Effect of self-esteem on learning foreign language at the classroom | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №28 (475) июль 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 15.07.2023

Статья просмотрена: 142 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Маккамбаева, Ф. Х. Effect of self-esteem on learning foreign language at the classroom / Ф. Х. Маккамбаева, Д. П. Нарметова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 28 (475). — С. 133-136. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/475/104909/ (дата обращения: 17.07.2024).

Everything in a person's life revolves around their sense of worth. Self-esteem, sometimes called self-worth or self-esteem, is our perception of who we are, which shapes our actions and choices. We are inspired to overcome challenges, try new things, and feel confident when our self-esteem is high. Our emotional well-being, relationships, decision-making and overall well-being are influenced by your sense of self-worth. This also affects motivation, as those with a healthy, good self-image are aware of their potential and can be motivated to take on new challenges. The current research study aimed to examine effect of self-esteem on learning foreign languages at the class. Researches related to self-esteem reviewed and discussed. The recent study concluded as: self-esteem has high importance on learning and teaching foreign languages at the classroom.

Keywords: self-esteem, high-low self-esteem, foreign language,self-confidence, motivation, approach, emotion, feeling.


One of the best ways to communicate with others is language. It is known that language, which is one of the first elements that come to mind when establishing a relationship between society and culture, differs according to societies, and it is estimated that the number of languages used in the world will be high due to different languages are spoken in different societies. From ancient times to the present day, learning other languages has been an important topic of discussion. By nature, individuals believed that mastering their mother tongue was the most important requirement for communicating with others. Later, they had to learn new languages to interact and converse with individuals of other nations.

With the advancement of technology and globalization, human interaction and social distancing have become more important in recent years. Due to the increasing use of electronic means of communication, it is becoming increasingly important globally to emphasize the need to learn other languages. People in our country are beginning to realize the value of learning foreign languages and are trying different methods to increase their proficiency. To retain the greatest number of people in both their personal and professional lives, people must be able to speak languages that are widely spoken around the world. With four academic skills-speaking, listening, writing and reading-English is recognized as the most popular foreign language.

The acquisition, development, maintenance and use of sophisticated communication technologies constitute the language system. It is impossible to dispute the importance of English as a global language. The acquisition of English, which is at the top of the lexical hierarchy, is important in educational settings and in every educational environment. Cognitive, psychological, demographic and affective factors are taken into account in any language acquisition to help learners become proficient in the target language. The affective component of language acquisition encompasses various dimensions such as emotion, feeling, motivation, self-esteem, self-efficacy, attitudes, etc. [1].

Most foreign language learners face various challenges in the classroom. One of these issues is raised by learners' cognitive, personality, demographic and emotional characteristics such as ego, anxiety and self-confidence. One of the things that have the greatest detrimental effects on language learners and their ability to successfully study and acquire a foreign language is anxiety [2].

The link between learning and one's sense of one's own worth Language teaching must pay close attention to the crucial element of English. One's overall judgments of one's own importance and value as a person can be termed self-esteem. When it comes to language acquisition, self-esteem has a significant impact on motivation, self-confidence and the capacity to acquire a new language [3].

The importance of self-confidence in language learning cannot be overstated. Students with strong self-confidence in their English study skills generally have higher motivation, engagement and self-confidence. On the other hand, students who lack self-confidence may find it difficult to learn a language, feel bad about them and have trouble memorizing material [4].

Low self-esteem and language acquisition are related in a complex and nuanced way. Research has shown that learners with low self-esteem may find it difficult to learn English, resulting in a loss of motivation and self-confidence, which can be detrimental to their language skills. Negative emotions such as anxiety, nervousness and embarrassment can result from low self-esteem, which can make language learning even more difficult.

Low self-esteem can have serious consequences for language acquisition. For example, students with low self-esteem may avoid speaking in class, be embarrassed to ask questions, and be reluctant to speak English, all of which can hinder their language learning. In addition, individuals with low self-esteem may exhibit learned helplessness. These learners may also have difficulty in setting and achieving language learning goals, which can hinder their progress and further erode their self-confidence. As poor self-esteem undermines motivation and confidence in language learning, the link between self-esteem and learning English is important. In the next section we will examine the factors that reduce language learners' sense of self-worth [5].

