Approaches and techniques for creating textbooks for use in native language lessons | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №15 (357) апрель 2021 г.

Дата публикации: 09.04.2021

Статья просмотрена: 9 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Эрназарова, М. С. Approaches and techniques for creating textbooks for use in native language lessons / М. С. Эрназарова, Мукаддас Джураева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2021. — № 15 (357). — С. 346-348. — URL: (дата обращения: 01.06.2024).

The following article investigates the best methods of the creation of textbooks which are used in mother tongue lessons. Furthermore it analyzes the requirements of these textbooks.

Key words: education system, didactic materials, interactive curricula, mother tongue, text creation.

В данной статье исследуются лучшие методы создания учебников, которые используются на уроках родного языка. Кроме того, авторы анализируют требования к этим учебникам.

Ключевые слова: система образования, дидактические материалы, интерактивные учебные программы, родной язык, создание текста.

Teaching language is a challenge. The challenges begin with the first lessons in the initial teacher education and grow up with the contextual and situational settings which provoke any creative person. Language instruction has three main goals: 1) to help children become more effective language users; 2) to influence children to speak in socially preferred ways; and 3) to provide children with knowledge and terminology so that they may understand and discuss how language works. Therefore, scholars often raise questions about the content of the language development curriculum.

The role of the education system today is growing to make young people patriotic, with a lot of skills and competencies. If a person is educated well, he will achieve his or her place in society in the future. It is carried out in the field of education in our country. It is a fact that secondary schools have become a decisive force in the reformations.

Primary education is the foundation of education.

It is the task of every teacher to feel the huge responsibility of applying creativity, research, progress and innovation, effective didactic materials. The process involves skillful application.

Public education based on the competency-based approach is intended to bring younger generation into line with global educational standards. Native language education is important in improving student literacy factors. Effective use of information technology in mother tongue teaching serves to significantly increase the effectiveness of education. So it is also common to increase the effectiveness of mother tongue education at both stages of secondary education in teaching mother tongue learning manuals, e-textbooks, short interactive curricula, audio manuals, multimedia lessons and traditional textbooks also play an important roles.

In elementary school, native language lessons include word formation, sentence construction, and text creation.

Perfectly created textbooks are designed to help students think clearly and quickly. It helps to boost one's own opportunity for independent development of speaking skills. Mother tongue textbooks and texts are sources to ensure:

— vocabulary enrichment

— speech development

— literary and aesthetic thinking

— formation of a culture of speech

— effectiveness of speech

These functions are observed and analyzed in exercise texts. Textbooks include lexical and grammatical exercises. As long as the idea is realized through language, everyone must know their mother language and its use. Knowing the mother language is not only mastering grammatical rules and definitions, but it refers to ability to make practical use of the rich potential of language, to express correctly, clearly and competently orally and in writing.

In the texts the meaning, pronunciation and spelling should be taken into account. The main purpose of working on the texts is the need to get students to use it in speech when it is felt, to make others understand their speech.

Every word used in the native language textbook in the educational process:

  1. Lessons
  2. Excursions
  3. Conversations
  4. Various events

Texts applied in mother tongue classes should contain:

— Introduction of unfamiliar words and phrases to students. Here teachers are required to explain the new words with synonyms and antonyms. This will make the students more sensitive to the mother language.

— Introduction of new meanings of words. Students understand one meaning of a polysemantic word. They may not know connotative meanings of the words.

— Work on the meaning of words that are rarely used in students' language. Some words in literary language are rarely used in students' speech. Reader of texts of the courses of mother tongue does not understand the meaning of the word well enough. Text should be figurative art that affects a child's emotions, expressions. After reading the texts pupils will be able to used a lot, and the student works on them purposefully. The content of the texts makes their speech attractive, brings their speech closer to literary language.

— Introduction to the meaning of grammatical terms.

The content of the text gives opportunity to deal with the changes in the number of pupils in the class per day. Textbooks deal with the differences among pupils in acquired knowledge per goal. One can know differences among teachers by observing different kind of texts used in classrooms. Texts and their numbers in the overall textbooks influence the realization of the curriculum. Teachers can notice differences among pupils in their success in writing homework via usage of texts.

The content of the textbook gives opportunity to deal with the current interest of pupils not connected with curriculum. Teachers are given opportunity to deal with current level of motivation of pupils. There is enough space for being creative in realization of the curriculum by practicing situational teaching and creating useful and appropriate texts.

The texts of the textbooks should have the following:

— The content of the textbook gives opportunity to adequately respond to the learning and teaching of talented and gifted pupils in the classroom. After working with texts teacher will have a potential to differentiate the seacial interests of his or her pupils.

— The content of the textbook gives opportunity to adequately respond to the learning and teaching of pupils with special educational needs in the classroom. Teacher can use different kind of sources to create texts according to the levels of pupils.

— The content of the textbook gives opportunity to every pupil to learn alone. Pupils can read the texts at home on their own.

— The content of the textbooks is «sensitive» about the differences among the classrooms in the country.

— The content of the textbooks is «sensitive» about the differences among the location of schools (city, village).

— The content of the textbooks is «sensitive» about the differences in a sense of development of the local community. It is important to include texts about the national heritage and historical buildings and the history of the country to improve patriotism of the students.

— The content of the textbooks is adapted to the differences among schools and classrooms in teaching media. Texts can be appropriate to the technological devices of the classes as well.

— The content of the textbooks is adapted to the differences among teachers in their life-long learning engagement. If teacher is interested in psychology or philosophy he or she can bring more these topics.

— The content of the textbooks is adapted to the differences among teachers in their teaching experience.


  1. Boshlang‘ich sinf ona tili darslarida axborot texnologiyalardan foydalanish — davr talab. Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации» Yuldasheva Ziyoda Boymurodovna
  2. X. G‘ULOMOVA, T. G‘AFFOROVA ONA TILI DARSLARI 1-SINF O‘qituvchilar uchun metodik qo‘llanma
  3. Law for textbooks for primary and secondary education, Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia, (In original: Закон за учебници за основно и средно образование) retrieved from
  4. A concept for writing textbook and a methodology for evaluation of a textbook, Bureau for Educational Development, 2010 (In original: Концепција за изработка на учебник и методологија за вреднување на учебник, Биро за развој на образованието), 2010, retrieved from
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): DARSLARI, ONA, TILI, родной язык.

Ключевые слова

Education System, mother tongue, didactic materials, interactive curricula, text creation

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