Current state of formation of creative talent in future music teachers | Статья в сборнике международной научной конференции

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Рубрика: 1. Общая педагогика

Опубликовано в

XVII международная научная конференция «Педагогическое мастерство» (Казань, ноябрь 2021)

Дата публикации: 21.11.2021

Статья просмотрена: 12 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Давронова, Г. М. Current state of formation of creative talent in future music teachers / Г. М. Давронова. — Текст : непосредственный // Педагогическое мастерство : материалы XVII Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Казань, ноябрь 2021 г.). — Казань : Молодой ученый, 2021. — С. 1-5. — URL: (дата обращения: 18.07.2024).

This article describes the current process of developing the creative abilities of students of higher education «Music Education», ie future music teachers. There are also tips for developing musical skills.

Keywords: creative ability, music culture, pedagogue, method, diversity, education system.

In today's world, rich in development and change, the comprehensive development of young people is a requirement of the times. Bringing up young people with a strong spiritual education and a sense of pride in our independent homeland is an urgent task of our time. This is one of the most complex and wide-ranging challenges facing education. The role of the creative abilities of future music teachers is undoubtedly important in the development of our youth into spiritually mature, mature people, mature professionals. The art of music plays an important role in the development of future music teachers' outlook on life through creative activities, thinking skills, the ability to do social work properly, and the ability to observe the environment. The art of music is more important than any other art form.

The organization of students' creative abilities in the system of higher education plays an important role in ensuring the harmonious development of the human personality in all its aspects, including art. Because through works of art, one's artistic world expands and one's spirituality is formed. The formation of spirituality is an important task of the time, and it is very important to solve it. As the head of our state said, “Spirituality is the power of a person, a people, a society. Without it, there will never be happiness and prosperity. In recent years, a number of research papers, methodological manuals, programs and recommendations have been created and are being developed to further improve the system of extracurricular music lessons in music education.

Creativity depends on finding and implementing the most modern and convenient ways to form a perfect person. To reconsider all the ideas that form the basis of education for undergraduate music education students to conduct creative skills training in accordance with the requirements of the time, focusing on the student's personality, accumulated over the years requires the effective use of positive experience. The form, purpose, content, pedagogical specificity, as well as the work plans should be differentiated according to the age and ability of the students, taking into account the logic of the subject. Students need to be guided by a wide range of aesthetic values. First of all, it is necessary to develop a love for national values, the nature of Mother Earth, national folk art, artistic culture and history of the East and Uzbekistan. In the process of creative activity, students should rely on the basics of folk pedagogy, use the wise ideas of Eastern thinkers, as well as the universal values of the world.

Creativity complements and expands the learning process in students' free time, based on their interest in developmental activities. Students will have the opportunity to learn independently, develop their creative abilities and initiative. The uniqueness of this type of activity is that in accordance with the leisure time of students, classes are organized for the benefit of the public through a group, a separate work. The variety of creative activities and the innovations in their content create new opportunities for adolescent boys and girls to develop as individuals.

Modern music education is an optimal educational and organizational approach to the educational process. The main problem of training a specialist in the field of music education is to determine the system of pedagogical actions aimed at the formation of creative abilities of teachers and the formation of professional qualities of students.

The formation of creative ability in music is a necessary factor in preparing a future music teacher as a person ready for musical and pedagogical activities. The process of formation of this phenomenon occurs most effectively in the conditions of preparation for musical performance as an integral factor. At the same time, the organization of the process of formation of creative ability as a professionally important factor for a future music teacher is most effective through the integration of basic musical instruments, special musical knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom, as well as problem-solving techniques at all stages of education. provided.

The goal of each stage is to reach a certain level in the formation of musical ability. The priority pedagogical tool for shaping this integrated learning is problem situations, in which an important factor such as activating the music teacher’s artistic thinking, which expresses the artistic image with musical sounds, is realized. At the same time, the problem manifests itself in the form of a qualitative aspect of the future music teacher’s thinking in the field of music.

The solution of problematic situations in the musical-pedagogical process is associated with specific aspects of performance and pedagogical processes. Therefore, problem situations need to be structured with varying degrees of complexity at different stages of shaping a future music teacher’s thinking about the art of music.

Thus, in the first stage of knowledge of musical material in the mind of the future teacher-musician a uniform musical-auditory ability and motivational basis for action are formed, and the teacher plays an important role in stimulating them. It creates problematic situations by increasing high auditory activity, and requires the student to identify differences between the observed musical evidence and their own experience and thinking skills. Their insufficient formation is an incentive to resolve this conflict and learn from the experience. Therefore, problem situations created by the teacher should be supplemented with specific content related to the musical material being studied. Musical material is a means of forming thinking, on the basis of which a system of tasks is developed and through them problem situations of different levels of complexity are realized.

In the process of working on a piece of music, its system of attractions is determined and the sequence of comparisons, generalizations and assumptions is determined, because by working on their problematic situations, musical-auditory and creative abilities are formed in the mind of a future music teacher. In the context of the preparation of a future teacher-musician for a musical performance, creative tasks should be related to the integration of the artistic image of the musical work. These are tasks with an open structure that basically have “multiple options” for solving performance problems, which always solves the artistic performance of a piece of music individually, as opposed to interpretations created by other performers. Creative tasks involve not only relying on conscious but also unconscious experience, intuition, as well as an emotional-value approach to the implementation of the mechanisms of work and creativity in the performance of a piece of music, requires creative imagination. However, the incarnation of a musical image always has an objective basis due to the formation of the correct expression of the style, genre and form with musical sounds, determined on the basis of the tasks pertaining to the musical work. Thus, the formation of the creative ability of a future music teacher is organized as an exploratory creative process.

Thus, the problematic situations identified in the music-pedagogical activity are a necessary pedagogical tool for the formation of the creative abilities of the future music teacher not only at each stage, but also as an integrated education.


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Ключевые слова

method, Education System, music culture, creative ability, pedagogue, diversity