Material-cultural memorials after the independence of Uzbekistan. Historical heritage, touristic routes | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Маткаримова, С. М. Material-cultural memorials after the independence of Uzbekistan. Historical heritage, touristic routes / С. М. Маткаримова, Омонбой Маткурбонов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 4 (138). — С. 618-619. — URL: (дата обращения: 27.03.2025).

Our country is being admired by its great culture and science and ancient monuments. Thanks to the independence, our country is becoming a great touristic center. It should be pointed out that there are more than 4000 ancient monuments and art memorials belong to different periods and civilizations in our area. 140 of them are included in the list of UNESCO. Especially our rich material-cultural heritage and unique monuments in our ancient cities give high level opportunity for international touristic market of Uzbekistan[1, p. 6–7].

From the early years of independence, measures were implemented rapidly to develop tourism sphere in our republic. National company «Uzbektourism» was founded according to the decree of the first president of the Republic of Uzbekistan on July 27, 1992. The law on «Tourism», adopted in 1999 became a main project in implementing the activities in tourism sphere. It should be pointed out that tourism is one of profitable branch of the world economy. It is known that it is very important to establish the tour companies specialized on touristic services and tour products with high quality and attract of foreign tourists. At the moment, 506 touristic companies are operating in our country.

Well-systematized infrastructure plays an important role to enlarge the quality of touristic service. Up-to-date airplanes «Boeing» and «Airbus» of national aviacompany «Uzbekistan Airways» are serving for tourists. State joint-stock company «Uzbekistan Railways» is making its great contribution to the development of tourism. It is worth seeing of all conveniences for tourists on transportation. According to the decree of the first president of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov «intensification of infrastructure, transport and communication development «on December 23, 2010, the construction of 9 complex objects of touristic road infrastructure, eating places, cafés, initial important products, souvenir shops, sanitarian departments, communication centers and parking areas play an important role in doing these issues. This document provides the reconstruction and construction of tourism areas, development of tourism infrastructure such as transport, tourist routes, new routes, the development of tour products and services. So, as a part of the program, 86.76 $ million is going to be spent for the tour infrastructure of the region and 118 projects are being planned to be implemented. Basically, these funds are based on providing to increase the number of tourists and the location of hotels and to improve tourism sphere service and enlarge the amount of export.

During the period of independence, a lot of hotels have been built in our country requiring for the international standards. These hotels exist all conveniences and conditions on service quality enabling them to contest with the foreign country hotels.

Bread, dishes and cuisine of Khorezm are famous. After all, the uniqueness of the region’s ethnography involves the attention of the tourists. Khorezm cuisine and regional culture is quite different from the other regions of the republic [3, p. 119].

Visiting the oasis, the foreign tourists and guests visit various tour areas. Today, in Khorezm is being carried the processes in order to improve the quality of food and their traditional range. [3, p. 119].

Including, considerable reforms are being performed on attracting of foreign tourists and providing them with service. From the early years of our independence, the first president of our country, Islam Karimov paid a great deal of attention to the construction of ancient monuments. Our ancient cities such as Bukhara, Samarkand, Tashkent, Termiz, Shakhrisabz and Khiva have been more beautiful than before [2, p.].

Initial measures on promoting of tourism sphere in an international scale, presentation of the touristic potential have been done. For example, introductive tour actions «Mega-info-tour» are being formed for the representatives of mass media and foreign touristic organizations. Tashkent International tourism Fair «Tourism on Silk Road» is being held since 1995. This fair was included as the leading international conferences on tourism in the world by experts.

National company «Uzbektourism» is actively operating on presenting the touristic potential of Uzbekistan via providing the national tourism operators` participation in international touristic fairs and exhibitions.

It should be pointed out that Uzbekistan’s national tour potential is being successfully represented in the international touristic fairs such as Istanbul (Turkey), Madrid (Spain), Riga (Latvia), Berlin (FRG), Moscow (Russia), Paris (France), Rome (Italy), Tokyo (Japan) and London (Great Britain).

The interest for ecotourism is being risen currently because of rich ecotourism of our country. In particular, many tour programs are being made on mountaineering by our national tour operators and one can enjoy by climbing and riding on the western Tian-Shan mountains, which are located 100–120 km distance from our capital city and (boating along the river). As well as, a daily tour is offered along Kizilqum and Kara-qum deserts on camels.

In conclusion, our country, which attracts everybody with its highly developed culture and science, and ancient monuments, is being turned into a large touristic center. Surely, this is the most important influencing power for the country economy for development.


  1. Ollaberganov. O. «Istiqlol nuridan yashnagan voha» // « « O`zbekiston arxitekturasi va qurilishi. 2008. № 4. — P. 6–7.
  2. Alimov U.
  3. Jumaniyazova М, O. Abdullayev, А. Abdurasulov, B. Abdrimov. Horazmning an`anavit taomlari tarihidan. Т., «Yangi nashr», 2015.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): FRG, UNESCO.

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