Historical and cultural monuments of Turkmenistan are in the center of attention of the world community | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Архитектура, дизайн и строительство

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №3 (450) январь 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 18.01.2023

Статья просмотрена: 8 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Меришова, О. Н. Historical and cultural monuments of Turkmenistan are in the center of attention of the world community / О. Н. Меришова, Д. Д. Тошшыева, Джемал Торыева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 3 (450). — С. 133-134. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/450/98996/ (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

Keywords: historical monuments, scientific research, treasures, national heritage.

Our country is rich in treasures and historical monuments; it was recognized by the world community as a result of the state’s policy in this field.

Currently Turkmenistan has more than 1,400 historical and cultural facilities in the state register, most of them are archaeological monuments.

On the initiative of the Honorable President, the activities of studying, developing and spreading our national heritage to the world are becoming more and more widespread. At the present time, the activities of preserving, restoring, protecting, studying and promoting our historical and cultural monuments and values are of great importance at the state level.

With the efforts of the Turkmen leader, a wide path has been opened for the scientific study of our history and national cultural values. In order to preserve the rich spiritual heritage of our people, state historical and cultural reserves have been established in Turkmenistan.

Organizing trips to those places, conveying historical information to the younger generations creates feelings of patriotism, pride and interest in their past history. As for the country, a number of historical and cultural monuments of Turkmenistan have been added to the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The monuments of Turkmenistan, which have become a wonderful part of world culture for many centuries, attract the attention of the peoples of the world. Because the ancient Turkmen land is known as a place of centuries-old history and great past.

Great importance is attached to the restoration, planning and study of historical monuments, which have become the treasures of our country. As our Motherland is rich in historical and cultural monuments, the government's policy in this field is becoming more and more popular. There are about 1.5 thousand historical and cultural objects in the state budget of Turkmenistan, most of them are archeological monuments.

Turkmens are considered one of the oldest nations. It is also widely recognized as a nation that has continuously contributed to the development of world culture and science. This is fully confirmed by the historical, cultural and archaeological monuments located within the territory of the country.

Turkmenistan is considered one of the countries rich in historical and cultural monuments. There are also cultural monuments belonging to more ancient times. Buildings built in the Middle Ages are distinguished by their unique structural tone and architectural features.

There are a number of historical and cultural monument complexes in different parts of the country. Unique examples of building construction can be seen in Dehistan, Nisa, Amul, Merv monument complexes. Historical findings found in historical and cultural monuments such as Mashat ata, Togalakdepe, Gonurdepe, Mansurdepe, Namazgadepe, Ulugdepe, Altyndepe are especially fascinating with their unique structure.

In addition, many other historical and cultural buildings such as Izmykshire, Konya, Ismamit Ata, Seyitjemaleddin Mosque, Sarahs Castle, Sultan Sanjar's tomb prove that Turkmenistan is a place rich in historical monuments. The architectural structure of the memorial buildings and the finds found in those places fully prove that our ancestors were literate and cultured people. It is appropriate to state one more fact here. It is also the origin of many legends associated with each historical monument. Those legends, which have been passed down from generation to generation, are of great importance in educating our future youth. Those legends are very interestingly described in the wonderful books of our Arkadag called «Turkmenistan — the heart of the Great Silk Road» and «Turkmen's principle of statehood».

Since Turkmenistan is located in a favorable geographical location, the Great Silk Road has passed through it for hundreds of years. Along with being an economic and cultural bridge between the East and the West, it was of great importance in relations between states in political, economic and cultural fields. It also influenced the appearance of many castles along the Great Silk Road. The passage of this road through the Motherland has done a great service in the continuous development of our rich cultural heritage and spiritual values.

International scientific-practical consultations held regularly in Turkmenistan on all branches of science have turned Turkmenistan, which was considered the «Hotbed of science» in ancient times, into the center of attention of the world scientific community. Our national leader emphasizes the need to study the scientific and cultural heritage of ancient Turkmen scientists, including outstanding, exemplary scientists. Our President emphasizes that the lives, creativity, and achievements of the scientists who worked in those scientific and cultural centers should be a model school for today's young Turkmen scientists.

During the years of our Independence, normative legal documents aimed at preserving cultural values ​​and material heritage were adopted in our country. The continuous improvement of its set of legal documents indicates that special attention is paid to the cultural values ​​of the state, which are legally protected. In accordance with these, the generally recognized norms of international law, «On the protection of historical and cultural monuments of Turkmenistan», «On museums and museum work», «On the protection, planting and bringing of movable cultural values» and other legal documents, are worthy of mention.

Currently, in accordance with the «State Program of 2022–2028 to preserve, protect, study and attract tourists to the objects of the national historical and cultural heritage», many historical monuments are being restored and studied on a phased basis.

Excavation, field research, study of archeological finds, expeditions and other planned complex tasks, scientific and practical advice are carried out within the framework of the relevant program. Scientists of the world, representatives of the Turkmen scientific community, and young specialists are actively participating in this.

Studying, organizing and preserving the values ​​related to the antiquity of Turkmenistan on the basis of scientific research is the responsibility of all professionals working in this field, especially highly educated young people. That is why great opportunities are created to study, protect and professionally manage all the riches of the sacred land of the beloved Motherland, to transfer it to the future and spread it to the world.

In the country, which is an ancient place of great culture and science, during the prosperity of the state, the world-famous city construction is being carried out. Our people, who forget their history and build their future with beauty, live in the present of a noble life.


  1. Bayram Akatov. Ancient Turkmen literature — Turkmenabat 2010
  2. Sahydov T. History of Turkmen Culture — Ashgabat 2010
  3. Medeniyet.gov.tm.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): UNESCO.

Ключевые слова

scientific research, historical monuments, treasures, national heritage

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