The use of e-learning technology in teaching foreign languages | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №15 (410) апрель 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 17.04.2022

Статья просмотрена: 35 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Казиз, Б. Т. The use of e-learning technology in teaching foreign languages / Б. Т. Казиз, Зура Мажит. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 15 (410). — С. 191-193. — URL: (дата обращения: 01.06.2024).

The relevance of the study is due to the gradual process digitalization of education in Kazakhstan and abroad. In this study leading trends and models of e-learning are presented. It is concluded about the prospects for the implementation of the network learning model in Kazakhstan education.

Key words: e-learning, foreign languages,distance learning

E-learning is one of the key factors in teaching foreign languages (FL). Implementation of e-learning has fundamentally changed some strategies and concepts of teaching a foreign language, which allowed the learning community (teacher -students) to work more productively and dynamically [1].

In the educational process, it is possible to use both simple information sources (sound, image, text, video, models), as well as complex, containing simple information hyperlinked sources (e.g. multimedia encyclopedias).

Thanks to electronic educational resources, students have access to numerous sources of information provided in various formats, including document files (scanned or translated into PDF, HTML, etc.; cards; digital photographs; animated videos), web pages, e-books and entire courses.

E-Learning technology fully meets the needs modern learners. The concept of learning when the teacher is the central figure in the lesson and dominates the passive learners is outdated. Foreign language teaching is one of those areas where information and communication technologies organically fit into the educational process. Internet, YouTube, Skype, Twitter, blogs and podcasting — here are the most successful online tools that have changed methods and ways teaching FL. Organization of video conferences and seminars in a foreign language makes the lesson more interesting and motivates students to the study of FL [2].

A diverse set of technical teaching aids is used teachers to create a creative atmosphere in the classroom. These tools make learning more interesting, interactive, meaningful and stimulating, as they are capable of reforming traditional forms of education. The promotion of E-Learning technology expands the possibilities of the learning process of a foreign language, as it goes beyond traditional way of learning.

«Digitalization» of the educational process is the leading trend in modern education. This phenomenon mainly affected the school and higher education.

Undoubtedly, depending on the region, country (developed or developing), continents (Australia or Europe) are different features and pace of digitalization. However, erasing all boundaries is the fact that almost the entire world community is involved in this a process that runs like a red thread through various spheres of society, in particular in the social and economic sector, and represents «fait accompli». In this regard, the task of education, in particular higher education, not adapt to the realities of modern «information», «digital» of the world, but to adapt as effectively as possible, to profitably use emerging opportunities and perspectives [3].

The development of digital technologies has radically changed the «teacher-student» paradigm, in which the teacher plays the role of a mentor, source of valuable knowledge, while the student is the central link, active participant in the educational process. Today, thanks to global networks electronic resources, students can quickly find any, including including rare material without outside help, which somewhat detracts from the role teachers. Be that as it may, to find the right source or literature — only half the battle, much more difficult to know how, where and how apply this knowledge in real life, and understanding it can help it is the teacher, who now acts as a partner for the student, together with which they set and comprehend educational tasks [4].

The relevance of our study is due to the fact that due to a number of benefits, demand for distance education among students increases, in particular in the field of foreign languages. For example, it allows the student in a place and time convenient for him to receive the knowledge he is interested in from the teachers of the leading universities of the world, not only in their native language, but also in a foreign language, to communicate and interact with youth of different cultures and nationalities. Demand creates supply and teachers are actively involved in projects to create online courses, which also opens up new opportunities, for example, to expand the audience of listeners; appears free time for creativity, because the teacher no longer needs adapt to the schedule of his students, he can only track and analyze the performance of independent tasks, through correspondence, chats to support feedback.

Since this is a fairly young and innovative field in education, specialists and analysts do not yet have enough data to trace the dynamics of its development, so forecasting prevails here. Some fear that distance education is not far off will replace the traditional «eye to eye», others care about the quality itself the proposed product. At the same time, there are positively minded experts, who believe that nothing can replace live communication and interaction a student with a teacher and an audience, predict a harmonious tandem traditional and electronic education in the format of «mixed education». The key issue is also the restructuring learning activities of the students themselves [5].

Today, learning system developers and learning network designers should be able to plan activities in such a way that students can not only get acquainted with the content, but also act as active subjects of the educational process. The role of the teacher is changing: now he creates and organizes a socio-technical environment in which students can perform as creators of digital content. There are various types educational interaction and the one that provides the creative productive activity of the student from the very beginning should be chosen as the leader the initial stage of mastering the educational material.

So, in the course of the study, we were able to analyze the models and e-learning trends, special attention was paid to consideration of distance and network education. Also, we were considered electronic educational technologies in teaching foreign languages. The main conclusions drawn on the basis of the obtained results:

  1. Changing the role of the student. Introduction of digital technologies into the educational process led to the transformation of the role of the student from a passive recipient of information to an active participant, setting the pace and development of the educational process, the partner of the teacher.
  2. The educational process becomes focused on the student, his individual characteristics, preferences, mode of study and work. Distance forms of education help students learn on individual trajectories, in a time mode convenient for them, which is very important in today's society [6].

Thus, e-learning allows teachers to expand the educational and methodological tools, and the students themselves can increase their motivation, monitor progress and provide transparency of assessment through implementation of learning management systems.

The use of computer teaching aids in pedagogical process, among other things, helps to increase the authority of the teacher in the eyes of students, because teaching is carried out at the modern level, in the form close and understandable to students. In addition, the self-esteem of the teacher is growing, developing their professional competencies, which is an important factor that determines the successful implementation and interaction of all participants in the educational process. students, in turn, thanks to computer technology and the specifics of tasks, teamwork, they are able to unleash your creativity, actively interact both inside groups and the outside world.

Meaningful and appropriate use of e-learning can improve quality of education, convey the necessary knowledge to students, motivate independent creative activity and consolidate the passed material. The use of e-learning in the educational process is not the goal teacher, but a means to increase the amount of knowledge and improving their quality, developing the skills and abilities necessary in the modern world.


  1. Захарова И. Г. Информационные технологии в образовании: учеб. пособие для студ. учеб. заведений / И. Г. Захарова. — М.: Академия, 2005. — 192 с.
  2. Нурмухамедов Г. М. Электронные учебные курсы: потребности образования, проектирование, разработка, проблемы и перспективы / Г. М. Нурмухамедов // Информатика и образование. — 2012. — № 1. — С. 33–39.
  3. Терещенко В. И. Информационно-насыщеннная среда как условие развития образовательного учреждения и профессионального роста учителя [Электронный ресурс]. — Режим доступа: /Vio_95/cd_site/articles/ arthtm — Дата доступа: 27. 04. 2018.
  4. Слабышева А. В., Шаламова Н. А. Практика использования компьютерных средств обучения при обучении студентов факультета «туризм» немецкому языку/А. В. Слабышева, Н. А. Шаламова// Вестник высшей школы Alma mater. 2015. № 5. С. 73–75.
  5. Purnima Blended Learning Models // Published: August 2002. P. 1. URL: http://www.learningcircuits. org/2002/aug2002/valiathan.html.
  6. Dudney, Hockly N. How to…Teach English with Technology // Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2JE England and Associated Companies throughout the world. 2007. P. 15.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): HTML, PDF, URL.

Ключевые слова

foreign languages, distance learning, e-learning

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