Becoming «That Girl»: A Critical Analysis of the Portrayal of the Ideal Woman in Hustle Culture | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №14 (513) апрель 2024 г.

Дата публикации: 04.04.2024

Статья просмотрена: 26 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Горжий, А. В. Becoming «That Girl»: A Critical Analysis of the Portrayal of the Ideal Woman in Hustle Culture / А. В. Горжий. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 14 (513). — С. 331-332. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

The aim of this article is twofold: firstly, it analyzed the phenomenon of «that girl» within the discourse of online «hustle culture”. Secondly, it identified and examined linguistic patterns that shape the representation of the ideal woman within this discourse. A sample of 5 relevant YouTube videos was analysed, resulting in the identification of 6 linguistic patterns and 6 characteristic traits associated with «that girl”.

Keywords: hustle culture, that girl, online discourse, linguistic patterns, discourse analysis, characteristic traits

В данной статье анализируется феномен «той самой девушки» (“that girl”) в дискурсе онлайн-культуры суеты. Выявляются и исследуются лингвистические модели, которые формируют репрезентацию идеальной женщины в этом дискурсе. Благодаря анализу выборки из 5 соответствующих тематике видеороликов YouTube, были выявлены 5 лингвистических моделей и 5 характерных черт, связанных с «той самой девушкой» (“that girl”).

Ключевые слова: культура суеты, та самая девушка, онлайн-дискурс, лингвистические модели, анализ дискурса, характерные черты.

In recent decades, social media has become an essential aspect of our lives. People spend a significant amount of time on different social media platforms, both consuming and creating content. As a result, their perception of the world is heavily influenced by what they encounter on these websites. Analyzing their social media presence, such as online posts, is crucial to comprehending the societal ideas that dominate different spheres.

Online content possesses the ability to shape individuals and impact the way they present themselves to society. One such impact is seen in the discourse of “hustle culture”, which has the potential to influence a wide range of people, particularly women of all ages [1]. Consequently, this discourse has led to the emergence of various phenomena, including the trend of the highly productive and successful woman known as “that girl” [2].

“Hustle culture”, characterized by the glorification of constant productivity and ambition, has become increasingly prevalent in online communities. Nowadays, with the development of social media the effects of “hustle culture” are even more widespread. Moreover, in the modern understanding of it, young women find themselves positioned as “subjects of capacity, ambition, and success” [3, p. 3]. However, a significant aspect of the female experience within this online discourse is the existence of a “confidence deficit” that women encounter in the workplace [4]. This creates an environment for the promotion of women’s success and encouragement of professional achievements gained by high productivity and desire for more respect in the sphere.

The term “that girl” used here refers to a wellness archetype that gained popularity on TikTok in April 2021. It encompasses a trend that motivates women to become a person, who embraces morning routines, engages in activities such as yoga and journaling, consumes green juice, wears athleisure attire with minimal makeup, and strives for continuous self-improvement [2].

Videos on YouTube uncover several linguistic patterns that describe the experience of a woman within “hustle culture”. These patterns include such phrases as: “best/ideal version of yourself”, “working on yourself”, “to have your life together”, “glow up”, “to fit into beauty standards”, and “bettering yourself”. Overall, such language seems to center an idea of idealising oneself and striving to reach an image approved by society and its standards. By analysing these patterns within the context of online productivity discourse, several dominant traits of an ideal woman can be derived, for example: ambition and goal-oriented behavior, self-confidence, relentless motivation, a high level of self-discipline, and a strong focus on personal success and achievement. These characteristics put pressure on women to adhere to an impossible standard of achievement and can result in negative outcomes of such behavior. These outcomes may include mental and physical challenges, such as burnout, anxiety, and depression. Moreover, some of the patterns reflect various phenomena such as class inequality that are present within the discourse of “hustle culture”. As revealed by the pattern of “glow up” that usually coincides with materialistic additions to one’s life, such as products, services and other financial investments. In conclusion, these linguistic patterns create a basis for understanding the language used to describe the female experience within the developing discourse of “hustle culture” that is prevalent online, especially on social media platforms.

As more than 5 billion people are using social media nowadays, it is crucial to understand the ideals promoted on these websites to protect ourselves from potential negative effects on our mental and physical health [5]. The insights gained from the analysis in this article have the possibility to promote awareness, and potentially influence a more balanced representation of women in contemporary media and culture.


  1. Robinson, B. E. The 'Rise and Grind' of Hustle Culture / B. E. Robinson. — Текст: электронный // Psychology Today: [сайт]. — URL:
  2. What does it mean to be That Girl online?. — Текст: электронный // Later Glossary: [сайт]. — URL:
  3. Allen, K. #GirlBossing the university side hustle: Entrepreneurial femininities, postfeminism and the veneer of ‘female success’ in times of crisis / K. Allen. — Текст: электронный // Sage Journals: [сайт]. — URL:
  4. Gill, R. Confidence Culture / R. Gill, S. Orgad. —: Duke University Press, 2022. — 253 c. — Текст: непосредственный.
  5. Kemp, S. Digital 2024: Global Overview Report — DataReportal — Global Digital Insights. / S. Kemp. — Текст: электронный // DataReportal — Global Digital Insights: [сайт]. — URL:
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): URL, самая девушка, Текст.

Ключевые слова

discourse analysis, hustle culture, that girl, online discourse, linguistic patterns, characteristic traits

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