The use of ginger root for medicinal purposes in obesity | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Фармация и фармакология

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №9 (508) март 2024 г.

Дата публикации: 29.02.2024

Статья просмотрена: 9 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Ембергенова, Ж. К. The use of ginger root for medicinal purposes in obesity / Ж. К. Ембергенова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 9 (508). — С. 27-32. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).


Folk wisdom

The main directions of the circle:

— To collect statistical data in order to determine the relevance of the topic;

— Search for ways to effectively use medicinal plants as additional treatments;

— Comparative use of dosage forms prepared from medicinal plants for the treatment of patients and control of the outcome.

Relevance of the topic:

When the members of the «green pharmacy» collected statistical data to determine the level of obesity in Kazakhstan, the following data were found: 22 % of children in Kazakhstan, and 55 % of adults (including 58 % of women, 53 % of men) gained excess weight or suffered from obesity. This means that they are at risk of developing diabetes. According to data released by the National Center for healthy eating, there is a high demand among young people for foods and drinks that cause serious health problems. We, members of the» Green Pharmacy «circle, together with the endocrinologist of the Turkestan City Hospital «Akmaral» in order to identify the causes of obesity and search for additional treatments for its Prevention, conducted a study of patients registered with different levels of obesity.

Table 1

Objects in which the study was carried out:

Objects of research:

Akmaral City Hospital;

Turkestan higher medical college»,fitobar»

Patients registered with obesity;

Medicinal plant raw materials used in the fight against obesity;

Practical part

In order to identify the causes of obesity and find additional treatments for its treatment, the members of the» green pharmacy «circle, together with the endocrinologist of the Turkestan City Hospital» Akmaral», conducted a study of patients registered with obesity. In the registration book, it was found that over the past three months, 18 patients were registered with obesity, including 7 men, the rest-11 women.

We, members of the circle, took control of two patients from patients registered with obesity. We sent their general blood tests, biochemical blood and urine tests to the laboratory.

Examination results of controlled patients

Table 2

Before conducting research

P atient 1 , 54 years old, (body weight 83 kg)

Patient 2, 42 years old, (body weight 92 kg)

Blood analysis

Leukocytes — 12.0

ESR 17.0

Blood analysis

Leukocytes — 12.0

ESR 17.0

Biochemical blood analysis

Total protein — 67

Urinalysis — 5.2

Glucose — 8.1

Alat — 0.74


total — 20.52

Biochemical blood analysis

Total protein —7 0

Urinalysis — 4.7

Glucose — 10.5

«I'm sorry», he said.

Bilirubin total — 19.53

α-amylase activity blood and urine analysis

In the blood — 8.4

In urine — 30.2

α-amylase activity blood and urine analysis

In the blood — 14.7

In urine — 48.0

We conducted a survey of patients, paying attention to the peculiarities of their lifestyle, nutrition and medications they use. In people who showed signs of obesity, some abnormalities in the function of the pancreas, heart, liver were observed. The blood test has a high glucose content. The skin of these patients is constantly wet, quickly swells and becomes inflamed, the arms and legs quickly become numb and numb, and there are various levels of edema on the legs and other parts of the body. They often have a feeling of thirst and hunger, the tone of the gastrointestinal tract is reduced.

Obese patients should receive long-term treatment. In such cases, obesity can be prevented and alleviated if, with proper adherence to the diet and proper application of additional treatments in addition to the main one. The use of medicinal plants as an additional treatment is one of the least harmful and effective methods for the human body. After studying medicinal plants, we chose ginger root, which contains a lot of vitamins and has the effect of reducing the amount of glucose in the blood.

For this purpose, we offered the patients under control the types of decoctions, powders, salads and sweet tsukat, confetti that we prepared ourselves from the root of ginger.

Table 3

Product prepared from ginger root

The composition


Product type


Ginger zucchini

Ginger root 100 g

Sugar 300 g

Water 150 g

We boil the peeled ginger root over low heat for an hour. In a syrup made from three hundred gr of sugar and one hundred and fifty ml of water, we put boiled ginger root and boil until ready over low heat for an hour.We dry the finished tsukats on parchment paper. Then we roll in powdered sugar or coconut flakes.

C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\АЖ КОН\ЖД видео, сурет\IMG-20190521-WA0026.jpg


Ginger root candy

Ginger root

20 g

Sugar 200 g

Water 100

powdered sugar 30 g

We prepare syrup from ginger root. Ready syrup with a tea spoon on parchment paper, pour the syrup in circles and freeze at room temperature.

C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\АЖ КОН\ЖД видео, сурет\IMG-20190521-WA0035.jpg


Marmalade made from ginger root

Ginger root

20 g

Sugar 50 g

Water 100 g

Gelatin 30 g

Sesame seeds 15 g

We prepare syrup from ginger root. Add dissolved gelatin to the finished syrup and over low heat for 30 minutes. we hold on. Pour into a special mold, sprinkle sesame seeds on top and cool in the refrigerator.

C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\АЖ КОН\ЖД видео, сурет\IMG-20190521-WA0027.jpg


Decoction of ginger root

Ginger root 2 g

Boiling water

200 g

Pour 200 g of boiling water over 2 g of ginger root and heat for half an hour in a water bath. We cool the finished brew for 20 minutes and strain.


