Interactive teaching methods at higher educational institutions | Статья в сборнике международной научной конференции

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Рубрика: 9. Педагогика высшей профессиональной школы

Опубликовано в

IV международная научная конференция «Педагогика сегодня: проблемы и решения» (Санкт-Петербург, октябрь 2018)

Дата публикации: 18.09.2018

Статья просмотрена: 210 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Усманалиев, Х. М. Interactive teaching methods at higher educational institutions / Х. М. Усманалиев. — Текст : непосредственный // Педагогика сегодня: проблемы и решения : материалы IV Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Санкт-Петербург, октябрь 2018 г.). — Санкт-Петербург : Свое издательство, 2018. — С. 46-49. — URL: (дата обращения: 18.07.2024).

This article is devoted to the benefits of the modern methods of interactive teaching in higher educational institutions. Because these methods motivate students to gain more knowledge and inspire them to have interest in their work. Besides, the methods provide the students with feeling of self-confidence and freedom of expression of their mind. Further, the list of the most modern and widespread teaching methods will be provided which may have possible potentials for the future specialists and professionals.

Key words: teaching methods, feedback, independent thinking, educational activity.

Nowadays, with development of the high-technology, everything surrounding us is changing quite rapidly. It can be seen in any sphere, such as in education. Current education system is different from that of the earlier systems. The main goal of up-to-date education is to make student work on himself and take control of his progress on his own. To achieve this aim new and modern techniques and methods are needed. They are oriented to let the students be free and conduct independent activity. Besides, they assist students to create self-learning atmosphere and practical training in which students acquire the right of choice to implement their activities. Further, there will be given a list of the most effective teaching methods at higher educational institutions.

Case study method

The case study method is training by finding the answer to definite cases. The importance of this method is a summed assessment of a situation, discover an explication and a general protection of mentioned solution. While reviewing the cases, students acquire the abilities of teamwork, autonomous finding the answers of the problem, independent thinking and support their opinion. The method was first adopted at Harvard Law School University in 1870.

This method comprises convolutions in the solution of the given problem, which makes it difficult to discussing the reasoning of suggested answers and picking the most proper one. For this reason, the result is not only knowledge but also high level of skills and a well-developed personality and a number of values.

The case which is argued by the students, is usually taken from a source which is naturally belongs to their professional field and is provided by visual aids, statistical information, charts and graphs, the opinions of people on the present issue, reports, surveys, facts and numbers from the media, Internet resources, etc.—i.e., the information that makes us comprehensible to apprehend what is explained in the case. When future teachers are prepared a case may be, for example, an argument between a master and parent related to a student's advancement set in the class register; the resolutions of teacher's councils and staff recorded in the minutes and so on.

The form of the case has three stages: two for the student and one for the teacher. The subject section characterizes situation and lets the students describe all of its circumstances; the information section displays the details of the support upon which a final decision is made; and the methodical section, designed for teachers, identifies the location of the case in the forming of the course, tasks for students and pedagogical support for finding the answer to the situation.

The solution of the situations suggested to the students consists of a number of analytical methods: problem-based, cause and effect, axiological, situational, prognostic and other types of predictive analysis.

The activity of a teacher using this method comprises two stages. The initial one is made of creating the case, forming the questions for analysis and developing methodological software provide materials for the students and their independent work. The second phase includes the classroom activities of the teacher in discussing the case, where he/she makes introductory and closing remarks, organizes discussion or presentation, supports a business atmosphere in the audience and acknowledges the contribution of students in the analysis of the situation.

That’s why, studying and analyzing work experience based on real situations, students comprehensively boost the knowledge and skills that undergird the professional world, showing a productive impact on the shaping of their professional competences.

Behavioral modeling

It is a method of teaching interpersonal skills and professional conduct. The method is held in the sequence which is demonstrated below:

1) the demonstration of a model of professional behavior which is to be learnt;

2) the most proper reproduction of the suggested behavioral model;

3) feedback, showing the level of success of acquiring the relevant behaviors.

Behaviors that are offered to students applying this method should adequately comply with real professional situations, so that future professionals have the chance to boost immersion in professional activities and quickly adapt to specific situations. For instance, he/she may be training job interview skills, disagreement or emergency response, discussion of career prospects, transfer or acceptance of a position, etc.

This modeling is useful under the following conditions: initially, the proposed case is appealing to students and kindles their confidence and desire to follow the proposed model; next, the case demonstrates the desired sequence or correct procedure in the standard condition; and lastly, the students see that adherence with the desired sequence of activities is rewarded

Thus, the presented method of behavioral modeling can develop the quality of training by inspiring proper behavior in ways typical of future employment conditions.

The method of peer feedback

The method of peer feedback is where one student gives another student feedback about his/her actions. An observation at their work and response from other people permits the future specialist to better comprehend his/her powers and weak points and improve proper self-esteem. The method of peer feedback is based on information (objective and true feedback) when carrying out tasks related to the development of new skills and doing current professional duties. The participants have completely the same rights.

Feedback can be given after discussions, performances, educational tasks, etc. Practical training, in which students directly find the solution of the professional problems, has unusual price and chances for the conduction of this method. For instance, such feedback for future teachers can be supplied after the lecture or additional training and educational activities, etc.

The students, of course, should be trained to demonstrate objective feedback to make erudite decisions and become qualified enough to provide information before adopting this method.

For this reason, the method of peer feedback supplies more effective improvement of the competences of future specialists by continuous observing of activities and chances to provide timely aid and correction of drawbacks.

Play projects

It is a teaching method in which learning is impacted through problem solving. At the initial stage the teacher identifies the learning (research) problem, i.e., creates the problem situation a psychological one. At the next stage the students divide into two opposing groups and form solutions to the problem. The last stage is a final conference where students play roles and evidently protect the developed answers.

Play projects are most viable in practical lessons as they comprise no definition of the new material or information exchange between the teacher and the students. Informational, research, and other kinds of projects can be done within this format.

For this reason, the play project method supplies high activity for teaching courses and is more effective as design skills are improved and the specialists will be more adaptable and efficient in solving complicated professional tasks in the future.


In the conclusion of the review, it can be noted that active learning methods change the role of the teacher from the translator of the material to the manager and coordinator of the educational process and enable it to shape complex competences in future professional fields through student activities that demonstrate as closely as possible the content of professional work.


  1. Interactive teaching methods in contemporary higher education. Nadezhda O. Yakovleva, Evgeny V. Yakovlev. Department Pedagogy and Psychology, Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, Russia, Russian-British Institute of Management, Russia (2014)
  2. Creating Value with Knowledge: Insights from the IBM Institute for Business Value, W. Swap Alpina Business Books, Moscow (2006)
  3. (June 13, 2018)
  4. (October 18, 2017)
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): IBM.

Ключевые слова

teaching methods, feedback, independent thinking, educational activity

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