The role of managerial culture in Organizations: Enterprise manager culture and its social and economic impacts | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Солиева, М. А. The role of managerial culture in Organizations: Enterprise manager culture and its social and economic impacts / М. А. Солиева, Ж. Ж. Абдуллаев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 7 (111). — С. 986-989. — URL: (дата обращения: 29.03.2025).

After being independent, the country has achieved a lot of achievements. Including economic development, political stability and wellbeing of the population. But the most important thing is we are living in that country which our ancestors dreamed and wanted to build and live. As President of Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov said that: It should be noted that the basis of each country is youngs, new generation. Because Growing up they will be our future or future of their country professional specialists and others. It is true that after some years they will build the future of country. However, it should be noticed that to be qualified specialist man must work very very hard above themselves. If you pay attention to the system of managing big enterprises and companies, using of language, managers’ culture, managers’ psychology and their behavior affect more to the development of their company. Knowing and being master of fundamentals of management give a big advantage to conduct staff and every manager can demonstrate politely their emotions, positive attitude to work, social activity. In addition they can shape the perception of comfortably. Managers form such as national self-consciousness and self-consciousness through the sense of the establishment of hard-working, patriotism. Managers having somewhat grades are able to understand what are the mechanisms of functioning of the market economy, how to achieve the success of the performance, what they want to understand, how to find the right way to manage. Organizational and manager culture are a widely used term but one that seems to give rise to a degree of ambiguity in terms of assessing its effectiveness on change variables in an organization. Accumulating human experience of senior management in the development process shows us that the main thing in conducting is managing ourselves. This experience should serve to increase the effectiveness of management in market conditions. Effectiveness management and its development, primarily associated with the rise of the level of management culture. Because, ways, methods, tools and techniques through critical evaluation, they highlight the best in the world practice guidance. For the past number of decades, most academics and practitioners studying organizations suggest the concept of culture is the climate and practices that organizations develop around their handling of people. For managers with busy schedules, is culture something they should be concerned with? The evidence presented here, from the literature, international studies and the Irish experience, suggests that culture is indeed something that managers should pay attention to. First and foremost, this is because culture affects the performance of organizations. The scientists noted that more than 60 % of managers’ time are spent to their partners, customers, meetings and other business meetings with the owners of the properties. I mean, of course, manager of the enterprise culture conduct to hold above positive future meetings and other necessary performances. Except of being part of the management — culture of man are connected with a number of unique features. Knowing that culture is important in shaping organizational practice and performance in public sector organizations is one thing. But a subsequent issue is the extent to which managers can actually shape or influence culture. Some informations on culture change explored in somewhat ambivalent on this point. On the one hand, examples can be identified where interventions can influence culture. But on the other hand, some scientists warn of the danger of attempting to influence the more superficial aspects of culture such as symbols and ceremonies, while ignoring the more pervasive and deep seated aspects of culture such as values and beliefs. These more deep seated aspects of culture are much more difficult to influence. Culture of the manager is not only necessary, but inevitable, because every organization in every department staff for the effective performance of its high culture to be able to control the level of culture workers, especially managers, the culture of the management process, management techniques, reflecting the working conditions parameters. Elements of Culture are multilateral and they depend on the management of a variety of standards, including ethical, legal, economic, organizational, technical, and aesthetic principles which need for them. Changes in peoples’ ways of thinking and to increase the level of knowledge of their cultural and socio-psychological methods will increase in important side. In such circumstances, the people’s interests of the spiritual sphere have changed. Labor satisfaction is an important factor in the production of a good relationship with the manufacturers' leader of favorable socio-psychological situation. Production teams and employees of financial institutions did not handle the social and psychological aspects to the aspects of research methodology of psychology and manager of the organization of activities based on the general laws of the management of the national economy, the arrangement of suring results. Based on the academic literature for study and the findings from the interviews, those are identified six key issues that managers need to address in order to contribute to creating a more developmental and performance oriented culture in their organization. These issues are as follows:

 Creating a climate for change: In terms of creating a climate for change, culture is only effective if it is applied to the relevant area needing change or is tied to some organizational issue. Several of the organizations studied here used internal or external drivers in order to facilitate the culture shift they wanted to see achieved.

 Leaders as champions: Leadership is clearly important in determining the effectiveness of culture change. The leaders of organizations are ‘champions’ of understanding and managing culture in the organization and of rewarding or punishing subcultures depending on whether they align or not with the corporate culture espoused by the leaders. The influence of leaders in terms of rewarding the sub-culture groups that espouse the dominant beliefs, values and underlying assumptions of the organization cannot be underestimated.

