Web-site «JOB4ALL» – preparation of a feedback module with the administration of the site | Статья в журнале «Образование и воспитание»

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Библиографическое описание:

Ким, Т. Ю. Web-site «JOB4ALL» – preparation of a feedback module with the administration of the site / Т. Ю. Ким, Е. В. Маринина, М. А. Артикбаев. — Текст : непосредственный // Образование и воспитание. — 2018. — № 3.1 (18.1). — С. 20-22. — URL: https://moluch.ru/th/4/archive/94/3368/ (дата обращения: 18.07.2024).

Abstract. This project allows organizing work with personal tips on entering the University, getting the job, etc. There work is carried out with several templates and lets creating CV "immediately", send and save the documents in different formats. In prospective, it’s supposed the creation of the unified database resume for job search, training and other jobs in the area.

Keywords: JOB4ALL, CV, job search, administration, global search.

The article will consider such issues as "Preparation of a feedback module with the site administration", "Search optimization in three areas", "Preparation of standard templates for CV". The key moments of the work of this or that form of the site will be explained, as well as the working parts of the site "Job4all.uz". The site is already ready for work and is located at Job4all.uz.

Consider a separate module of the site, which implements the communication of the visitor with the site moderator in real time. One can ask why this module is needed? The module in question is needed to implement the following tasks of the site facing the user and the person supervising the site:

 Communication between the person supervising the site and the user of the site

 Instant response to a visitor's question

 Ease of use of the module for both the visitor and the site moderator

Now consider each of these points in more detail. "Communication between the person supervising the site and the user of the site" – this is the first place in terms of place and importance of our tasks. Here the main idea of the module is told. All this is done to ensure that the user on the site, without taking his eyes off the information he needs, and at the same time any questions arise and cannot contact the moderator directly.

"Instant response to the visitor's question", the second of our task items. Which is considered an indicator of not indifference to the problems of our users. That is, a person using sites in real time receives answers to questions of interest to him.

"Convenience of the module operation both for the visitor and for the site moderator". This convenience is for the visitor that this module looks like a pop-up window in the lower left corner of the site and you can get answers to the questions you asked without stopping from studying the site. If you look at the moderator, this module is also very convenient to use. The moderator installs the application or program on the smartphone on the computer, and at any convenient time or in any convenient place can answer questions from visitors to the site. If the moderator, for whatever reason, cannot respond to the visitor in real time. You can respond to the message through the application later, because the buffer stores them, and you can easily respond to the user later, set up the arrival of messages to one of the social networks that you use more often and the message sent by users will be redirected there

Optimization of search in three directions

Search is needed in almost every site, as it is an integral part of productive work. And in this site it is implemented in three directions. Such as:

 Search among job seekers

 Search among employers

 Global search

The distribution of search roles is not easy, it improves the speed of work in the site. The speed of work is increased not only by using different searches on different pages of the site, but also by the fact that the distribution of the search is getting faster. This can be explained logically, if you are looking for a job, then you will be asked to search among the employers, and you will only be looked for by the employers, ignoring everything else. Thus, the flow of information being processed is reduced and the processing speed of the request will be high.

These searches are located on the main page of the site, as well as in the subsections "Employers" (respectively, search among jobseekers) and "Workers" (respectively, search among employers).

The searches among employers and searches among job seekers were disassembled. Global search implements a search not only by occupations and vacancies, but also by the person's name, the place where he worked, that is, he passes through all the points of his resume or vacancy.

Preparation of standard templates for CV

In the course of studying such web resources and the requirements of companies for a certain form of resume, we have developed a form of resume that includes basic information about a person.

The resume is implemented on the website in two steps. The first step is filled in when registering the user of the site, which in the future is automatically added to the resume.

This site is aimed at citizens of Uzbekistan, and it is worth noting one of the graphs of the site "Job4all.uz". This is the graph of the filling of the passport series. According to the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the passport is valid for 10 years, after which it needs to be changed. Focusing on the current law, we put a counter at 10 years, which means the information contained in the site "Job4all.uz" will be valid for 10 years. After that, the user of the site will be sent a letter about the request to fill his resume again.


Figure 1. Registration on the site

The form implements the minimum requirements for information about the visitor.
The second step is filling out your resume.


Fig.2 Filling out a resume


1. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Electronic Government" 12/29/2015.

2. On measures to further enhance the efficiency of the information and communication system of the State Tax Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 30.10.2012, No. PP-1843

3. On measures for the further introduction and development of modern information and communication technologies from 21.03.2012, No. PP-1730

4. Adaptive Web Design, by Aaron Gustafson

5. American Graphic Designer 1918-81, by Adrian Shaughnessy

6. Content Strategy for Mobile, By Karen McGrane

7. Steve Sweering, Tim Converse, Joyce Park. PHP and MySQL = PHP 6 and MySQL 6 Bible. – 2nd edition. – Moscow: "Dialectics", 2010. – S. 912. – (The Bible of the programmer). – ISBN 978-5-8459-1640-2

8. Quentin Zervas. Web 2.0: creating applications in PHP = Practical Web 2.0 Applications with PHP. – M.: Williams, 2009. – P. 544. – ISBN 978-5-8459-1590-0.

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): PHP, ISBN.

Ключевые слова

JOB4ALL, CV, job search, administration, global search., global search

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