The influence of literature on language evolution: the works of J. K. Rowling and Alexey Ivanov and their influence on the Russian and English languages | Статья в журнале «Юный ученый»

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Исчерпывающий список литературы Самые интересные примеры Высокая теоретическая значимость

Рубрика: Иностранные языки

Опубликовано в Юный учёный №2 (87) февраль 2025 г.

Дата публикации: 20.01.2025

Статья просмотрена: 10 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Гахаева, И. Б. The influence of literature on language evolution: the works of J. K. Rowling and Alexey Ivanov and their influence on the Russian and English languages / И. Б. Гахаева, С. Д. Королева. — Текст : непосредственный // Юный ученый. — 2025. — № 2 (87). — С. 7-10. — URL: (дата обращения: 01.03.2025).

To stop reading books means to stop thinking.

Fyodor Dostoevsky (1876)

Literature plays a crucial role in the formation and development of language. It not only reflects existing vocabulary and grammatical constructions but also actively modifies them by introducing new words, phrases and styles. Literature enriches the cultural heritage of any country. Moreover, it forms a language picture of the world whore impact goes out of pages of literature works. This influence can be considered from different points of view — lexical, semantic, cultural and philosophical. In this essay we will look at the influence of Joan Rowling and her Harry Potter series of books on the English language and the influence of Alexei Ivanov on the Russian language. Both authors have made significant contributions to their languages by creating new words and expressions changing grammatical constructions and writing styles. Furthermore, their cognitive meaning has its reflection in the countries lives and the world as well.

Joan Rowling and her Harry Porter Chapters

The Harry Potter series of books published by Joan Rowling between 1997 and 2007 created a sensation in the world of literature and had a significant impact on the English language. Rowling's «Harry Potter’s» text is extraordinarily deep and rich in semantic riddles which expands the boundaries of the text and introduces it into the space of culture. The huge mythological and literary layer on which the magical world of Harry Potter is based ensures the connection of modern children's books with the traditions of world culture and literature. [2] (Pic.1)


Fig. 1. Commemorative plaque at Nicolson's Cafe on Nicholson Street in Edinburgh

One of the most notable aspects of this influence was the introduction of many neologisms and loanwords. For example, words such as «muggle» — referring to someone without magical powers — became a part of everyday language. This word has not only entered into colloquial usage but has also been recognised in dictionaries. The author has also coined many new words through the crossbreeding of others which are now widely used in speech. For example, «animagus» (a combination of the words «animal» and «mage»), «merpeople» (a combination of the words «maiden» and «people»). Rowling reused rare or obscure words and changed the way existing words were used. For example, she created the words «Potterdom» (fan movement for the Harry Potter books), «Potterfic» (Harry Potter literature), and «Potterhead» (Harry Potter fan). In addition, in the texts of the novels spellings with Latin roots are used. This phenomenon helps to delve deeper into the language and make it easier to memorise words. Other terms such as «Quidditch», «Hogwarts» and «Dumbledore» have also become iconic to fans of the series and have brought elements of the magical world into real life. These words didn't just enrich the English vocabulary, they also helped to create a unique fan culture that continues to exist and evolve nowadays.

The writing styles in Harry Potter have also undergone changes as the series has developed. The first books are aimed at children and teenagers but with each new instalment Rolling introduces more complex themes such as friendship, betrayal and sacrifice. This change in the style has led many young readers to embrace literature as a vehicle for discussing deeper issues. For example, statements of Albus Dumbledoremay have a general meaning for people as they contain wise quotes about life that help in difficult times and in moments of difficult choice. In the first book «Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone» the Head of Hogwarts school said: «It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends», «It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be». — «Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire», «Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light». — «Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban», «We must try not to sink beneath our anguish... but battle on». — «Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince». These quotations are sources of inspiration spells for all people all over the world. They are gems of wisdom that are pure magic. [1] (App.2)

Everybody can see that Rowling also uses elements of humour and satire to make the text more appealing to a wider audience. This combination of simplicity and depth made her books unique and contributed to their popularity.

