Formation of student aesthetic competition by teaching the works of Russian classic composers in music culture classes | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №17 (359) апрель 2021 г.

Дата публикации: 24.04.2021

Статья просмотрена: 18 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Исмаилов, Т. Х. Formation of student aesthetic competition by teaching the works of Russian classic composers in music culture classes / Т. Х. Исмаилов, Д. А. Каримова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2021. — № 17 (359). — С. 254-255. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

This article provides information on the formation and education of students' aesthetic tastes in the lessons of «Music Culture» through world music, works of Russian classical composers. The positive impact of classical music on student education is well documented.

Keywords: music culture, classical music, composer, aesthetics, powerful gang, upbringing, competence, education.

Music is one of the leading factors in the formation of human spirituality, moral maturity and spirituality, in the spiritual education of young people, as it is an important way to study the human factor and the artistic mastery of the world.

Emphasizing the role of youth in Uzbekistan, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan said, “We will resolutely pursue the state youth policy. Not only will we continue, but we look forward to this policy as our top priority today. Our young people will be able to think independently, have high intellectual and spiritual potential, and will not lag behind their peers in any field in the world. We will mobilize all the forces and capabilities of our state and society for the perfection and happiness of the people. — he emphasized.

Therefore, comprehensive training of future personnel — a characteristic feature of pedagogical, technical-technological, professional education is the study of innovation on the basis of their practice, the pursuit of knowledge, improving the level of skills, qualifications, skills, production and the discovery of important issues of society. Along with updating, improving the content of education and improving the quality of education, it is important to improve the skills of teachers, to keep pace with the development of science, especially in the Russian system of continuing education, which is widely used in all education systems. Improving the methods of teaching classical composers' works and preparing (retraining) them to the extent that they can be applied in their work to ensure the effectiveness of the lessons is one of the important tasks of today, as the President said: We consider it our primary task to improve the activities of the company on the basis of modern requirements.

The importance of music education in educating the younger generation to be highly cultured and aesthetically mature people is invaluable.

Introducing students to the art of music through listening to classical music, the search for new ways of musical aesthetic education, its theoretical substantiation, are the problems that have always been in the focus of music pedagogy.


When we say classical music, we mean attractive melodies created by talented authors called classical composers. Their work is unique and has always been in demand by performers and listeners. Classic themes are distinguished by excellent intonation, elegance, variety of colors and harmony. They have a positive effect on the emotional outlook of adults and children.

World classical music cannot be imagined without the works of Russian composers. Russia, a great country with a talented nation and a unique cultural heritage, has always been one of the leading locomotives of world development and art, including music. The school of Russian composition, a continuation of the traditions of the Soviet and modern Russian schools, began in the twentieth century with composers who combined European musical art with Russian folk music, combining European form and Russian spirit. Bi can tell a lot about each of these celebrities, not all of them are simple and sometimes tragic, but in this review we have tried to give only a brief account of the life and work of the composers.


  1. Analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature and articles.
  2. Study and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience.
  3. Carrying out experimental tests.
  4. Conduct appropriate pedagogical observations.
  5. Methods of data processing: qualitative and quantitative analysis of research results.
  6. Use methods such as Venous Diagram, Case Study, SWOT Analysis, Summary, FSMU, Assessment, Insert, Concept Analysis, and Blitz Questionnaire.


Through the life and work of Russian classical composers, this study highlights the differences between world classical culture, classical musical genres, and the positive impact of classical composers' works on human psychology and thinking.


The teaching of the subject of «music culture» in secondary schools and the peculiarities of the organizational structure of the lessons require a comprehensive and multifaceted pedagogical-professional training, knowledge and skills of a modern music teacher. During the one-hour lesson, the music teacher is a skilled pedagogue, methodologist, theorist (music theory, ie theoretical sciences, elementary theory of music, harmony, solfeggio, analysis of musical works), instrumentalist (practical on any instrument). must be ready for executive activity), demonstrate knowledge, skills and abilities and experience as a conductor, choir leader, require them to have the required basic professional training and constantly improve their skills and abilities. The knowledge and skills acquired in the process of education in the specialty «music education» of pedagogical universities in the direction of training music teachers in the formation of basic (basic) qualification training of music teachers who can meet such requirements and the qualification level serves as the main ground, the foundation.


It is known that today the demand for classical music is significant not only in Uzbekistan, but all over the world. Because various new musical genres are emerging in the name of popular culture today, the impact of which is having negative consequences. Therefore, one of the main issues is the inculcation of classical music in the younger generation, the study of its educational value. There are also different genres in Russian classical music, which can be used to the full, showing their significant positive impact on the education of young people.


  1. Mirziyoyev Sh.. Together we will build a free and prosperous, democratic state of Uzbekistan. Tashkent- «Uzbekistan» -2016. Page 16
  2. Asafev B. V. Musical form as a process. L.: Gosud. ice. ed., 1971, -24str
  3. Begmatov S., D. Karimova 6th grade. Textbooks «Music» T., 2008
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): FSMU, SWOT.

Ключевые слова

education, competence, aesthetics, upbringing, composer, music culture, classical music, powerful gang

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