Isographic modeling as a method of effective formation of coherent speech of preschoolers with speech disorders | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №13 (408) апрель 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 27.03.2022

Статья просмотрена: 90 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Иванченко, И. В. Isographic modeling as a method of effective formation of coherent speech of preschoolers with speech disorders / И. В. Иванченко. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 13 (408). — С. 117-119. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

This article analyzes an unconventional method of speech therapy — isographic modeling and its promising possibilities in the complex formation of coherent speech in preschoolers with general speech disorders.

Keywords: isographic modeling, development of coherent speech, preschoolers with ONR, general underdevelopment of speech.

Speech development at preschool age, in fact, as well as mastering the native language, is a multidimensional process. With spontaneous speech development, only a few children reach a sufficiently high level, so it is necessary to purposefully conduct classes with children, in particular, with those who have pronounced disorders. The main task of forming monologue speech in children is its development according to established norms and canons. Undoubtedly, the level and speed of mastering speech and language awareness in each child is individual. In contact with the world around them, children express a whole range of emotions through a linguistic resource — language, and also demonstrate formed cognitive, intellectual and communicative ideas. The reserves of preschool age for orientation of linguistic reality are significant.

Increasingly, in modern practical speech therapy, the method of isographic modeling is used as a unique non-traditional technology for teaching preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment to a coherent, logically constructed story. This method came as an improved analogue to visual modeling, which represents abstract concepts (sound, word, sentence, text) and consists in reproducing the essential — concretized — properties of the studied object together with the teacher, creating its synonymous substitute and working with the conceptual series [4].

In isographic modeling, visual and speech activities are synthesized. To prevent violations of written speech in children of preschool and primary school age, the work is carried out by means of isographs — pictures on which words are drawn in letters arranged in various ways in space and optically similar to the subject itself [6], or graphic models-drawings of a simple sentence, a prose or poetic story, logical reasoning, fairy tales, winged expressions and phraseological units, a plan of presentation-retelling, etc.

This method is essential in correctional work with preschoolers, since in general, children's mental tasks are solved with the dominant role of external language tools, and visual material is assimilated more quickly than verbal [1].

The method of isographic modeling in the framework of the development of coherent speech in children with speech disorders in the works of Efimenkova L. N., Bratchenko A. F., Zharkova E. V., Medvedeva E.Yu. and Serbina L. F. reflects the following stages, presented in Table 1 [2].

Table 1

Stages of isographic modeling using isographs



Getting to know the isograph, searching and finding all the letters hidden in it


Optical, visual definition of an object connotationally encoded in an isograph


Composing a word (sentence, text)


Coming up with a logically constructed sentence with an isograph

In addition to working with isographs, which are interpreted, in fact, as a visual-verbal rebus and a speech puzzle, the method of isographic modeling involves the use of graphic models — drawings performed by the child himself as a transformation of oral speech [3].

Such drawing can be called a graphic speech of a preschooler. Many researchers draw a parallel between such drawing and the historically formed origin of writing. An example is rock art, as an isographic chronicle: a written sign = a single drawing.

Types of game isographic modeling exercises aimed at the development of speech in preschoolers with speech disorders are presented in Table 2.

Table 2

Games and game exercises of isographic modeling for speech correction of preschool children

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Comic Book Games

A sheet of paper is divided into 2–6 parts, in which the child consistently tells the plot of a fairy tale or household story invented together with the teacher / parent with the help of drawings. The first 2–3 fields depict the characters — the main characters of the story, then a step-by-step action with the beginning, culmination and denouement of the story. The teacher's help consists in choosing a theme and an idea, adjusting the storyline, depicting associative symbols, choosing a color scheme.

Possible topics: «Forest fairy tale», «Fruit story», «My toys», «Mother's assistants» (dishes, household appliances and equipment), «Seasons», «Journey of a little drop», etc.


Baby books

An alternative version of the comic, the main difference is that the plot is located on separate pages.



A story based on personal experience. Suggested topics: “My day” or “My birthday”, “My journey”, “My walk”, “My day off”, etc. It is carried out by the child independently and with the help of parents. The game must be regular (at least 1 time in 2 weeks).

The help of the teacher is to determine the associative signs for recurring events.


Dot Tales

Combining objects into a single story. Arrange from 2 or more points on the sheet (the higher the stage of mastering the technique, the more points). Near each point there is a symbol of the object (next to the first point depict a fruit, next to the second — a wild animal, from the third — a piece of furniture). The child needs to connect the objects into a small story so that all the objects live and interact in this story. At the first stages, the child uses animate objects, then — inanimate objects and natural phenomena.

The execution of drawings by children is schematic, conditional, symbolic, associative, based on mnemonics, which, in turn, undoubtedly requires additional training for the child.

The application of the isographic modeling method will be more effective if a number of technical recommendations are taken into account:

– it is necessary to discuss the content of the oral material with the child beforehand;

– in cases of graphic difficulties of the child, the teacher can help by drawing his own version of the isograph on a board or sheet of paper;

– extra detail in the drawings contributes to the defocusing of children's attention, the main graphic connotations should be in the center of the game;

– observance of the line version of the sketch of the isographs is mandatory, since such an order allows you to prepare the child for school — classical writing;

– the child tries to perform isographs independently;

– the quality and technicality of the execution of drawings is not the main aspect, more important is creative thinking, the construction of logical chains;

– verbal accompaniment of children when performing models-drawings is mandatory [7].

Interest in children's visual activity is based on its significance for the integral development of the child's personality. In addition to the main corrective speech function, the method of isographic modeling allows you to instill in the child an interest in the fine arts and, as a result, develop a sense of beauty [5]. In the process of visual activity, favorable conditions are created for the development of aesthetic and emotional perception. Thus, art, gradually turning into an aesthetic feeling, contributes to the formation of an aesthetic attitude to reality. Observation of the properties of objects to be conveyed in the picture (shape, structure, size, color, position in space) contributes to the development in children of a sense of form, color and rhythm — the components of aesthetic perception.


  1. Davshchova T. G., Importnaya V. M. The use of reference schemes in working with children. // Handbook of a senior preschool teacher. — 2008. — № 1.
  2. Zharkova E. V., Medvedeva E.Yu. Isographic modeling as an unconventional way to correct violations of the syllabic structure of a word in preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment. — 2020. [Electronic resource]: (дата доступа: 20.03.2022).
  3. Karnaukhova Ya.B. Possibilities of isographic modeling in the formation of coherent speech of preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment //Special education. — 2013. — № 1.
  4. Karnaukhova Ya.B. Isographic modeling as a method of developing cognitive processes of preschoolers with ONR. — Barnaul: AltGPA, 2012.
  5. Kulakova O. V. Isographic modeling. — 2014. [Electronic resource]: (дата доступа: 20.03.2022).
  6. Milostivenko L. G. Methodological recommendations for the prevention of reading and writing errors in children. — St. Petersburg: Stroylespechat, 1996.
  7. Popova A. I. Isographic modeling in the formation of coherent speech in preschoolers with speech disorders. — 2014. [Electronic resource]: (дата доступа: 20.03.2022).
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ONR.

Ключевые слова

isographic modeling, development of coherent speech, preschoolers with ONR, general underdevelopment of speech

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