The formation of communicative competence in English lessons | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Мирзаева, М. Ж. The formation of communicative competence in English lessons / М. Ж. Мирзаева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2020. — № 16 (306). — С. 308-310. — URL: (дата обращения: 26.03.2025).

In the article, the author attempt to decide the best techniques for the arrangement of open skill.

Keywords: communicative competence, English lessons.

The period of informatization is making changes in accordance with the customary instructing of unknown dialects. The educator must figure out how to accurately and adequately utilize the capacities of data innovation in instructing. Simultaneously, he is confronted with issues: the conditions for the arrangement of an unknown dialect open fitness utilizing data advancements are not all around created, there is an intense lack of study time because of the wealth of the program. The utilization of data and correspondence advancements during the time spent training an unknown dialect was completed by such methodologists as D. V. Agaltsova, T. E. Alekseeva, M. A. Bovtenko, L. P. Vladimirova, I. E. Grechikhin, M. S. Grishina, N. E. Yesenina, I. I. Zubova, M. P. Petrova, T. P. Sarana and others. The primary errand of the cutting edge school is to uncover the capacities of every understudy, to teach an individual who is prepared to live in an innovative and serious world. Consequently, the primary motivation behind encouraging an unknown dialect is unequivocally the arrangement and advancement of the understudy's character, which is fit for accomplishing the necessary degree of unknown dialect informative capability, partaking in intercultural correspondence in the language being considered, which is autonomously improving in acing unknown dialect discourse movement. The Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education characterizes new needs. The main viewpoint is the planning of the more youthful age for life in a quickly changing data society, in reality as we know it where the requirement for new callings continually emerges, for nonstop expert advancement. The entrance of PCs into the instructive procedure adds to the refreshing of conventional strategies and systems in the association of the instructive procedure. Worldwide changes in the political and monetary existence of society in the 21st century set forward the need to contemplate an unknown dialect as a methods for intercultural correspondence. In a perfect world, understudies ought not just figure out how to comprehend what is perused and heard, compose various writings, yet in addition talk and comprehend an unknown dialect. It is the etymological action of understudies that adds to the authority of phonetic material. The more escalated the language exercises of understudies, the more grounded and more profound this authority is, so it should be created and formed inside and out. Every one of these progressions are because of the need to make a functioning instructive condition that would furnish understudies with the chance to get to different wellsprings of data, help to fulfill the interests of a cutting edge understudy imparting in the Internet people group. Along these lines, the advanced instructive procedure should utilize new specialized methods, yet in addition new structures and strategies for educating, another way to deal with the learning procedure. In standardizing reports, the reason for unknown dialect instruction today is characterized as the arrangement and improvement of understudies conveying unknown dialect ability in the total of every one of its segments, just as the advancement of independence in the exchange of societies. An understudy's capability is a mix of the understudy's very own characteristics (esteem semantic directions, information, capacities, aptitudes, capacities) because of the experience of his action in a certain socially and by and by huge circle. One of the fundamental objectives of showing unknown dialects is open ability, which was first utilized in residential science by M. N. Vyatyutnev to indicate an individual's capacity to impart in labor or instructive exercises, fulfilling their scholarly needs, which additionally implies the capacity and readiness to complete unknown dialect relational and intercultural correspondence. At first, this term was utilized in the approach of showing unknown dialects, at that point it was obtained by agents of different parts of science.

In the second era government state instructive standard, informative skill is characterized as the capacity to set and understand a particular sort of open undertaking: to decide correspondence objectives, evaluate the circumstance, consider the accomplice's goals and techniques for correspondence, pick fitting correspondence methodologies, be set up for an important change in one's discourse conduct. As the principal part, open fitness incorporates the capacity to build up and keep up important contacts with others, agreeable information on specific standards of correspondence and conduct, information on the «procedure» of correspondence (consideration rules, and so forth.) [1].

Accordingly, the examination of the meanings of the idea of «open skill» and related ideas permits us to recognize the accompanying ways to deal with the meaning of the idea of «informative fitness», deciphered as: 1) the capacity of an individual to go into social contacts, direct monotonous circumstances of connection, and furthermore accomplish relational relations sought after informative objectives [4]; 2) relational experience, the reason for the arrangement of which are the procedures of socialization and individualization; 3) the capacity to impart; the capacity to associate with others at their degree of preparing, instruction, improvement, in view of humanistic individual characteristics and considering the open capacities of the conversationalist [2]; 4) characteristics that add to the achievement of the procedure of correspondence (characteristics are related to the informative capacities of an individual); 5) frameworks of informative activities dependent on information on correspondence and permitting one to unreservedly explore and act in a psychological space [5, 231]. Regardless of the various ways to deal with the meaning of informative skill, researchers are joined in setting up its job in character improvement. As of now, basically nobody questions the way that an unknown dialect, alongside showing correspondence and raising the degree of general and expert culture, additionally has critical instructive worth. In present day conditions — this is the comprehension by understudies of the job of contemplating the dialects of universal correspondence in the cutting edge multicultural world, the estimation of the local language as a component of national culture; familiarity with the significance of the English language as a methods for perception, self-acknowledgment and social adjustment; instruction of the characteristics of a resident, loyalist; training of resilience comparable to other language and culture. Summarizing, it must be said that the fundamental system of instructing unknown dialects declared a character situated methodology, putting at the focal point of the instructive procedure the character of the understudy, considering his capacities, abilities, tendencies and necessities [2, 250]. This should be actualized based on separation and individualization of preparing, the utilization of new showing advancements, just as the utilization of the abilities of the national-territorial and school segments of the essential educational plan, because of which it is conceivable to build the examination time for learning an unknown dialect. The usage of a character arranged way to deal with instructing and teaching schoolchildren puts levels of popularity on the preparation of instructors who can work at various degrees of training, considering their particularity.


  1. Federal State Educational Standards, March 1, 2012
  2. Nizaeva L. F. Communicative Competence: Essence and Component Composition // Young Scientist. — 2016. — No. 28. — P. 933–935. — URL (accessed: 01/19/2020).
  3. Leontiev A. A. Language, speech, speech activity- M.: Education, 1969. -214 p.
  4. Bagateeva A. O. On the problem of forming foreign communicative competence of bachelors in a technical university / Bagateeva A. O., Valeeva N. Sh., Akhmetzyanova GN // Bulletin of Kazan Technological University; M-image. and science of Russia, Kazan. nat. researched technol. un-t — Kazan: Publishing House of KNITU, 2014 — T.17. — No. 11. — P.251–253.
  5. Vasilova N. V. Formation of communicative competence in English lessons at school // Young scientist. — 2019.- No. 43. — P. 231–234.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): KNITU, URL.

Ключевые слова

communicative competence, English lessons

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