To study the possibilities of cleaning the environment from plastic waste and to get semi-finished goods from the waste of polyethylene-polypropylene products | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Мухаммедова, М. Б. To study the possibilities of cleaning the environment from plastic waste and to get semi-finished goods from the waste of polyethylene-polypropylene products / М. Б. Мухаммедова, Г. С. Сейитниязова, А. Г. Машадова, Л. А. Абдыева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 49 (444). — С. 153-155. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

By using the innovative news in the chemical industry, to produce competitive products from local raw materials and bring them to the world market issues on the basis of new technologies are one of the main tasks of Turkmen scientists in the coming years.

By solving the problem of cleaning the environment from plastic waste and recycling waste from polyethylene-polypropylene products, i.e. by recycling polyethylene from polyethylene-polypropylene products from the national economy and other sectors, protect environment, clean up and conserve our natural resources, including facilitate the production process to the account of changing aspect of polyethylene and polypropylene, are the main goal of the scientific project.

Factors that can affect the physicochemical characteristics and composition of the plastic waste that surrounds our environment are consist from bringing into light their variability in time units and concluding on them.

In this regard, it is important to study the factors influencing plastic products: under the influence of solubility, under the influence of technology, under the influence of other mixture bentonite, sand. In this way, the following scientific research activities are planned:

– study of the composition of polyethylene-polypropylene products;

– study of physical and chemical parameters of polyethylene-polypropylene products;

– study of additives in polyethylene-polypropylene products;

– study of the effect of solvents on waste products of polyethylene-polypropylene products;

– study of the effect of technology on waste products of polyethylene-polypropylene products;

– study the relationship of waste products of polyethylene-polypropylene products to sand, bentonite.

After analysing the types of plastic waste recycling in laboratories, in scientific project we’ve intended and aimed to reuse the plastic waste in industry by making it liquid of the with the help of technology and learn possibilities of recycling polyethylene-polypropylene waste products in various ways as well as get semi-finished goods.

Experiment section

  1. Experimental equipment, chemical reagents and utensils: Residual polyethylene and polypropylene products (02 HDPE (PEND) high density polyethylene (low pressure), 2 HDPE polyethylene high pressure, in composition containing 5 PP, low-density polyethylene high-pressure (PWD) and polyethylene high-density low-pressure (PND) packaging is used in production, PET vacuum, BOPP bags (packs) composition is lavsan (polyester) and polyethylene low-density high-pressure), organic solvents, flasks, filters, electric stove.
  2. Getting semi-finished liquid product from the waste of polyethylene and polypropylene products

I added 4 gr of crushed plastic waste (5 PP containing) to our glass bottomed smooth flask and topped with 10ml of acetone in a 1: 2 ratio of toluene, 1 hour 22 minutes without affecting the temperature, 10 gr of crushed plastic residue in another form (containing 5 PP in its composition and added aforementioned plastic waste) and added toluene (including xylene) to the 10 gr plastic waste and our solvent went up to 2 cm above our plastic waste. Then I boiled on an electric stove, the boiling point was equal to the boiling point of the solvent, and dissolved during the about 20–25 minutes. As a result, we got a dense solution and our crushed plastic residue during the experiment did not lose its original color. In the experiment, we tested it as a lubricant for surfaces, which really meets the requirements, that is, when applying to the cleaned wood, glass product it adheres as it absorbed to the product, forms a thin film on it, and does not absorb water, so that it contains polymer characters due to take it from the polymers.

  1. Getting semi-finished powder from polyethylene and polypropylene waste

We poured 15 gr of crushed plastic waste (02 HDPE (PEND) high-density polyethylene (low pressure), 2 HDPE polyethylene high pressure) and 30 ml of toluene on top of it into a glass flask which bottom is smooth. Our organic solvent shall rise over 2 cm of crushed plastic. Then I boiled on an electric stove, the boiling point was equal to the boiling point of the solvent. After boiling 20–35 minutes I get dense liquid, after cooling, it became ash sandy during about 24 hours. As a result, we got a sandy substance and during the experiment we the plastic residue lost its color and became as a powder. We added 0.5 gr of crushed plastic waste to our glass flask and another 20 ml of toluene on top of it. Then I boiled it on the electric stove, boiling temperature is equal to the boiling degree of solvent. During 3 minutes after boiling it became liquid. But when we little rinsed out and move our liquid it crumpled and heap by adhering each other. But when we pass the filter to the heat, it goes below from the filter, but the plastic that has been dissolved remains in the filter, and after cooling, it dries out and turns into a crumbly piece. In the result of applied experiments it’s proved that it’s possible to get semi-finished polyethylene and polypropylene product.

Scientific innovative:

In this scientific project, it’s tried to get semi-finished product, especially liquid product from polyethylene and polypropylene waste in order to purify and clean the environment from polyethylene and polypropylene waste, namely plastic waste in Turkmenistan.

Our semi-finished products of polyethylene and polypropylene, which are currently used for various purposes, are being synthesized the dug up natural resources.

Satisfying the needs of the domestic industry with a product that is used for a variety of purposes through the recycling of various plastic waste will help to ensure environmental cleanliness, environmental protection, and change loss or damage into benefit from this system.


– Literary sources and internet information about the possibilities of cleaning the environment from plastic waste and the local raw materials needed to obtain polyethylene-polypropylene semi-finished products have been collected.

– Physical and chemical parameters and additives to the composition are studied.

– Recycling possibilities are have been studied.

– Scientific research and analysis of polyethylene and polypropylene waste recycling was carried out at the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan in order to protect the environment.

– Semi-finished products of polyethylene and polypropylene were obtained under the laboratory conditions.

– It has been proven that it is economical and environmentally friendly to maintain a certain amount of primary and pre-use product performance.

– It has been proven that recycling can save our natural resources and save the environment from plastic waste, and that semi-finished products of polyethylene and polypropylene, which are equal to the foreign currency, can be obtained.

– The cost of the obtained product is 8–14 US dollars. The cost of our obtained liquid product is 20 manats.


  1. www. pitermed. Com
  2. — научно-популярный журнал о природе, экологии и окружающей среде.
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  4. Moore, Charles. Across the Pacific Ocean, plastics, everywhere, Natural History Magazine (ноябрь 2003).
  5. Все про полиэтилен —
  6. Коллектив авторов (И. Амрож и т. д.). Полипропилен. Перевод со словацкого В. А. Егорова по ред. В. И. Пилиповского и И. К. Ярцева. Л.: Химия, 1967. — 316 c.
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  8. Polypropylene. An A to Z reference / ed. J. Karger-Kocsis. Kluwer, 1999. — 987 p.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): HDPE, PEND, BOPP, PET, PND, PWD.

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