Salad made from ginger root

Ginger root 20 g

Apples 200 g

Orange 3–4 parts

lemon 2/1 part

Chop the ginger root through a fine grater and cut the Apple into small pieces in four corners. You can stir, stir in the dill leaves and add a few pieces of orange and lemon juice to taste. We put it on the table, styling it with a mint leaf.

G:\ЖД видео, сурет\Дейін Кейін фото\салат имбирь с яблоком.jpg

Substances prepared from the listed ginger root № 1; 2; 3; 4 can be easily prepared by the patient independently and regularly used in the food diet.

A decoction of ginger root is taken throughout the day instead of tea and water. To suppress the feeling of hunger, it is effective to use tsukat, candy and salads instead of food. It has been noticed that ginger root also increases the body's ability to resist viruses, expelling various disruptions and excess water in the body.

We recommended the following food rations and morning exercises, observing the food rations and lifestyle, position of the patients:

1st breakfast: — ginger tsukaty; — Apple and low-fat cheese-protein bread-ginger tea;

2nd breakfast: — sea leaf and omelet; — ginger candy-ginger tea;

1st breakfast: — boiled fish-salad of vegetables and ginger root; — protein bread-low-fat kefir

2nd breakfast: — low-fat cheese-ginger tea;

3rd lunch:-salad of potatoes and cucumbers-vegetarian soup-steam liver cutlet-carrot puree-frozen bread-decoction of ginger root;

4th feast: — salad of ginger root and Apple;

5th dinner: — omelet from cheese — green peas-protein bread-low-fat kefir decoction made from the root of ginger;

We have monitored that patients follow this diet and make these changes in their daily lives:

— hiking;

— walk more;

— morning exercises;

— physical activity

We put forward such requirements for physical activity as daily sweeping the yard, cleaning the floors of rooms on their own, without using vacuum cleaners. At the end of the three-month period, when these requirements were met without interruption, patients began to experience less hunger and thirst, fatigue, and sweating. And during six months, the amount of sugar in the blood has stabilized at normal values, body weight has decreased, and they said that they feel much lighter than before.

Results of the study:

Table 4

Patient, 54 years old, (body weight dropped to 83 kg — 72 kg.)

Name of the analysis

After conducting research

Blood analysis

Leukocytes — 8.5

ESR 13.0

Biochemical blood analysis

Total protein — 62

Urinalysis — 5.2

Glucose — 6.2

Alat — 0.50

Bilirubin total — 20.15

α-amylase activity blood and urine analysis

In the blood — 8.5

In urine — 42.0

Patient 2, 42 years old (body weight 92 kg) with Type 1 of obesity, has been registered for 6 years, that is, since 2017. Medications taken: mazindol, Lantus. When the patient does not follow a food diet and does not use substances prepared from ginger root, the blood sugar level rises to -10.5. We recommended grinding ordinary Caraway (grechikha) into the patient's diet, putting 2 tablespoons in 1 glass of kefir (kefir), stewing it for about half an hour, stirring and taking it 2 times instead of food, in the morning and in the evening, as well as taking things prepared from the roots.

№ 1 when you start to feel hungry for ginger zucchini;

№ 2 use a decoction of ginger root for the whole day instead of water;

№ 3 before eating candied fruits prepared from the root of ginger;

№ 4 prepare a salad made from ginger root during meals;

In addition to the food diet, beet juice and 15.0 herbs of zhantak were infused with 1L of boiling water and placed in a dark place for 1 day.the prepared tincture was used instead of water. After 6 months of continuous use of these measures, when re-examining the blood composition (March 2023), the sugar content showed 5.4 indicators. And the body weight dropped to 85 kg.

Table 5

Patient 2, 42 years old, (body weight dropped to 92 kg — 85 kg)

Name of the analysis

After conducting research

Blood analysis

Leukocytes — 8.5

ESR 13.0

Biochemical blood analysis

Total protein — 72

Urinalysis — 4,8

Glucose — 5,4

Alat — 0.58

Bilirubin total — 19,54

α-amylase activity blood and urine analysis

In the blood — 8.1

In urine — 42.0


Based on the results of these studies, we propose the following:


  1. intermittent use of a sugar-free decoction of ginger root instead of water for obesity;
  2. reception when the feeling of hunger begins:

a) No. 1 ginger zucchini;

b) candy made from ginger root No 3;

c) No. 4 salad made from ginger root

  1. adherence to the daily food diet in case of obesity:

1st breakfast: — grated carrots-ginger salad with apple flavor-protein bread-tea with ginger zucchini;

2nd breakfast: — sea leaf and omelette-ginger decoction;

3rd lunch: — tea with ginger marmalade or sweets — vegetarian soup — steam cutlet from the liver — carrot puree — frozen bread-regular intake of ginger decoction when thirsty.

  1. make the physical activity shown below a daily habit:

— hiking;

— walk more;

— morning exercises;

— physical activity


  1. «Pharmacognosy», Makhatov B. K., Patsaev A. K., Orynbasarova K. K., Kadisheva zh. a. Almaty, 2011
  2. «Pharmacognosy» Muravyova D. A.-M., 2007 G
  3. Pharmacy of Kazakhstan 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012.
  4. Interesting testimonials 2011.
  5. Terekhin S. P., Akhmetova S. V. «Therapeutic nutrition» 2015
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ESR.

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