The Works of Alexey Ivanov

Studying the influence of literature on the language we can also give the example of Alexei Ivanov’s works. Alexey Ivanov is one of the most significant contemporary Russian writers whose works have influenced the development of the Russian language. This writer is especially up-to-date not only in his style, plot and idea but also but in his concept of creativity and personality which he implements in the books. [3] (Pic.2)


Fig. 2.Alexey Ivanov at the meeting with readers from Ekaterinburg, 2016

His work enriches the language with new words and phrases that have become a part of colloquial speech. For example, his novel «The Geographer Drank The Globe» introduced the term «geographer» which became a symbol of a person seeking to understand the world around him. The lexical experiments in this novel can be seen in the form of the territorial dialectisms like «basco», «basche», meaning «good», «beautiful». [4] Alexey Ivanov also actively uses dialects and archaisms which allows him to create a unique style of his works. It enriches the Russian language with new shades of meaning and helps to preserve cultural heritage. Ivanov's «signature» artistic techniques include playing with the word which was first identified in his early novel «Ships and the Galaxy» and preserved in his later work. Lexical games are noticed in novels with a historical background — «The Gold of Rebellion» and «The Heart of Parma» are abundant with words from Mansi and Komi-Permian mythology and are saturated with exotic toponymy. [5]

Grammatical innovations in Ivanov's works are also noteworthy. He often experiments with syntax using non-standard sentence constructions to create an effect of tension or surprise. For example, his use of long compound sentences helps to convey the characters' complex emotions. In addition, Ivanov sometimes breaks the traditional rules of punctuation which gives his texts a special rhythm and dynamics. This innovation has made his style recognisable and attracted the attention of readers.

Alexei Ivanov's writing styles range from realistic to postmodern. His novels often explore complex social themes such as identity, culture, and societal change. This variety of styles allows him to address different audiences and create multi-layered texts.

Ivanov also makes extensive use of elements of metaphor and symbolism, which makes his works deeper and more meaningful. His writing style combines elements of classical Russian literature with modern trends, making him a unique voice in the literary world. (App.1)

Comparing the influence of Joan Rowling and Alexei Ivanov on their languages, several key points can be highlighted. Both authors actively use neologisms and create new words that become part of colloquial speech. However, the approaches to linguistic innovation differ: Rowling targets a children's audience, whereas Ivanov addresses more adult themes.

In addition, grammatical innovations in both authors reflect their desire to create dynamic texts. Rowling uses the colloquial speech to convey the emotions of the characters, as Ivanov experiments with syntax to create an effect of tension.

The writing styles also differ: Rowling combines simplicity with depth, while Ivanov uses a variety of styles to explore complex social themes. Both authors show how literature can influence language and enrich it with new meanings.

Literature plays an essential role in the evolution of language. As the examples of Joan Rowling and Alexei Ivanov have shown, key works shape not only vocabulary but also grammar, writing styles and the general perception of the languages. Both authors made a significant contribution to the development of their speech by creating new words and expressions, changing grammatical constructions and writing styles. Besides, the work of Alexey Ivanov pay attention to the Ural area, its people, nature and spoken forms.

Thus, the influence of literature on language cannot be overemphasised. It not only reflects cultural changes but also actively shapes them. Literary works become an important tool for studying the history of language and its development.

Appendix 1

In Alexey Ivanov’s novel «The Gold of Rebellion» the unfriendly and hostile attitude of nature is shown by metaphors — «the headwind hurt the eyes», «the wind ruffled the hair tied with a ribbon around the forehead, and curled (pulled) the beard — as if laying long grass around a boulder». And so, having reached the place of the Robber, the father comes up with a plan to stay alive. Immediately, using a clever oxymoron technique, the author describes silence in a completely different way, thereby showing that something is always happening in this place and does not stand still, which should be avoided: «murmuring silence». The use of various expressiveness techniques and other bright literary means allows the author to create a certain natural atmosphere and show some features in the field of the picture plan.

Appendix 2

«Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light». — «Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban»

«It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live». — «Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone»

«It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be». — «Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire»

«It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities».

«Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it». — «Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire»

«Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?» — «Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows»

«It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness. Nothing more». — «Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince»

«It is a curious thing, Harry, but perhaps those who are best suited to power are those who have never sought it». — «Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows»

«Let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure.|» — «Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince»

«This pain is part of being human... the fact that you can feel pain like this is your greatest strength». — «Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix»

«We must try not to sink beneath our anguish... but battle on». — «Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince».


  4. %D0 %98 %D0 %B2 %D0 %B0 %D0 %BD %D0 %BE %D0 %B2,_ %D0 %90 %D0 %BB %D0 %B5 %D0 %BA %D1 %81 %D0 %B5 %D0 %B9_ %D0 %92 %D0 %B8 %D0 %BA %D1 %82 %D0 %BE %D1 %80 %D0 %BE %D0 %B2 %D0 %B8 %D1 %87
  5. Сергей Беляков. Географ и его боги //Вопросы литературы.— 2010. — № 2.

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