Interactive technologies in language teaching | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №21 (311) май 2020 г.

Дата публикации: 22.05.2020

Статья просмотрена: 1105 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Бободжонов, Х. М. Interactive technologies in language teaching / Х. М. Бободжонов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2020. — № 21 (311). — С. 755-756. — URL: (дата обращения: 07.02.2025).

Currently, teachers have an important task: how to make the learning process interesting and productive so that all students are involved. How to create in the lesson such conditions under which each student would show an active educational and cognitive activity, feel his success, intellectual solvency? The main component of the pedagogical process with this approach is the personality-oriented interaction of the subjects of educational activity: teacher and student, as well as students with each other. In this regard, teachers test various modern innovative technologies in the educational process examine their effectiveness in practice. Therefore, the most famous of modern technologies, which are aimed at organizing the personally motivated cognitive activity of students, based on dialogic communication, is an interactive teaching technology.

The term «interactivity» comes from the English words «Inter” and «act” and means «interaction». Interactivity in learning is understood by modern researchers as being in constant, active interaction, in dialogue mode, the common action of all participants in the learning process. [2] Interactive technologies are based on the direct interaction of students with the learning environment. The learning environment acts as a reality in which the student finds himself as an area of mastered experience, and it is not just about connecting his observations, life experiences as an auxiliary material or illustrative addition. The learner's experience is the central activator of educational knowledge. The role of the teacher changes dramatically when using interactive forms. The teacher performs in interactive technologies in several main roles. In each of them, he organizes the interaction of students with an area of the information environment. In the role of an expert informant, the teacher sets out textual material, demonstrates a video sequence, answers questions from students, provides competent instruction, monitors the results of the process, etc. In the role of organizer, he establishes the interaction of children with the social and physical environment (breaks down into subgroups, encourages them to independently collect data, coordinates the execution of tasks, preparation of mini-presentations, creates a “communication field”, etc.). The teacher can apply not only the existing interactive forms and methods, but also develop new ones depending on the purpose of the lesson, i.e. actively participate in the process of improvement, modernization of the educational process.

For example, communication in English in high and high school is realized in acting out situations of real communication in the form of role-playing games. By participating in such games, educators can see the practical value of learning English. This becomes their motive for activities based on dialogic communication.

The essence of interactive learning is that the educational process is organized in such a way that all students are involved in the process of learning, mastering the learning material, each makes his own individual contribution, there is an exchange of knowledge, ideas, ways of working. The objectives of interactive forms of learning are to awaken students' interest, effective learning of educational material, independent search by students of ways and solutions to the educational task. In addition, learning to work in a team, be tolerant of any point of view, respect the right of everyone to freedom of speech, respect their dignity, formation life and professional skills, reaching a level of conscious student competence.

The factors for choosing interactive forms and techniques in a certain group (class) are as follows: age characteristics of students, the psychological climate of the group (class), individual characteristics of students, their level of preparation; the goals and objectives that the teacher sets for himself in the lesson in order to achieve the desired result.

For example, for children of primary school age, such a working technology as a game remains important. It is she who is the motivating factor that leads to the necessary results. Therefore, we should be interested in finding and studying various games, organizing all kinds of game forms of work in English classes, so that children would be interested, and leaving the lesson, they would like to go back.

Applying games in the lessons, the following tasks are solved: the control of knowledge becomes freer, psychologically free; students' painful reaction to unsuccessful answers disappears; the approach to students in learning becomes delicate and differentiated. As practice has shown, studying in the game is liked not only by younger students. Therefore, the application of game techniques and methods remains one of the main ones in our pedagogical activity. Well, games, especially role-playing, imitation involve interactive between participants.

As a result of the application of gaming training technologies, the following learning objectives are achieved:

– motivation to study the subject is increasing

– cognitive activity is stimulated

– mental activity intensifies

– information is spontaneously remembered

– associative memorization is formed

– communicative competence is being formed. [3]

The difficulty that one may encounter is the assessment of students in this type of activity. Therefore, often it is necessary to develop additional criteria for assessment, so that students can conduct self-assessment and mutual assessment.

Another method that has tremendous opportunities for developing motivation for cognitive activity of students in the lesson, creating a positive attitude in learning a foreign language and subsequent interaction, cooperation, mutual assistance, communication of its participants, is the project method. This is achieved by transferring the training center from the teacher to the student, the implementation of project tasks allows students to see the practical benefits of learning a foreign language, resulting in an increase in interest in this subject, in addition to the fact that children learn in activity, they also learn this or that other activities. [1]

In a foreign language course, the project method can be used in the framework of program material on almost any topic since the selection of topics is carried out taking into account practical significance for students.

The main thing is to create a problem that students will work on in the process. The textbooks are designed so that they do not have ready-made answers to complex questions, however, there are interesting and fascinating tasks that, with our help, the guys can formulate the main question (problem) of the lesson section and independently discover new knowledge.

The competent use of the project method requires considerable preparatory work. A clear definition of the topic and purpose of the project, their significance, relevance is necessary. Having mastered the culture of designing, the student learns to think creatively, to predict possible solutions to his tasks.

Project activities can be organized at any stage of training but considering the age characteristics of students. It is better to start a project with simple projects, gradually increasing their degree of complexity. Independent implementation of projects consists of the following stages: motivational, organizational, indicative, executive, supervisory, and presentation. Work on the project is a creative activity. Students actively interact with each other, carry out search activities on personally significant problems. Such work requires them to independently transfer knowledge, skills, and abilities into a new context of activity.

Thus, students develop creative competence, which is associated with intellectual abilities. Performing creative tasks, each student can show their own initiative, imagination, creativity, activity and independence in solving the problem.


  1. Z. M. Davydova. Game as a method of teaching foreign languages / Foreign languages at school. — 2010. — №. 6.
  2. E. S. Polat, M.Yu. Bukharkina, M. V. Moiseeva, A. E. Petrov. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system: [second ed.] — K.: Publishing Center «Academy”, 2005. — 27 p.
  3. N. B. Nazarova, O. L. Mokhova. New information technologies in teaching foreign languages // Modern problems of science and education. — 2016. — №. 3.

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