 Employee engagement and empowerment: Employee engagement and empowerment is crucial to ensure that the culture is effectively managed and aligned with the cultural assumptions of the organization as a whole.

 Team orientation: Team working was a common feature in most organizations studied, in terms of crossing existing barriers and as a useful means of promoting and disseminating new cultural traits. In terms of individual and organizational development, teams are seen as a way of investing in talent development.

 Tracking cultural change: Tracking cultural change is important in terms of assessing whether the culture has become misaligned in terms of sub-group cultures’ practices, or whether there are issues or challenges to be addressed which could undermine the cultural ethos and underlying assumptions of the organization.

Unit labor part of the team's goals, combined with a relationship of mutual benefit cooperation friendly the disposal of the community resources to improve the welfare of all members of society, and multilateral development interests together to find ways to undertake their duties in their power to make conscious efforts to redirect staff. Team personnel directly engaged in the production process. Production team is busy with the financial resources to bring people together. Production teams to develop a comprehensive plan make changes in the social structure of the community of progressive improvement of working conditions, education and training of employees, their socio-cultural and housing to improve the living conditions of their high level of service, the manager responsible for the protection of workers' rights. Supervisor of Culture is also a part of human culture, where the level of personnel management culture, the culture of working conditions, document and reflect the culture of doing business. So that the manager of the enterprises and organizations in that area, irrespective of the network must have the following properties:

Every manager of the organization and its function is to complete the process with the other members of the team. And it would be subject to the rules of business ethics among the people. Each team favorably must respect the environment and should not be available disrespect culture, contrary to proceed brazen brutality. Thus the government did not comply with the norms of the system to assess the activities wrong promise and not the other properties. Case studies and science, creative approach to work, entrepreneurship, responsibility, initiative, bureaucracy, law-breakers, intolerance, conscience, humility and simplicity represent the culture of management personnel. The importance of understanding, harnessing, managing and maintaining an appropriate culture in public sector organizations cannot be underestimated in terms of its impact on the modernization agenda. Developing appropriate measures to address culture issues in organizations in terms of increasing organizational capability and performance were addressed in earlier chapters of this study. While the implications of such approaches are wide-ranging, fundamentally, it is implementing effective culture management policies in a manageable way for organizations that falls within the remit of leadership in these organizations. Leadership plays an important role in effectively managing and developing culture in organizations. Leadership must be committed to managing culture in terms of developing and sustaining organizational performance, while managers throughout the organization are responsible for its effective development throughout the organization. It has been shown in the organizations examined for this study that ensuring employee commitment through culture awareness programs and team oriented projects and initiatives (e.g. demonstrations, partnership, team-based projects) creates a climate for change and further endorses the relevant culture advocated by managers. Training in terms of culture awareness is viewed differently in the various organizations examined. Culture is an aspect of general management training in some organizations. In other organizations, it is deemed appropriate to learn from leaders and managers about the prevalent cultural norms and assumptions. But, it is important to track cultural change (through culture mapping exercises or culture awareness programs) in terms of assessing whether the culture has become misaligned in terms of sub-group cultures’ practices, or whether there are issues or challenges to be addressed which could undermine the cultural ethos and underlying assumptions of the organization. There is much that remains to be done to address the evident gap between the impact of cultural issues and the approaches adopted by managers, which are quite rudimentary in many public sector organizations. The organizations cited for this study provide useful examples of how organizations can effectively manage organizational culture as an integral part of both corporate strategies and organizational change measures to enhance performance and innovation. This study contributes to the awareness and understanding of culture management in public sector organizations. But, the challenge is to develop this understanding into practical measures in public sector organizations to further bolster modernization and deliver the ‘performance culture where indicators inform policy choices, budgetary allocations and the day to day management of operations’. The management culture of the main ways of ensuring a thorough knowledge of the general cultural level and regular training to understand and analyze the results of its activities, the development of positive personal qualities. In any case, Manager regardless of in which level manager is, its main duty: must not forget to educate his or her staff in its case. This is only because of manager of any enterprises is not only simple job but he or she is also trainer, also a sociologist, also psychologist. To simply say manager is the person who can configurate relationship between the people. So our society needs the most professional managers who can build powerful, strong and beneficial organizations.


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