The use of web services and mobile technologies in interactive foreign language teaching in secondary school | Статья в сборнике международной научной конференции

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Рубрика: 24. Педагогика

Опубликовано в

LXXXVIII международная научная конференция «Исследования молодых ученых» (Казань, октябрь 2024)

Дата публикации: 11.10.2024

Статья просмотрена: 8 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Кенжабекова, Ф. Д. The use of web services and mobile technologies in interactive foreign language teaching in secondary school / Ф. Д. Кенжабекова. — Текст : непосредственный // Исследования молодых ученых : материалы LXXXVIII Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Казань, октябрь 2024 г.). — Казань : Молодой ученый, 2024. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

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This article discusses the integration of mobile and digital technologies in the English language teaching process, emphasizing their importance in enhancing interactive learning environments. The study explores various web services, mobile technologies, and digital tools such as online whiteboards, educational games, and multimedia apps that contribute to improving language skills. Special focus is given to utilizing these tools for interactive activities that boost motivation, retention, communication skills, and critical thinking.

К eywords: mobile technologies, interactive learning, digital education tools, english language teaching, web services in education.

Conscious education of the younger formation, high-grade education is an immediate problem of today, demands socio-political and new technological changes taking place at the present stage of society's development, the use of effective methods and new digital technologies in the margin of education. Therefore, mobile technologies are becoming the main tool for creating information and relations technologies and global networks, as well as an open information educational environment in schools and developing new advances to the action of all participants in the educational process. In teaching English based on modern technological advances, various information instruments and technologies at school play a leading role in teaching foreign languages.

The purpose of the study: the formation of language skills using web services and mobile technologies in interactive foreign language teaching at school.

In the Address by the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, N. A. Nazarbayev, «Strategy Kazakhstan-2050»: «New political course of the recognized state» it is ascertained that the education system of our country should be modernized and meliorated. He claimed in his speech: «We expect to implement modernization of teaching methods and actively develop online education systems, creating regional modern school centers. We should intensively introduce innovative methods, solutions and tools into the home, including the distance education and online education that is affordable for all...» [1].

Recently, the utilization of interactive forms of learning has played main role in teaching English. We can use it both for insertion in a new topic, acquaintance with new material, and as a means of middle and final estimation. In addition, an online whiteboard can be energetically used in the classroom — it is an instrument that helps each student to post their work on the blackboard, and the teacher to annotate and estimate everyone. The teacher can use the board to place educational, methodological, control, measuring and other materials [2].

Because of the large variety of the Internet resources, evidences and communication technologies help teachers to extend their possibilities, increasing the choice of teaching materials and forms of conducting lessons, making educational process more informative, interactive, intensive and effective. Nevertheless, the resources of the Internet have an immense amount of all kinds of information, which is not always suitable for the use at the lessons [3]. That is why any Internet resources must beyond a doubt meet certain criteria for the teacher to be able to apply them in the educational process. Moreover, in order to be able to concentrate this process and promote students’ cognitive activities at the lesson, a teacher needs to know what types of Internet resources and information and communication technologies exist in general, and understand what goals each of them pursues. Only in this case the lesson will be planned logically, and the use of information and communication technologies will contribute to the achievement the goals and objectives set by the teacher without any harm to the teaching and learning process.

With the growing popularity of one-to-one gadgets, English language learners can use iPads or e-readers that are customized to their needs. These devices can come with dictionary apps with phonetic assistance or reading apps with built-in dictionary functionality. It is also possible to incorporate vocabulary-building software. Moreover, students can use the read-aloud feature to assist them in understanding difficult the written word.

The word processor is one of the most popular technological breakthroughs in the field of writing. Simple tools like dictionaries and thesauruses help writers enhance their vocabulary, while grammar and spelling checkers help identify and rectify mistakes. Furthermore, online platforms are a popular means for students to interact with and gain knowledge from one another via the written word. This is also an excellent choice for those who don’t have the opportunity to create networking with a native English speaker.

One of the most effective ways to improve English listening skills is to use e-learning websites and multimedia apps. These resources offer various listening materials, including audio files and video clips, interactive exercises, and real-time communication with native English speakers. One such website is Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening, which offers listening exercises with keywords, passive listening, and interactive listening exercises [4]. This website is free to use and has been recommended by language teachers worldwide. Multimedia apps, such as Duolingo and Drops, can also be helpful for language learners. Duolingo is a language learning app that provides audio exercises and gamification elements to make English lessons fun with English vocabulary lessons and even English listening lessons in the form of short stories. Technology can teach listening skills by giving learners access to authentic materials, interactive listening exercises, and real-time feedback. It can also create a more engaging and immersive learning environment to help learners improve their listening comprehension skills.

