Grammatical Features for Teaching English in speciality | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Атаева, А. А. Grammatical Features for Teaching English in speciality / А. А. Атаева, Айсолтан Атаева, Абдылкерим Каипов, Даянчмухаммет Ниязов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 42 (489). — С. 77-78. — URL: (дата обращения: 26.03.2025).

Keywords: English language teaching, grammar, new methods.

Unparalleled construction works turned Turkmenistan into a modern, highly developed region. The development of industrial production continues at a high pace, including the oil and gas sector, agriculture, transport and communication and other sectors that ensure the true independence and prosperity of the country. In this regard, Turkmenistan, along with traditional industries, is committed to the path of innovative development, forming and developing new industries characteristic of the fourth technological order. Thus, today Turkmenistan has established the production of smart televisions, automation, lighting equipment, LED lamps, electric meters, interactive panels, electronic network equipment, computers. The education sector plays a major role in these changes.

In 2017, the President of Turkmenistan signed a resolution approving the concept of improving the teaching of foreign languages, which is planned to create a continuous, consistent and interconnected system of teaching foreign languages in 2021–2024. As the President of Turkmenistan noted, the introduction of advanced computers, Internet technologies and multimedia in the educational process opens up great opportunities in teaching foreign languages, including over a long distance. All this requires developing new teaching methods and training highly qualified teachers.

Of course, according to the Education Policy of Turkmenistan, in the planned form of the Law on Education in 2021, as stated in Article 5, «the Turkmen language is the main language of teaching and upbringing in all parts of the educational institutions of Turkmenistan, regardless of its status as a state language».

At the same time, «Taking into account the ever-growing global social, ecological and economic interaction, the state promotes the study of foreign languages by citizens of Turkmenistan in all departments of educational institutions, including the official working languages of the United Nations, regardless of the type of ownership. Depending on the purpose of the educational programs and the specifics of the educational process, foreign language(s) may be used as the main language of instruction in these educational institutions. It is also noted.

Proponents of the new method argue that it does not provide an opportunity to communicate in the language for training and learning purposes.

The main principles of a communicative approach to the use of computer technology are:

– Teaching grammar clearly;

– Emphasis on students' creation of their own sentences and texts rather than the use of ready-made words;

– instead of a standard scoring system (correct/incorrect), there should be multiple response options;

– more use of the language being taught in the teaching process

– establish student-computer, student-student communication.

In this regard, it is more appropriate and effective to use modern technologies in teaching foreign languages.

Language learning (foreign and mother tongue) is a very complex process that requires a large amount of textual and graphical information, access to which is limited within the framework of traditional learning methods. A language learning tool is a unique library that is always available. An indispensable thing when learning a language is a book reader or e-book, with this device you can not only read works, but also take notes, listen and create audio recordings. Translation Tools will provide online translation service for any complex texts in any language you are interested in.

The language tutor system displays the spelling of the word or phrase, the corresponding image and translation itself, and speaks the word or phrase aloud. You can then speak a word or phrase directly to the translator, and the system will evaluate what you said and provide the correct version for comparison. In this way, you can improve your speaking and listening skills. The program consists of 4 parts: Alphabet Words Vocabulary Conversations. The conversational dictionary is translated in both directions depending on the selected language pair and contains a database of over 1,200,000 words and phrases. Transcription, examples, phrases, etc. expanded vocabulary with

During the Revival of the new epoch of a stable state, great work is being done to further develop the education system and provide modern education to the young generation. In this regard, great importance is attached to the perfect learning of foreign languages by young people, and continuous efforts are made in this regard.

As language is an important means of communication, learning world languages is of great importance. This means that by learning the languages of different nations, it is possible to strengthen international relations and strengthen mutual cooperation.

As it is known, today our independent, permanently neutral Turkmenistan occupies a worthy place in the international space and carries out effective work in developing equal, friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation with the countries of the world. From this point of view, it is necessary to train young people who know foreign languages perfectly. The implementation of these activities, starting from kindergartens and deepening in secondary schools, is a guarantee that young people will study foreign languages more thoroughly. A methodically literate teacher who is familiar with the modern technologies of foreign language teaching, knows the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student, can achieve great success in this field. Because the effectiveness of language learning depends on the child's development period, because the words and phrases that the child remembers during the early development period remain in his memory for life. The «vocabulary memory» in the brain of a child who learns a language from childhood is more developed than that of other peers. Psychologists confirm this.

We would like to emphasize from the beginning the importance of using interactive methods in language learning. This is a highly interactive classroom environment, a way in which not only teacher-student interaction, but also student-to-student interaction results in positive outcomes. In the previous methods, attention was mainly paid to a certain aspect of the language — grammar, development of writing skills. in this case, the opportunity to develop speaking skills is reduced. In interactive methods, both writing skills and oral culture are developed.

After all, there are many scientific methods of foreign language teaching, and we use them widely to teach English to students. We take an integrated approach to those methods and try to use them all consistently. Therefore, it is impossible to favor one or the other method and ignore the others. In order to make the learning process more effective, it is advisable to use several methods in combination.

The grammar-translation method is more important in this regard. In order to learn more about the grammatical features of a foreign language, we ask senior students to translate English texts into their native language. In this case, many new words are learned, the grammar of the language, the spelling rules of words are mastered.


  1. Oxford Dictionary by A. S. Hornby 2000
  2. English — English Dictionary by A. S. Hornby 2000
  3. Grammar practice by Elaine Walker, Steve Elsworth. 2000
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): LED.

Ключевые слова

grammar, English language teaching, new methods

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