claims that a person with the corresponding education, professional training and having high moral quality has the right to get an occupation on pedagogical activities.

«Our civic duty is to do all possible for our children and coming generations accept this country, this sacred land more rich, powerful and mighty, for they feel gratitude and thankfulness to us as we feel the same emotions to our great ancestors.» (Islam Karimov)

Today, thanks to the consistent implementation of the provisions of these laws in the country the national model of personal training has been formed which is based on the principle of « person-state and society –continuous education –science — production».

The results of large-scale reforms in education and training, the attention paid to the identifications and comprehensive support of talented youth, are clearly reflected in the successes and achievement of young Uzbeks who are demonstrating a high level of intellectual training and skill at prestigious national and international competitions, contests and sport competitions.

During the period of 2000–2016 years, more than 220 students of secondary schools and secondary specialized educational institutions of Uzbekistan participated in the international Olympiads, where they were awarded with 6 gold, 28 silver and 65 bronze medals and 40 diplomas.

As it was stated by I. Karimov- «Sacred duty, high obligation and immense happiness is to serve the benefit of own people, own Motherland, to make personal contribution to the cause of progress and prosperity of the Native land»

In addition, more than 50 graduates of the academic lyceum under Navoi State pedagogical institute, where I work as an English teacher, have won grant programs which allowed them to study in Germany, France,England, the USA and other countries of the world whom we can now see having a leading role in the various fields of economy and trade devoting themselves working hard for the development of their Homeland.

Moreover, the vital fundamental basis of Uzbek education deeply relies on glorious and prosperous families which aim to lead Uzbek children to sophisticate their intellectual and moral values in the highest level applying to prestigious institutions to prove how our ancestors such as Al-Kharazmi, Abu Ali Ibn Sina, Mirzo Ulugbek, Alisher Navoi and others were powerful in the field of science and their generations have been hopefully following their scholars in every branch of education realizing the purest wishes and hopes. As our first President Islam Karimov said:» Our great ancestors: Imam Al-Bukhariy, At-Termizi, Beruni, Abu Ali Ibn Sina, Amir Temur, Ulugbek, Babur and others have made a great contribution to development of our national culture, became the pride of our people. Their names and remarkable contribution to the human civilization are well-known at present in the world»

Summing up the above, it is essential to emphasize that educational system which was established in Uzbekistan meets the requirements of the time and high standards giving young generation a tremendous opportunity to realize their potential which means that it trains highly qualified and professional staff who can surely make a significant contribution to the development of Uzbekistan.


  1. Law- «On Education» 1997
  2. National programme of professional training (NPPT) 1997
  3. The pages of the new Uzbekistan’s history
  4. The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): NPPT, MDIS, USA.

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