The most exciting technological breakthrough has been the introduction of video chat programs, which allow students to communicate in real-time with English speakers. Tools such as video conferencing enable professors of online spoken English lessons to connect with students from all over the world while also receiving assistance from other teachers and students.

Engaging and interactive learning experiences play a crucial role in effectively teaching English as a second language to students of all ages. Incorporating interactive techniques in ESL classrooms not only enhances students’ language proficiency but also makes the learning process more enjoyable and motivating. Here are some key points to highlight the importance of interactive learning:

– Enhanced retention;

– Improved communication skills;

– Increased motivation;

– Cultivation of critical thinking skills;

– Enhanced cultural understanding;

– Personalized learning;

– Building confidence;

– Developing teamwork and collaboration;

– Fun and enjoyable experience.

Interactive learning methods undoubtedly have a powerful impact on ESL classrooms, creating an engaging and effective environment for language acquisition. By integrating interactive techniques into esl. instruction, teachers can foster an interactive and collaborative learning atmosphere that benefits students’ language development, motivation, and overall success in English proficiency [5].

I love using technology in my lessons since I think that technology makes teaching and listening a more delightful experience. When technology integration in the classroom is seamless and thoughtful, students not only become more engaged, they begin to take more control over their own learning, too. Games are effective teaching tools for learners of any age. They can be used for icebreakers, concept review, assessment, and many other purposes. Let’s look at some options for integrating online games in class.

Kahoot! An online, game-based learning platform, Kahoot! lets you create and share your own educational games quickly and easily. Teachers can use it as a warm-up activity, to review concepts they’ve taught, or as a form of assessment. What’s more, it’s totally free to use. Kahoot became our favorite digital tool, not only for motivating students but also for checking their understanding of the lesson.

Making your own learning game on Kahoot! is pretty straightforward:

– You can choose to add text, images, and diagrams to your quizzes.

– Once your game is ready, you’ll get a unique PIN to share with your students.

– Any student who has the PIN can play the game on their computer or mobile device.

Quizlet If you’re looking to make learning and memorization more fun for your students, Quizlet could be your online platform of choice! This free education app makes it easy for teachers to create flashcards, study guides, and interactive games for any age and level.

On the Quizlet platform, you will be able to:

– Make customized flashcards

– Build study sets that students can use for reviewing past lessons

– Craft various types of student assessments, such as a written quiz or a spelling test

– Add your own list of terms and definitions for your learners to study or memorize.

You can generate activities quickly, saving prep time. Added as a Chrome extension, you can easily generate quizzes from the app by connecting your favorite educational websites or uploading PDFs and docs. You can also use it to generate reading material. Additionally, Quizizz has integrated accessibility tools like read-aloud, audio response options, translation, and leveled text.

Recently, the use of interactive forms of learning has played an important role in teaching English. They can be used both for inclusion in a new topic, familiarization with new material, and as a means of intermediate and ultimate assessment. In addition, a virtual whiteboard (online whiteboard) can be actively used in the classroom — it is a tool that allows each student to post their work on the blackboard, and the teacher to comment and evaluate everyone. The teacher can use the board to place educational, methodological, control, measuring and other materials [6]. The main goal set for teachers in modern times is to form an independent learning, competitive, educated and conscious generation among students with the systematic use of the materials provided, modern technologies and a virtual whiteboard can help us achieve this goal.


  1. N. A. Nazarbayev.Address by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Leader of the Nation, N.Nazarbayev «Strategy Kazakhstan-2050»
  2. M. V. Zimina, E. A. Konyukhova — Innovative technologies as a means of increasing students' motivation to learn a foreign language — journal «Noospheric Studies». — 2021. — No. 2–57c.
  3. Internet technologies in teaching foreign languages Revista Publicando, 5 No 17. 2018, 246–253. ISSN 1390–9304
  4. Best technology to practice English listening | Speechify
  5. How to Use Interactive Language Learning to Make Your ESL Classroom Effective, A. H. M. Ohidujjaman. June 9, 2024
  6. M. V. Zimina, E. A. Konyukhova — Innovative technologies as a means of increasing students' motivation to learn a foreign language — journal «Noospheric Studies». — 2021. — No. 2–57c.