Using Total Physical Response in Teaching English | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №16 (254) апрель 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 22.04.2019

Статья просмотрена: 332 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Тухтаева, К. А. Using Total Physical Response in Teaching English / К. А. Тухтаева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 16 (254). — С. 290-291. — URL: (дата обращения: 03.06.2024).

The article is about using total physical response in teaching English. In this article it is spoken about the advantages of using total physical response. TPR activities arouses the interest and give students the opportunity to express themselves in an activity that is fascinating to them, contributes to a more rapid and lasting memorization of foreign words and sentences.

Keywords: fun, students, bring, improves mood, the memorability of words, kinesthetic, physical activity, groups, preparation, materials.

Статья посвящена использованию полного физического ответа в преподавании английского языка. В этой статье говорится о преимуществах использования общего физического ответа. Деятельность TPR вызывает интерес и дает студентам возможность выразить себя в увлекательной для них деятельности, способствует более быстрому и длительному запоминанию иностранных слов и предложений.

Ключевые слова: веселье, студенты, воспитание, улучшение настроения, запоминаемость слов, кинестетика, физическая активность, группы, подготовка, материалы.

Student engagement in learning is the product of

motivation and active learning.

Elizabeth F. Barkley

Among the methods, perhaps one of the most interesting is TPR (Total Physical Response) was developed by the American psychologist James Asher in the 1970s. The method is based on the coordination of speech and action: each phrase of the teacher is accompanied by movements that are repeated by the students, thus they assimilate the meaning of the foreign language utterance. The main goal of this method is to teach oral speech. Representatives of this method consider speaking skills to be prevalent, as they believe that having mastered speaking, students will easily master other communication skills, being not trained by them. The material for learning a foreign language are the topics of everyday use that are necessary for practical application. Workspace organization:

Cabinet design: The foreign language classroom should cease to be a regular school room — during classes it becomes part of the foreign language world and students need to feel it. Since learning is not provided for in the mother tongue, students will need to be supported in a foreign language. For example, it is recommended to place all sorts of charts and tables with grammar rules, lists with the necessary lexical minimum, including the phrases of active use within the lessons (Classroom language). It is advisable to attach tags with English names on all items.

Arrangement of desks: The traditional arrangement of desks in rows is inconvenient not only for the teacher, but also for the students. Pupils find it difficult to establish contact with each other, especially during discussions — they do not see the faces of their interlocutors, and, as a rule, the desire to maintain a conversation in such a situation disappears, thus the learning process suffers. The optimal arrangement in such a situation would be the letter “P”. Thus, students will be involved in the learning process, and it will be easier for the teacher to control the students' activities in the classroom. Organization of the educational process:

Forms of educational work of students: Analysis of the textbooks showed that the majority of the proposed exercises on the formation of speaking skills involves working in pairs. At the same time, in traditional lessons, couples, as a rule, are formed in advance, in accordance with the students' seating at their desks. With such an organization of paired work, the teacher is deprived of the opportunity to control the learning process to the proper extent, which means that students can take a break from the task of discussing extraneous issues or ignore the rule “giving up native speech” and easily complete the tasks using their native language. An alternative to the traditional double work can serve as a TPR reception “Hat”. Inventory: hat (options: toy, pen, any object, hand (touch). Can be used at any stage of the lesson for lexical workouts, working out grammatical phenomena, dialogical utterances purpose; Teacher's actions; Student actions; Author's comment.

Formation and improvement of dialogic speech skills: He puts on his hat. Initiates a dialogue: asks a question. Chooses the interlocutor, passing him the hat.

The one who received the hat answers the question. Then he asks his question, chooses the interlocutor, handing him a hat. The teacher controls the communication process; all students are involved in the assignment; change of speech partner contributes to the development of spontaneous speech.

The method of total physical response can be used to form groups of different numbers.

Reception Mingle Game: Students get up and move erratically around the class, repeating “Mingle, mingle, mingle”. The verb “mingle” can be replaced by any verb of movement in accordance with the objectives (swim, dance, hop); in this case, the students mimic the movement data. At the signal of the teacher (“Freeze”), students ask the teacher a question, the answer to which contains a number, for example, How old are you? What time is it? Next, students form groups, the number of which corresponds to the number in the teacher's response (for example, form a circle, holding hands). At the same time, in the form of a game, students are divided into groups in accordance with the goal set by the teacher, with division there is an element of spontaneity.

The use of motivating learning techniques: A fascinating and very effective way of learning oral speech can be holding lessons by the students themselves (speech exercises, checking the assimilation of lexical units). In the course of his teaching practice, the author noted that the knowledge gained is better acquired in the process of teaching than in the process of learning. This type of activity will help to create a communicative situation that promotes the development of speaking skills, and also gives you the opportunity to try yourself in a new social and professional role. Children best remember what is fun and interesting. Therefore, games and changing roles from student to teacher contribute to involuntary memorizing new words and phrases and their further use in speech.

Refusal of reliance on the native language: The educational process in the framework of TPR involves the rejection of the use of the native language due to the transfer of his speech using facial expressions and gestures and the establishment of a certain mode within the lesson. To ensure students understand the teacher’s speech in a limited environment.


  1. Asher J. Language by command. The Total Physical Response approach to learning language // The way of learning — 1984
  2. Алесина, Е. В. Учебные игры на уроках английского языка / Е. В. Алесина // Иностранные языки в школе. — 1987.
  3. Бочарова, Л. Н. Игры на уроках английского языка на начальной и средней ступенях обучения / Л. Н. Бочарова // Иностранные языки в школе. — 1996.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): TPR, английский язык.

Ключевые слова

подготовка, воспитание, студенты, физическая активность, материалы, веселье, улучшение настроения, запоминаемость слов, кинестетика, группы

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