Specificity of translation analysis of television news blocks | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: ,

Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №14 (409) апрель 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 07.04.2022

Статья просмотрена: 42 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Байжигит, М. Т. Specificity of translation analysis of television news blocks / М. Т. Байжигит, Г. С. Асанова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 14 (409). — С. 273-275. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/409/90105/ (дата обращения: 17.07.2024).

In this article I will try to explain how the application of the methods of translation analysis for the theoretical study of translation made it possible to define this phenomenon in linguistic terms and give translation its proper place in general linguistic problems. Translation is a gigantic natural linguistic experiment, during which languages and their elements are compared, equated, replace each other in the process of communication. The article shows the specifics of translation analysis as a process that includes both linguistic and paralinguistic aspects of transferring the content and meaning of a text from one language to another, accompanied by linguistic and cognitive operations.

Keywords: discourse, media discourse, translation aspects, translator, problems of translation, media, television news.

Вданной статье я попытаюсь объяснить, как применение методов переводческого анализа для теоретического изучения перевода дало возможность определить это явление в лингвистических терминах и отвести переводу подобающее место в общелингвистической проблематике. Перевод являет собой гигантский естественный лингвистический эксперимент, в ходе которого языки и их элементы сопоставляются, приравниваются, заменяют друг друга в процессе общения. В статье показана специфика переводческого анализа как процесса, включающего как лингвистический, так и паралингвистический аспекты переноса содержания и смысла текста с одного языка на другой, сопровождаемого языковыми и когнитивными операциями.

Ключевые слова: дискурс, медиа дискурс, переводческие аспекты, переводчик, проблемы перевода, СМИ, телевизионные новости.

It is difficult to imagine the successful development of modern translation studies without a comprehensive study of this experiment and its results, without revealing the linguistic mechanism of interlingual communication and taking into account the translation facts of our study.

A text as an object of translation is a self-sufficient speech work expressed in written or oral form, which implies the presence of a sender and addressee, has a certain structural organization, content (theme), a situationally determined communicative setting and is correlated with one of the styles and / or genres of artistic or non-artistic literature.

This definition reflects the four most important aspect characteristics of a text as an object of translation: syntax, semantics, pragmatics and style. The first three of them correspond to the trinity already known to us: structure, content and communicative function. Translation analysis involves the interpretation of the text in all these areas.

As V. L. Naer emphasizes, “The text encodes certain content-semantic information, encodes it for a specific purpose and with the help of certain language structures. By comprehending and analyzing the linguistic structure, the linguistic form, we can achieve the deepest and most comprehensive disclosure of the semantic content” [137].

Every time a translator creates a speech work in the target language, he not only performs the act of speech in this language, but also identifies the created segment of speech with the corresponding part of the original. At the same time, the translator practically analyzes the units of the two languages, comparing them and determining the degree of their equivalence. Equating the speech units of the FL and TL is carried out in the linguistic consciousness of the translator and its results are found in the ratio of the original and translated texts.

K. Rice offers a four-term typology of texts (and, accordingly, translations) of the main functions of the language: 1) content-oriented, 2) form-oriented, 3) appeal-oriented or appeal-oriented, 4) audio-media texts, that is, texts intended for oral reproduction (and perception) from the stage, with musical accompaniment or through the media.

There are numerous methods for studying media texts [1]:

— methods of linguistic analysis, allowing to identify the basic properties and characteristics of the text at various language levels: lexical-semantic, syntagmatic, stylistic, etc.

— a method of content analysis, or content analysis, based on a statistical calculation of specially selected text units.

— the method of critical linguistics (or rhetorical criticism), which makes it possible to reveal the hidden political and ideological component of the media text.

— a method of linguistic and cultural analysis based on the identification of culturally significant components of the text.

The purpose and objectives determined the choice of methods. The method of linguistic analysis is especially important, where we can consider the method of continuous textual analysis, which allows us to identify patterns in the construction of mass media texts at the syntagmatic and stylistic levels. Analysis at the level of syntagmatics shows a stable paradigm of compatibility, characteristic of one or another type of text. For example, the syntagmatic pattern of news (message-oriented texts) relies mainly on verb phrases, while attributive compounds are more common in journalism, information analytics, and advertising. Syntagmatic analysis of media texts also makes it possible to single out entire groups of stable thematic collocations that are regularly reproduced when covering one or another media topic. For example, coverage of the topic “international political life” involves the use of such phrases as: summit meeting, paying a visit, paying a return visit, negotiating, signing an agreement, reaching an agreement, eliminating differences, expressing concern, etc [2]. Of great importance is the method of stylistic analysis, the purpose of which is to identify various stylistic devices and determine their role in terms of implementing the overall communicative perspective of the media text. As you know, the style of media speech is very rich and diverse. News texts are replete with tropes, similes, metaphors, and other stylistic devices that are used to influence the audience. At the same time, special attention is paid to the functioning of metaphors, the ability of which to capaciously reflect reality with the help of vivid memorable images, is actively used in world practice. Examples of worn-out metaphors such as «hotbed of war, hot spot, political arena, economic leverage, information explosion», etc. can be easily found on the pages of the world press in different languages [3].

