Analyzing Uniformity of Layer Homogeneity Indices in Unsteady Regimes | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Бердимырадова, О. О. Analyzing Uniformity of Layer Homogeneity Indices in Unsteady Regimes / О. О. Бердимырадова, И. Я. Какаев, А. Б. Гузичиев, Какадурды Амангулыев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 12 (511). — С. 38-39. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.07.2024).

Keywords: energy conditions, gas dispersed, high solids.

To analyze the flow characteristics of the gas-mixed high solids anaerobic digestion system and optimize the mixing performance, the mixing performance of gas and non-Newtonian fluid in the system was investigated using the simulation. The mixing energy magnitude, input pattern and nozzle inlet angle were optimized by evaluating available mixing indices. The performed experiments showed that the non-Newtonian fluid properties and consistency index of the food waste increased as the total solid increased. Moreover, it was found that the higher the reactor diameter, the greater the input energy, the smaller the dead zone, and the higher the global velocity gradient. Under specific input energy conditions, more mixing was achieved with the gas dispersed inlet compared with the centralized inlet. The obtained results demonstrate that is a powerful tool to optimize the mixing performance in high solids anaerobic digestion systems.

The reduction in energy consumption and the increasingly demanding emissions regulations have become strategic challenges for every industrial sector. In this context, the glass industry would be one of the most affected sectors due to its high energy demand and emissions productions, especially in terms of NOx. For this reason, various emission abatement systems have been developed in this field and one of the most used is the air staging system. It consists in injecting air into the upper part of the regenerative chamber on the exhaust gases side in order to create the conditions for combustion that reduces NOx emissions. In this work, the combined use of CFD with data analysis techniques offers a tool for the design and management of a hybrid air staging system. Surrogate models of the bypass mass flow rate and uniformity index in the regenerative chamber have been obtained starting from DoE based on different simulations by varying the air mass flow rate of the two injectors located in a bypass duct that connects the two regenerative chambers. This model allows a UQ analysis to verify how the uncertainty of the air injectors can affect the bypass mass flow rate. Finally, an optimization procedure has identified the optimal condition for the best bypass mass flow rates and uniformity of the oxygen concentration in the chamber. High values of the mass flow rate of the pros injector and medium-low values for the cons injectors are identified as operating parameters for best conditions.

The determination of uniformity of layer homogeneity indices in unsteady regimes is a critical aspect of various fields, including fluid dynamics, environmental engineering, and geosciences. Understanding the distribution of properties within layers of heterogeneous materials under unsteady conditions is essential for optimizing processes, predicting behavior, and mitigating risks. This essay delves into the methodologies and significance of evaluating uniformity in layer homogeneity indices under unsteady regimes, exploring its applications and implications across different disciplines.

Understanding Layer Homogeneity Indices: Layer homogeneity indices refer to parameters that characterize the uniformity or heterogeneity of properties within stratified layers of materials. These properties may include density, porosity, permeability, concentration gradients, or mechanical properties, depending on the specific context of the study. Homogeneity indices provide quantitative measures of the degree of uniformity or variability within layers, aiding in the characterization and analysis of heterogeneous systems.

Challenges in Unsteady Regimes: Unsteady regimes present unique challenges for assessing the uniformity of layer homogeneity indices due to temporal variations, transient phenomena, and evolving conditions. In such dynamic environments, the distribution of properties within layers may fluctuate over time, influenced by factors such as flow dynamics, sediment transport, chemical reactions, or external perturbations. Traditional steady state approaches may be inadequate for capturing the transient behavior and temporal variability inherent in unsteady regimes.

Methodologies for Determination: Several methodologies are employed to determine the uniformity of layer homogeneity indices in unsteady regimes, leveraging mathematical models, numerical simulations, experimental techniques, and data analysis approaches. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations enable the modeling of fluid flow and transport processes within heterogeneous layers, providing insights into the evolution of property distributions over time.

Experimental methods, such as tracer studies, geophysical imaging, or sensor networks, allow for direct measurements of property variations within layers under unsteady conditions.

Indices for Quantification: Various indices are used to quantify the uniformity of layer homogeneity under unsteady regimes, encompassing statistical metrics, spatial analysis techniques, and time dependent parameters. These indices may include coefficient of variation, standard deviation, spatial autocorrelation functions, fractal dimensions, or entropy measures, depending on the specific characteristics of the system and the objectives of the analysis. By evaluating these indices, researchers can assess the spatial and temporal variability of layer homogeneity and identify patterns, trends, or anomalies within the system.

Applications and Implications: The determination of uniformity of layer homogeneity indices in unsteady regimes has wide ranging applications across diverse fields. In hydrology and groundwater modeling, understanding the heterogeneity of aquifer properties under transient flow conditions is essential for accurate prediction of contaminant transport, water quality dynamics, and resource management strategies. In geotechnical engineering, assessing the variability of soil properties in unsteady slopes or embankments is critical for slope stability analysis, risk assessment, and infrastructure design. In environmental monitoring and remediation, characterizing the spatial and temporal distribution of pollutants within heterogeneous media helps in identifying sources, assessing impacts, and designing effective remediation strategies.

The determination of uniformity of layer homogeneity indices in unsteady regimes is essential for understanding the distribution, dynamics, and behavior of heterogeneous systems across various disciplines. By employing appropriate methodologies, quantifying relevant indices, and analyzing spatial and temporal variations, researchers can gain insights into the underlying processes, optimize operations, and make informed decisions in complex and dynamic environments. As advancements continue in modeling, experimentation, and data analysis techniques, the characterization of layer homogeneity under unsteady conditions will further enhance our understanding of natural and engineered systems, driving innovation and sustainability in diverse applications.


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  2. M. Gafurova, O. Garaeva. Transcripts of general, practical lessons from the course on mastering gas and gas-condensate stoves. Ashgabat, TPI, 2006.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): CFD, TPI.

Ключевые слова

energy conditions, gas dispersed, high solids

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