Entomofauna and ecology of insects of the Lower Amudarya region | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Биология

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №8 (403) февраль 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 24.02.2022

Статья просмотрена: 22 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Мадримов, Х. А. Entomofauna and ecology of insects of the Lower Amudarya region / Х. А. Мадримов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 8 (403). — С. 19-21. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/403/89055/ (дата обращения: 17.07.2024).

This article provides scientific and theoretical insights into the ethnofauna and ecology of insects of the Lower Amudarya region. It also describes the characteristics of the elm (Ulmus) tree, information on its cultivation, emergence, growth, cultivation.

Keywords: Lower Amudarya, slate, Ulmus, insects, ecology, ethnofauna, plants.

В статье представлены научно-теоретические сведения об этнофауне и экологии насекомых Нижней Амударьи. Также описаны характеристики дерева вяз (Ulmus), информация о его выращивании, появлении, росте, выращивании.

Ключевые слова: Нижняя Амударья, сланец, вяз, насекомые, экология, этнофауна, растения.

The Lower Amudarya region is located in the northern part of the lower reaches of the Amudarya, southeast of the former shore of the Aral Sea. It is one of the largest natural tugai forests in Central Asia and a unique ecosystem that is in danger of extinction globally. The Lower Amudarya region is an important habitat for plants and animals, with the highest biodiversity in the desert regions of Central Asia. It is also a protected habitat for endangered species of animals and plants.

The Lower Amudarya State Biosphere Reserve, established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2011, is located in the Beruni and Amudarya districts of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and has a total area of 68,717.8 hectares. Of this, 11,568.3 hectares are included in the reserve zone, 6,731.4 hectares in the buffer zone and 50,418.1 hectares in the intermediate zone.

According to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 20, 2019 «On measures to improve the system of public administration in the field of protected natural areas» and transferred to the State Committee for Environmental Protection. In the Lower Amudarya region, 2 species out of 419 species of plants, 1 species out of 36 species of animals, 12 species out of 43 species of fish, and 23 species out of 246 species of birds are included in the Red Book. In addition, there are 1124 species of insects.

There is a lot of scientific research on the entomofauna and ecology of insects of the Lower Amudarya region Kayragach (Ulmus). It should be noted that my current research topic is related to the ethno-fauna and ecology of the insects of the Ulmus plant in the Lower Amudarya region. First of all, let's talk about Ulmus.

Ulmus (Siberian pine) is native to Siberia, but it also grows in Korea, northern China and elsewhere. In North America, an ornamental tree used as a Siberian pine is suitable for low-quality sites, where it captures several trees.

To identify Ulmus, it is important to recognize its various characteristics. Ulmus or Siberian deciduous tree (spruce), very resistant to frost. Supports temperatures down to -30 ° C. It is large, reaching a height of 20 meters. With a broad and vertical crown, its leaves are small, 3 to 4 cm long and elliptical in shape. They are leafy, lanceolate and toothed, smooth, dark green in color, although in autumn they turn yellow and finally turn red.

It blooms in early spring and during the winter its bark is copper in color. It has small, green flowers that open in early spring. Make the seeds round, which is known by the name of fruit. This seed is about 12 mm in diameter, the tip is equipped with a deep groove and is green.

Agronomic and environmental characteristics :

Ulmus adapts to any type of soil, although it prefers cool, deep and well-drained soils. It has high resistance to drought and air pollution. It is suitable for both sun and partial shade. When you reach the desired size, it is recommended to reduce watering.

Use of Ulmus pumila or Siberian pine :

Ulmus is very suitable for urban green areas, pavements and mountain slopes, and is very suitable for alleys. Equally it is responsible for wrapping untreated and neglected areas. They produce weak wood and are prone to insect problems, which makes them less suitable for home gardens. Proper care promotes strong growth of trees.

Cultivation of Ulmus :

Prepare the growing area, destroying all weeds. Do not place a tree near structures or vehicles that could be damaged by a tree fall. Slowly water until the soil is absorbed. Place three to four inches of organic mulch in the root area of ​​the tree. It is recommended to water during the first growing season when there is little rain. Siberian pines are drought tolerant and they need extra water after an extremely dry season and its roots are established. Use fertilizer in the fall. Cut broken, damaged and dead branches. For best development, it is recommended to plant in areas where there is full sun and partial shade. Siberian pine trees can be grown in any type of soil with good drainage.

Keep the pH of the soil at 5.5 and 8.0. Siberian pine is tolerant to alkaline conditions. Cut down the tree in order to develop a strong structure. It is important not to cover the Siberian branch, as this method of pruning can lead to strong growth or damage and fragmentation, which contributes to dense and vertical branches. Inspection Ulmus regularly, to solve problems against pests that harm plant health. Look for ticks and bed bugs, as well as insects such as leaf beetles.

The entomofauna of the Kuti Amudarya region is very diverse, but data on the number of insects in the area are relatively short and outdated. The analysis of the species composition and ecology of the beetles distributed here allows, on the one hand, to determine the biodiversity and, on the other hand, to identify species of economic importance.


  1. Мустафаев И. М. Нурота қўриқхонаси юксак ўсимликлари микромицетлари. Биол. фан. бўйича фалсафа доктори (PhD) дисс.... автореферати. — Тошкент, 2018. — 20 б.
  2. Наумов Н. А. Флора грибов Ленинградской области. Т. 2. — Москва-Ленинград: Наука, 1964. — 256 с.
  3. Панфилова Т. С., Гапоненко Н. И. Микофлоры бассейна р. Ангрен. — Ташкент: Фан, 1963. — 206 с.
  4. Пратов Ў.П., Набиев М. М. Ўзбекистон юксак ўсимликларининг замонавий тизими. — Тош-кент, 2007. — 64 б.
  5. Солиева Я. С. Микромицеты сосудистыx растений Сурхандарьинской области: Автореф. дисс.... канд. биол. наук. — Tашкент, 1989. — 21 с.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): нижняя Амударья, Ташкент.

Ключевые слова

ecology, Lower Amudarya, slate, Ulmus, insects, ethnofauna, plants

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