Grammatical transformations are primarily a change in its structure and all kinds of substitutions, both syntactic and morphological [4].

The most typical case in the process of translation is sentence division, in which the syntactic structure of the sentence in the original is transformed into two or more predicative TL structures. Articulation transformation leads either to the transformation of a simple FL sentence into a complex TL sentence, or to the transformation of a simple or complex FL sentence into two or more independent sentences in TL:

Огромное количество людей обращались по вопросу организации своего бизнеса, как его продвигать, сделать эффективным и, на наш взгляд, данный законопроект будет отвечать всем требованиям, предъявляемым, прежде всего, населением

There were a lot of addresses from people, who would like to know how to launch their business, how to develop it and make it effective. We believe that this law will correspond to all claims of the population.

К Премьер-министру обратился Айкын Конуров — он сомневается в своевременности принятой недавно правительством 8-летней программы развития АПК.

Aikyn Konurov addressed the Prime Minister. He doubts about the promptitude nature of recently adopted 8-year state-run programme of the development of the agro-industrial complex.

These examples show us the transformation of the division of a complex sentence in FL into two simple sentences in TL.

Next, we consider grammatical transformations by combining sentences, in which the syntactic structure in the original is transformed by combining two simple sentences into one complex one.

Депутаты также попросили Премьера серьезно изучить ситуацию в сфере гражданской авиации. Поводом для запроса послужили последние ЧП.

MPs have also asked the Prime Minister to pay attention to the situation in civil aviation and the reason for this address was the recent accidents.

In this example, we observe the combination of two FL sentences into one complex TL sentence. The reason for combining sentences is the close semantic connection between sentences.

It is well known that grammatical substitutions are a translation method in which a grammatical unit in the original is converted into a TL unit with a different grammatical meaning. A grammatical unit of a foreign language of any level can be replaced: a word form, a part of speech, a sentence member, a sentence of a certain type. A very common type of grammatical replacement in the translation process is the replacement of a part of speech. [5]For English-Russian translations, the most typical are the replacements of a noun by a verb and an adjective by a noun. In the following examples of this fragment, we will demonstrate the replacement of a verb by a noun and vice versa [6, 7]:

Огромное количество людей обращались…. There were a lot of addresses ;

На наш взгляд….. we believ е

…. кто управляет самолетами?

…. to study the issue of aircraft control

существует ли госзаказ …

consider the issue of the state order…

In conclusion, we can conclude that the translation into English is not equivalent to the Russian version in everything. Many explanatory points are omitted, for example, it is not indicated in the English version, the place of passage, the dates, the introduction of the program, etc. are not indicated further. [8,9] We observe a narrative character in news information. It is worth noting that often the predominance of one type or another in the text can reflect the style of the channel.

It is not uncommon for journalists to replace the narrative with a description, describe the situation, details instead of telling the viewer about the essence of the news. This happens in cases where the informational occasion is actually insufficient for a full-fledged news.


  1. Остапенко Т. А. Коммуникативно-прагматический потенциал нечленимых предложений в современном русском языке: автореф. … канд. филол. наук. — Белгород, 2008. — 22 с.
  2. Тер-Минасова С. Г. Язык и межкультурная коммуникация. — М., 2000. — С. 10.
  3. Фурман С. Влияние интернета на информационный рынок Казахстана // Вестник КазНУ, Серия журналистики. — 2010. — № 1(27). — С. 52.
  4. Кирия К. Д. Новостной телевизионный текст: структура, стратегия, экспрессивность: дис. … канд. филол. наук. — МГУ, 2007. — С. 112.
  5. Райс К. Классификация текстов и методы перевода. Вопросы теории перевода в зарубежной лингвистике. — М., 1978. — С. 202–228.
  6. Кирия К. Д.Новостнойтелевизионныйтекст: структура, экспрессивность: канд. … канд. филол. наук. — М., 2007. — C. 83.
  7. Bonvillain N. Language, Culture and Communication. — New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1997. — Р. 45.
  8. Montgomery M. An Introduction to Language and Society.- London: OUP, 1992. — P. 32.
  9. Dominick J. R.The Dynamics of Mass Communication. — N.Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1993. — P. 12.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): OUP, переводческий анализ.

Ключевые слова

проблемы перевода, дискурс, СМИ, переводчик, медиа дискурс, переводческие аспекты, телевизионные новости

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