Students with higher self-esteem had superior English proficiency compared to those with lower self-esteem, suggesting that self-esteem is particularly important for learning a foreign or second language.

It is undoubtedly thought to be one of the most important emotional elements that determine whether a person will be successful in learning a foreign language. Numerous studies examining the link between self-esteem and language proficiency have found that the two factors are indeed positively related in a variety of situations.

Things that can lower one's self-confidence when learning a language

Low self-esteem among language learners can be caused by a variety of issues, so it is very important to recognize and address these issues. In this section, we will cover a few important issues that can lead to a lack of self-confidence when learning a language:


Social anxiety

Social anxiety can be a serious barrier to language acquisition as it can cause learners to feel embarrassed and uneasy when speaking in front of others. The negative self-talk and lack of confidence that can result from this anxiety can make learning a language even more difficult.


Negative feedback

Language learners' self-esteem can also suffer as a result of negative criticism from classmates or teachers. Language criticism or corrections can be difficult to receive and if they are not helpful, they can lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt.


Cultural differences and discrimination

Low self-esteem among language learners can also result from prejudice and cultural differences. Discrimination can produce feelings of alienation that can damage motivation and linguistic commitment.Language acquisition challenges can also be brought on by a lack of understanding of the culture associated with the language you are learning. Because understanding the underlying cultural settings of the language you're studying may provide you significant insights into specific phrases that are frequently used by people of a certain cultural group, learning a second language requires knowledge of these contexts. The same may be said of studying different cultures.


Learning disabilities

Learning difficulties such as dyslexia or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can also affect one's self-confidence when learning a language. Inability to master the language can lead to dissatisfaction and a negative self-perception in students with learning difficulties.

Eliminating these factors can be crucial for improving self-esteem and improving language learning outcomes. Strategies such as creating a supportive classroom environment, providing constructive feedback and providing resources for language learners with learning disabilities can help boost self-esteem and promote successful language acquisition.

Although it can be difficult to boost self-esteem when learning a language, there are a number of approaches that can help one become more motivated and confident. In this section, we will explore some of the best methods for boosting self-esteem when learning a language:


A positive conversation with yourself

Polite self-talk can help language learners to feel better about them. Focusing on one's achievements and abilities can help overcome negative self-talk and promote the development of a positive self-image in language learners.


Encouragement and support from others

Support and encouragement from family, friends and teachers can also help you feel more confident when learning a language. Encouraging feedback and recognition of your language learning success can be particularly helpful to boost motivation and self-confidence.


Goal setting and self-reflection

Setting goals and reflecting on oneself are other effective techniques for boosting self-esteem among language learners. Setting attainable language learning objectives and keeping a progress journal helps boost confidence and instill a feeling of success.


Participation in pleasant language learning classes

Taking part in interesting language learning activities can also help language learners to feel more confident. Playing games, listening to music or engaging in other interesting activities can make language learning more enjoyable and fun, which can increase motivation and confidence.

Therefore, there are a number of practical methods to increase self-esteem when learning a language, such as encouraging and supporting people, goal setting, introspection and participating in fun language learning sessions. If self-esteem is prioritized in language education, language learners can be more successful in learning English and other languages.

Materials and methods

The current study aimed to investigate effect of self-esteem on learning foreign languages at the classroom. Overall ten research studies regarding effect of Self-Esteem on learning foreign languages reviewed. These studies have been discussed below.


Students with high self-esteem have a better chance of succeeding in school, as they often set higher goals for themselves. Strong self-esteem in students makes them more likely to set bigger goals for themselves and keep trying after they fail. In addition, having a high sense of self-worth can give students the confidence to face difficult situations and realize their own progress and achievements [6].

