Teaching a foreign language through literature and literary texts | Статья в сборнике международной научной конференции

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Рубрика: 24. Педагогика

Опубликовано в

LXXXVIII международная научная конференция «Исследования молодых ученых» (Казань, октябрь 2024)

Дата публикации: 10.10.2024

Статья просмотрена: 1 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Абильдина, Алуа. Teaching a foreign language through literature and literary texts / Алуа Абильдина, М. М. Момбекова. — Текст : непосредственный // Исследования молодых ученых : материалы LXXXVIII Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Казань, октябрь 2024 г.). — Казань : Молодой ученый, 2024. — URL: https://moluch.ru/conf/stud/archive/522/18666/ (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

Препринт статьи

The article explores the use of literature and literary texts as a method for teaching foreign languages, emphasizing its dual role in both linguistic and cultural development. The approach enriches vocabulary, fosters critical thinking, and enhances students' engagement through emotional and intellectual involvement. It also strengthens intercultural competence, a crucial skill in the era of globalization. The article outlines methods for analyzing literature and provides practical exercises to develop all forms of language skills, emphasizing the importance of blending language learning with cultural understanding.

К eywords: literature, literacy texts, reading methods, reading tasks, authentic texts.

Teaching a foreign language through literature and literary texts is a unique and effective approach that combines not only linguistic, but also cultural aspects. This method of teaching has its own characteristics, and its relevance is related to modern requirements for the development of language competence and intercultural literacy.

Features of teaching a foreign language through literature: vocabulary enrichment, learning culture through language, developing critical thinking and analysis skills, emotional engagement and motivation, developing all types of speech activity, etc.

Modern language education is aimed not only at teaching grammar and vocabulary, but also at the formation of intercultural competence [1, p. 45]. Globalization requires people to understand cultural differences, which makes the use of literature in teaching an important tool for building cultural awareness. Literary texts provide an opportunity to study cultural contexts and values through the prism of the artistic world, which is especially important for students who strive for full language proficiency at the native speaker level.

Development of linguistic competence through literature includes an analysis of how the use of literary texts helps students develop all language skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. It is important to study how literature enriches the vocabulary, helps to master complex grammatical structures and stylistic features of the language [2, p. 16]. There also can be the interaction of different types of speech activity in the process of working with texts, for example, retelling, discussing and analyzing the material read.

One of the important aspects of teaching language through literature is how literary texts influence students' motivation and engagement. Literature can evoke an emotional response, an interest in language and culture, which makes the learning process more exciting and meaningful [3, p. 47].

Teaching a foreign language through literature and literary texts as an object of research covers a wide range of topics, from teaching methods to the influence of texts on the motivation of students and the development of their intercultural competence. This approach is a unique way of learning a language, which helps students not only to learn the language at the academic level, but also to understand its cultural and social aspects, which makes this object important and relevant for modern language education.

There are some methods for analyzing literature and literacy texts:

  1. Analysis of scientific literature (theoretical analysis). This method includes the collection, analysis and systematization of information from books, articles, dissertations and other sources on the topic. It helps to identify which techniques and strategies have already been developed and which problems remain relevant.
  2. The method of observation. Observation allows the researcher to follow the learning process in natural conditions. The researcher can observe how students react to reading literary texts, how actively they participate in discussions, and how their language skills improve.
  3. Content analysis of works and educational materials. Content analysis involves the study of literary texts used in educational programs to identify their linguistic, cultural and stylistic features. This helps you choose the texts that are most effective for developing students' language skills [4, p. 86].

The methods of studying the peculiarities of teaching a foreign language through literature and literary texts include both quantitative and qualitative approaches. They help the researcher not only to measure the effectiveness of the method, but also to understand the deep mechanisms of the influence of literature on the learning process.

Teaching a foreign language through literature and literary texts requires carefully thought-out pedagogical tasks and exercises that will help students not only learn the language, but also develop cultural awareness, critical thinking and analytical skills. Here are some effective exercises and tasks that can be used in this approach:

1. Annotating the text

– Goal: To develop reading skills, text comprehension and analysis of key ideas.

– Assignment: After reading an excerpt from a work of fiction (short story, novel or poem), students are asked to highlight the key points of the text, write out unfamiliar words and phrases, and briefly describe the main idea.

– Exercise option: Students can also take notes on the cultural and historical contexts of the text, if this is important for understanding it.

2. Writing an essay on the subject of the work

– Goal: To develop writing and analytical thinking skills.

– Assignment: Students are invited to write an essay on one of the topics proposed by the teacher related to the work they have read. Topics may include character analysis, literary techniques, or discussion of the moral dilemmas presented in the work.

– Example: «Analyze the changes of the main character during the narrative», «How does the cultural context affect the behavior of the characters?»

3. Text-based lexical and grammatical exercises

– Goal: To consolidate new words, phrases and grammatical structures found in the text.

– Assignment: The teacher highlights key vocabulary and grammatical constructions from the text, and offers students exercises to master them. These can be exercises to fill in gaps, compose sentences with new words, or transform phrases.

– Example: Find synonyms or antonyms for selected words, convert sentences to a passive voice, or change the tense of a verb.

4. Text-based project assignments

– Goal: To develop group work, independent research and presentation skills.

– Assignment: Students are invited to create a project based on the studied text. This can be the preparation of a presentation about the author's life, the study of cultural characteristics associated with the work, or the creation of a visual project based on the text.

– Example: «Prepare a presentation about the cultural and historical realities presented in the work», «Create a visual presentation of the main themes of the text and present it to the group.»

5. Creating dialogues or monologues on behalf of the characters

– Goal: To develop creative speaking and writing skills.

– Assignment: Students write dialogues or monologues on behalf of the characters in the text, imagining what they are saying outside of the events of the text or how they might act in new circumstances.

– Example: «Write a monologue of the main character after the end of the story», «Create a dialogue between two minor characters who were not in the scene».

The use of literature and literary texts in teaching a foreign language can be enriched by a variety of tasks aimed at developing all types of speech activity, critical thinking and intercultural competence. The inclusion of such exercises makes the learning process not only more exciting, but also promotes deep and comprehensive language acquisition.

Teaching a foreign language through literature and literary texts is one of the most effective and multifaceted approaches to language learning. It not only promotes the development of language skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening), but also enriches the learning process by introducing students to the cultural and historical context of the language being studied.

Literature makes it possible to form important intercultural competencies, which is especially important in the context of globalization and internationalization of education. Reading and analyzing literary texts reveal cultural norms, traditions and values to students, which contributes to a more meaningful understanding of the language and culture of the country of its native speakers.

Thus, teaching a foreign language through literature and literary texts is a powerful tool that, with proper organization of the educational process, can significantly improve both the linguistic and cultural competence of students. This approach makes language learning not only functional, but also intellectually enriching, contributing to the formation of well-rounded personalities who are able to communicate effectively in an intercultural environment.


  1. Komarova Yu. A., Arakin V. D. Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages: Textbook for Universities. — M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 2015. — 320 p.
  2. Smirnova N. V. The Role of Literary Texts in Teaching Foreign Languages // Foreign Languages at School. — 2019. — No. 4. — P. 25–30.
  3. Demidova L. N. Using Fiction in Teaching Foreign Languages: Problems and Prospects // Bulletin of Moscow State University. — 2020. — No. 7. — P. 12–18.
  4. Moskalenko O. V. Methodological Approaches to Teaching Foreign Languages through Literature. — SPb.: Publishing House of St. Petersburg State University, 2021. — 280 p.