Independent Turkmenistan and international cooperation | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Чарыев, А. Ч. Independent Turkmenistan and international cooperation / А. Ч. Чарыев, Г. О. Рахманов, С. А. Абдиев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 40 (487). — С. 117-118. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

Keywords: relationship, international agreements, foreign policy.

Under the leadership of the President of Turkmenistan in our powerful state, our independent and eternally neutral state successfully implements equal and mutually beneficial cooperation with world countries and international organizations.

Turkmenistan strengthens its relations with regional and interregional organizations by contributing to international security, stability, and reliable socio-economic development. It expands and deepens equal and mutually beneficial cooperation with all countries of the world. National and public interests are unswervingly protected. It remains faithful to the concluded international agreements and unfailingly fulfills its obligations.

In the process of strengthening international peace, security and stability, Turkmenistan attaches great importance to cooperation with major international organizations, especially the UN and its constituents. As one of the active members of the United Nations, Turkmenistan makes a worthy contribution to the development and implementation of long-term program projects with the countries of the world based on the interests of the people in economy, life, environmental protection, science, education, culture and other fields. The chosen foreign policy of Turkmenistan is aimed at the sake of peace and well-being of peoples all over the world. Cooperation between Turkmenistan and the world's largest international organization, the United Nations, for the sake of universal well-being, has its positive results. The activities implemented in the country in the field of restoring modern models of the ancient Great Silk Road, ensuring the establishment of transport and transportation, the safety of transit of energy resources, expanding the scope of friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation with other countries in trade, economic, science and education and other fields. our nation is therefore aimed at the common man living a prosperous and dignified life.

By supporting all initiatives of the UN to ensure world peace and well-being, Turkmenistan makes a worthy contribution to the implementation of relevant work in this field. Because by implementing the UN-recognized Permanent Neutrality, Turkmenistan directs its creative energy to the well-being of all mankind. It is rooted in the humanitarian principles of the Turkmen people based on peace-loving, good neighborliness and equal cooperation with mutual respect.

Currently, our state of Turkmenistan makes a worthy contribution to the development of relations with the countries of the world by means of roads, railways, sea and air routes.

Commenting on the importance of friendly and brotherly relations established by our national leader with the countries of the world, he said: «The principles of cooperation, trust and mutual respect form the basis of Turkmenistan's international activities». The President's humanitarian policy aimed at peace and mutual trust between peoples in the field of international cooperation finds its unique expression in the friendly and brotherly ways that extend to the world.

International relations are increasingly popular in the development of science and education. We would like to point out that the country's educational system, which has reached a new level of quality, is taking successful steps towards the heights of development. Students of our state's higher education institutions and secondary education institutions regularly participate in international lesson competitions, foreign intellectual competitions and internet competitions, successfully perform and receive gold, silver medals and diplomas. Within the framework of international educational programs, effective relations have been established between the higher educational institutions of the country and the major scientific and educational centers of the world. Turkmenistan actively cooperates with international organizations such as UNICEF and UNESCO. The science system, which is a transformative force of the development of our society, occupies an important place in the life of our country.

Bringing the scientific development of our beloved country to the world level, increasing the efficiency of scientific researches and technical developments, directing them to solve social and life problems is one of the main tasks that our national leader sets before the scientists and professors of higher educational institutions. That is why theoretical and practical research work is being carried out in the academic, departmental research institutes and higher educational institutions of the country in the priority areas of science. At present, in relevant research institutes and higher educational institutions of the country, opportunities have been created to develop the fields of science, such as nano, bio and information technologies, robotics, molecular biology, innovative economy, and branch industry and bring them to the world level. In addition, in the research institutes, higher educational institutions and scientific institutions of the country, the post-graduate studies in doctoral studies are being carried out. The material infrastructure of scientific institutions and higher educational institutions is being strengthened, and the world's newest information and communication technologies are being widely implemented in their work.

The continuous increase in interest of young Turkmen scientists to continue their scientific training, improve their skills, and engage in scientific work is a unique result of the state policy of the President of Turkmenistan to develop basic and applied science in the country, strengthen its scientific and technical capacity, and create a new intellectual system of the country.

Effective work is carried out in Turkmenistan to develop national intellectual property and bring it to the international level, to ensure legal protection of developments, discoveries and innovations, and to widely introduce them to various sectors of the economy. A unified information electronic base of national intellectual property is created and improved. Implementation of reforms in the country's scientific and educational system in accordance with international standards positively affects the further development of the independent, permanent neutral state and the international reputation. With the initiative of the Turkmen leader, the activities related to the development of the digital education system in the country were established in accordance with international standards. The introduction of digital technologies encourages the improvement of the quality of education and the introduction of world experience. The introduction of advances in science and technology into the education system, the widespread use of personal computer equipment in education provides an opportunity to modernize the digital education system. The digital education system also has a positive effect on the active and effective use of modern information technologies by our citizens in their professional work.


1. Rahmanov A. Diplomatic embassies and media briefing work — 2016 State Publishing Service.

2. Karaev B. Foreign policy of Turkmenistan — 2017. State Publishing Service.

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): UNESCO, UNICEF.

Ключевые слова

Foreign Policy, relationship, international agreements

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