One of the primary motivations of humans is a sense of self-worth. When self-esteem is low, the psychological balance becomes unstable, leading to uncertainty, fear, social isolation and other undesirable situations. If a person's self-esteem is very low, they may even need psychological therapy. Self-esteem, whether good or bad, can have a significant impact on a person's life. Low self-esteem is a non-clinical condition, but it can still have detrimental effects when it comes to language learning. As a result of their intense insecurity, learners may avoid taking the risks necessary to develop their communicative competence in the target language. If this happens, they may even choose to leave the class altogether. The literature has identified three degrees of self-esteem (global, situational and task self-esteem) to include various aspects. In adults, it is a fairly stable and fixed characteristic that does not change over time except through extensive therapy.

It is considered the judge of one's own worth in all circumstances, both temporary and permanent. It refers to one's assessment of the importance of things such as social interaction, work, education, home, or other specific, clearly defined characteristics such as intelligence, communication ability, athletic ability, or personality traits such as assertiveness, empathy, and flexibility to the situation and one's unique personality. It is called task self-esteem because it is specialized in certain situations or associated with certain activities. For example, in academic settings task self-esteem is linked to an aspect of the material, or in sporting settings, a particular sporting ability is assessed in connection with task self-esteem. Overall, the levels and definitions of self-esteem suggest that it has the greatest impact on students' academic performance. Depending on how they feel about their own abilities, students can choose to be exceptional or below average [7].

Students' self-esteem is now an important component to avoid disciplinary problems. Higher self-esteem leads to greater academic performance and less disruption for instructors in the classroom. However, those who argue with their teachers are less likely to succeed and are more likely to exhibit bad learning habits, such as lower attendance in class and academic activities, reduced academic motivation and attention, verbal and physical violence at school, disruptive behavior in the classroom, and low levels of self-esteem. Teachers who grin while complimenting children are those who have good classroom management techniques. Such instructor skills are very successful in increasing students' self-esteem and desired behaviors.


Finally, this article explores the link between struggles with English language acquisition and poor self-esteem. It is crucial to find and eliminate the causes of poor self-esteem in language learners, as it can have a significant impact on motivation, confidence and learning progress. Since factors such as social anxiety, negative feedback, cultural differences and learning difficulties can all lead to low self-esteem among language learners, it is crucial that instructors and learners place a high priority on self-esteem when learning a language. By using techniques such as encouraging others, goal setting, reflection and positive self-talk, self-confidence can be raised and language learning outcomes improved. In order to learn a language effectively, it is crucial that both educators and foreign language learners have high self-confidence. This can be achieved by taking proactive steps to address this issue. Language learners can learn English and other languages more successfully and open up more personal and professional options by putting their self-confidence first.

In conclusion, we urge educators and language learners to prioritize self-assessment when learning a language and to create a welcoming and inclusive learning environment for all.


1. Rubio F. (ed.). Self-esteem and foreign language learning. — Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021.

2. Irimiea S. English as a foreign language. What challenges do teachers of English face //StudiaUniversitatis Babes-Bolyai, Geographia. — 2016. — Т. 61. — №. 1. — С. 145–158.

3. Ghaith G. Effects of the learning together model of cooperative learning on English as a foreign language reading achievement, academic self-esteem, and feelings of school alienation //Bilingual research journal. — 2003. — Т. 27. — №. 3. — С. 451–474.

4. Habrat A. The role of self-esteem in foreign language learning and teaching. — Springer International Publishing, 2018.

5. Sowislo J. F., Orth U. Does low self-esteem predict depression and anxiety? A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies //Psychological bulletin. — 2013. — Т. 139. — №. 1. — С. 213.

6. Utami B. R., Wahyudin A. Y. DOES SELF-ESTEEM INFLUENCE STUDENT ENGLISH PROFICIENCY TEST SCORES? //Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning. — 2022. — Т. 3. — №. 2. — С. 16–20.

7. ABDUMALIKOVA F. Role of self-esteem in second language oral and written performance //International Journal of Innovations in Engineering Research and Technology. — 2020. — Т. 7. — №. 12. — С. 29–32.

8. Demirdag S. Classroom management and students self-esteem: Creating positive classrooms //Educational research and reviews. — 2015. — Т. 10. — №. 2. — С. 191–197.https://doi.org/10.5897/ERR2014.2000


Ключевые слова

foreign language, approach, emotion, motivation, self-esteem, high-low self-esteem, self-confidence, feeling

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