The question of the relocation of the Burgundians to Savoy | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: История

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №20 (310) май 2020 г.

Дата публикации: 19.05.2020

Статья просмотрена: 18 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Гапонова, Е. Е. The question of the relocation of the Burgundians to Savoy / Е. Е. Гапонова, Д. С. Руднев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2020. — № 20 (310). — С. 361-362. — URL: (дата обращения: 01.06.2024).

Relocation to Savoy is an important stage in the life of the Burgundians. From that time on, cardinal changes in political, economic, social and spiritual respects began to occur. However, until now, the debates of scientists on this issue have not subsided, since the weighty reasons that pushed the Roman authorities to this step, given the recent differences, remain a mystery to contemporaries.

Keywords: history,Burgundians, relocation to Savoy, Aetius.

In 436 almost all Burgundian tribes, together with King Gundakhar, were destroyed by Aetius” (Prosp. Aquit. Chron. 118). Until 443, the Burgundians literally “paid out of life,” and even Salvian, who wrote about people living in Gaul during this period, never mentions them in his writings. It is not known that after such a crushing defeat, the peoples of Burgundy did not represent any military interest for the Romans, but they were all for unknown reasons. Sabaudia is transmitted by the remnants of the burgundy for sharing with the indigenous people (ibid., 128).

There is no reliable data explaining such a move of the Roman government. The Burgundians retained some leverage over the Empire, which could be redefined in the land of Savoy. This led to significant losses of the empire during the period when the population will fight, and until it is suppressed. However, if the settlement procedure has all the necessary expenses, this means that hospitalization and landowners were in this settlement [7]. All of them have no information about any uprisings in this territory, although, as a rule, landowners often cannot part with their hospitals, when in hospitals “barbarians in many cases settled in their homes” (Lex Burg. LIV, 2). It is worth noting that there is not a single source that would report a clash of these tribes with the Romans on this issue: the landowners voluntarily transferred part of their possessions to the Burgundians. If hospitalization were contrary to their interests, then they should have imposed these conditions on them in 443 [2].

The title LIV of Burgundy truth reads: “Licet eodem tempore, quo populus noster mancipiorum tertiam et duos terrarum partes accept...” (ibid., LIV, 1). This means that the Burgundians moving to Savoy take possession of two-thirds of the arable land, one-third of the slaves and half of the meadows and forests from the property of their “owners”. According to N. P. Grazian the settlement of Burgundian peasants took place on the lands of large provincial landowners (i.e. senators, decurions), and not on the lands of small and medium possessors, for which this would be an overwhelming burden [5].This opinion is logical enough to remember that it is completely unprofitable for the newcomer barbarian. In addition, movement in this direction could not lead to small participation, so, as a result, this led to the impoverishment of the Burgundian hospitals. Of course, all the wealthy Roman owners throughout the Empire had a large amount of property. However, the loss of such parts should be obvious, as it should be a good reason forcing the most influential members of the Roman right class to agree to hospitalization and support Aetius in carrying out this reform [7].

The version was confirmed that the main goal of the military operations in the Burgundy federal districts was to protect the northern border from the Alemans [4], as well as to protect the territories of Italy and the cities of Vienne and Al. However, this version is not entirely true: for the Roman Empire at this moment it would be enough for the settlement of Burgundy to be a border fortification between Basel and Lake Constance, either along the lines or in Alsace. Be that as it may, at this time the Alemans threatened the area located on the territory of modern Switzerland. There are questions about the relocation of the Burgundians not to these territories.

Thus, it can be noted that the choice was made because of the impossibility of protection from the raids of the Alamans. Wars, divorces in Savoy, would never have been able to restrain expansion or successfully protect the Rhone Valley and Italy from barbaric raids [7]. This is beneficial if they were in a closer location, gentle Savoy.

In accordance with other opinions, only in 443 did an unforeseen circumstance arise, and the government made an immediate decision. At the time of 439, it was to be renewed in 418 with the Visigoth king in Toulouse. In all cases the great wars against the Burgundians, beiguds, vezegots were successfully completed (Chron. Min. I. 660. s. A. 439). Despite these facts, Salvian writes about the unstable situation in the territory of Savoy, due to the growing likelihood of a socio-economic situation, perhaps in anticipation of their further invasion. The likelihood that all circumstances were revised in Savoy occurred precisely at a time when the situation in the western foothills was a cause for concern. In 435, almost all slaves participated in the movement of baggage when the first rebellion broke out under the leadership of Tibatto (ibid., P. 436).

There are no direct sources reporting this. It is worth noting that in the years 284–285 this region was affected by the revolt of the Gallic peasants. All of them have data that were returned from Gaul in 408, and they encountered refugee troops. This event shows the powerful and inspiring actions of these people. Everything that was in their organization may have continued to exist. All local residents in the year 408, in the year 443, were completely satisfied with their position or finally reconciled with it: for 35 years, the Western Empire fell into a state of even greater decline and living conditions were present there (ibid. II. 24 sa. 443).

Thus, taking this argument into account, it can be concluded that the Burgundians should be reviewed in Savoy, and not in order to protect themselves from attacks by the Alemans, but also in order to protect the Ron Valley, Savoy itself and the Alpine courts from attacks, uprisings of peasants and shepherds of the Alpine region. Note that there is no confirmed information telling about the reasons for the resettlement of the Burgundians in Savoy: each version has its own shortcomings and inconsistencies, and you can only guess about the true reasons for the revision.


  1. Drew K. F. The Burgundian Code. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1972.
  2. Stein E. Geschichte des spatromischen Reiches. I. — Wien: L. W. Seidel, 1928.
  3. Агафий Миринейский. О царствовании Юстиниана / Пер., ст. и примеч. М. В. Левченко. — Л.: АН, 1953.
  4. Корсунский A. P. и др. Упадок и гибель Западной Римской Империи и возникновение германских королевств (до середины VI в.) — M.: МГУ, 1984.
  5. Неусыхин А. И. Возникновение зависимого крестьянства как класса раннефеодального общества в Западной Европе 6–8 вв. — М.: Академия наук, 1956.
  6. Проспер Актавианский. Галльская хроника 452 года. [Электронный ресурс] — URL: (дата обращения 16.04.2020).
  7. Томпсон Э. А. Римляне и варвары. Падение Западной империи. — СПб.: Ювента, 2003.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): LIV, URL.

Ключевые слова

history, Burgundians, relocation to Savoy, Aetius

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