Anglicisms in the Russian language | Статья в журнале «Юный ученый»

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Отличный выбор методов исследования Актуальная тема исследования

Рубрика: Иностранные языки

Опубликовано в Юный учёный №3 (66) март 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 03.03.2023

Статья просмотрена: 128 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Кузнецова, Е. А. Anglicisms in the Russian language / Е. А. Кузнецова, С. Д. Королева. — Текст : непосредственный // Юный ученый. — 2023. — № 3 (66). — С. 50-51. — URL: (дата обращения: 27.02.2025).

The purpose of this article will be to examine the influence of Anglicisms on the Russian language. It will also reveal the question of how borrowed words penetrate into the Russian language.

Keywords: loanwords, language, culture.

Language is more than a means of communication. It is used all over the world and every minute. Not only when we speak, read and write, even when we communicate, drive a car, trade — everywhere we use language in one form or another. Every aspect of our lives is connected to language.

Every nation has its own language. Some languages are growing to become international, like Russian, which is spoken by 300 million people all over the world, and 180 million people consider it their mother tongue.

Nevertheless, Russian as we know it did not emerge from nothing. It has evolved over many centuries and many borrowings have come into our language.

Since the nineteen-nineties Anglicism have been spreading rapidly into the Russian language. The tendency to borrow foreign words was observed in almost all spheres of life. There were reasons for the borrowing. Here are some of them:

  1. The need to give a name to a new phenomenon or thing.
  2. The need to distinguish between concepts that are quite close, but still different. 3. The tendency to denote a whole object by a single concept, rather than by several combined words.
  3. The need to separate concepts for certain purposes or areas.
  4. The relevance, prestige, expressiveness of a foreign concept.
  5. The flourishing of international tourism.

Many Russians are afraid that such borrowings may spoil the language. It is often forgotten that most of the adopted words are mastered in the Russian language and do not even have an equivalent, revealing the essential name of the corresponding concept. The lack of a scientific approach to the problem of familiarization with foreign vocabulary is also manifested in the fact that its use is sometimes considered in isolation from the functional and stylistic consolidation of language means. In some cases, the use of foreign words is inappropriate, in others it is necessary, because these words constitute a significant part of the vocabulary assigned to a particular style. In some cases, the use of foreign words is inappropriate, in others it is necessary [1].

Thus, the following areas of activity are distinguished, according to which Anglicism are divided into groups:

Economics and finance. All economic and financial terms are the result of the influence on our economy of the methods and mechanisms of economic and financial management common in the West. Along with new concepts, new words and terms have come to us.

Politics. Anglicism from the socio-political sphere are concentrated around the most popular problems of modern international and domestic political life. In the socio-political life of the country, it is also very common to find English-language borrowings.

Computer and Internet. Now almost everyone is working with a computer, with the most diverse information of the Internet world. They are well aware of computer terms. Already in the middle of the last century, after the advent of computers, many borrowings from English appeared in the Russian computer language. A large number of computer equipment brought from different countries forced computer scientists to translate technical documentation in the shortest possible time. Market conditions forced us to use ready-made English terms, without worrying about finding their correspondence in Russian.

Technical progress. Cellular communication alone has enriched the Russian language with almost hundreds of new terms over the past five years. The automotive world has thrown up its words. Over the past 30 years, scientists have invented so many things that the Academy of Sciences does not have time to make changes to dictionaries. The techno Mir is becoming extremely complicated. And the language along with it.

Sport. It is an integral part of physical culture, a means and method of physical education. With sports, a lot of sports concepts from English came to the Russian language. We got used to them, and now almost no one thinks that these words came to us from English.

Movies and music. The popularity of Hollywood films has led to the emergence of new words in our vocabulary. The perception of the USA as a center of musical fashion also led to the emergence of new words. [2]

Mass media. Borrowings, being mostly bookish or special words, are used mainly in book speech, in texts of a scientific and technical nature. Recently, modern media have become the main source of language material. Flipping through newspapers or watching TV, anyone inevitably comes across a lot of words of English origin.

In order to find out how Anglicism affect the Russian language, a questionnaire survey was carried out. Participants were asked the following questions:

  1. How old are you?
  2. Do you know what Anglicism are?
  3. Do you use Anglicism in your speech?
  4. What Anglicism do you use?
  5. How do Anglicism affect the Russian language?

During the survey, it turned out that most often and most of all Anglicism are used by teenagers and people under 40 years old. Especially these are slang words, and words in the Internet sphere. This is due to the strong influence of social networks and the Internet on young people. Every year the number of Anglicism only grows. Most of the respondents are worried that borrowed words will spoil the Russian language. In any case, speaking about the advisability of using this or that borrowing, it should be remembered that misuse is bad. Therefore, using Anglicism in speech, you need to understand their exact meaning in order to prevent a strong distortion of the language.

Thus, we can conclude that in modern society English terminology has become an integral part of the Russian language. The question about the attitude of Russian society to such borrowings is topical. Anglicism in the Russian language spread with global speed, are used in all spheres of human activity and serve to accurately convey the formation [3].

From all of the above, we can conclude that the Russian language has a long history of adopting words associated with the need to perceive useful information in the form of new words based on international experience. These words are called in different ways, most commonly: loanwords. The process of adopting new words is determined by the contact between peoples, which generates the need to put forward new concepts and ideas. Such words usually result from the innovation of a people in a field of science or technology. They can also appear as a consistent result of snobbery, fashion.



Ключевые слова

language, culture, loanwords

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