Opportunities for formulating research skills for higher education students | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №11 (301) март 2020 г.

Дата публикации: 13.03.2020

Статья просмотрена: 95 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Уринова, Нилуфар. Opportunities for formulating research skills for higher education students / Нилуфар Уринова, Насиба Абдуллаева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2020. — № 11 (301). — С. 193-195. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/301/67200/ (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

In this article, opinions were expressed about the possibilities, features of the formation of research activities of students in higher educational institutions, analyzes of scientists in the direction of research activities, features that students have achieved at present, the role of circles in the direction of research activities, the formation of creative and critical thinking skills using information resource centers.

Key words: scientific research, individuality, gifted, scientific potential, innovator, globalization, specialist, competence, abilities.

В данной статье были высказаны мнения о возможностях, особенностях формирования научно-исследовательской деятельности студентов в высших учебных заведениях, анализы ученых в направлении научно-исследовательской деятельности, особенностях, достигнутых студентами в настоящее время, роли кружков в направлении научно-исследовательской деятельности, формировании творческих и критических навыков мышления с использованием информационно-ресурсных центров.

Ключевые слова: научное исследование, индивидуальность, одаренный, научный потенциал, инноватор, глобализация, специалист, компетенция, способности.

In the context of globalization, one of the main tasks of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the preparation of highly competitive scientific and pedagogical personnel, the solution of which is an urgent problem of increasing the efficiency of research work carried out in higher education institutions.

In this regard, President Mirziyoyev signed a number of decrees and resolutions. In particular, the Resolution PP 2909 of April 20, 2017 «On Measures for Further Development of the Higher Education System» emphasizes the need for broad involvement of talented students of higher education institutions in research activities. [1] The Decree of the PF 5712 of October 8, 2019, «The Concept of Development of Higher Education in the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030», focuses on increasing the effectiveness of research activities in higher education institutions, the wider involvement of youth in scientific activities, and the creation of innovative science infrastructure. [2]

In foreign countries, special attention is paid to the direction of students to research activities. In particular, at the University of Lincoln, Nebraska, USA, Waseda University, Japan, an independent study circle for students' research and development of their critical, critical thinking skills and independent work is organized. Directing students to research activities, identifying gifted students and directing them to their preferred fields. Effective work is being carried out.

Problems of formation of social and pedagogical foundations of students of our country, including Rakhimov B.H, social pedagogical bases of students' direction in research, opportunities of modernization of creative activity in students M.R Kadirova In her research N. Ibragimova described the development of students' creative abilities based on interactive teaching methods and technologies. The psychologist E.Klimov in his researches studied the problems of formation of the scientific culture of the teacher and the formation of his skills. In the research of Slyastonin, T.A Stefanovskaya, in-depth analysis of scientific and creative activity of young people.

Students' research activity is one of their individual forms of work. This is the most important part of the training of future professionals. Individuality provides the activation of the intellectual activity of the student, the independent acquisition of knowledge, the development of creative abilities, the development of professional skills, the formation of the professionalism of the future specialist.

Students are formed and improved in the process of research. The peculiarities of the formation of young researchers' research activity are as follows: pedagogue scholar B.Rakhimov: [5;18p]

1) high level of education;

2) having scientific thinking;

3) high level of analytical thinking;

4) high synthetic thinking ability;

5) strength of research skills;

6) superiority of logical thinking;

7) novelty of the news;

8) ability to be diligent;

9) creativity;

10) inventive ability;

11) ability to evaluate social situations;

12) wide range of scientific worldviews;

13) ability to think independently, freely and correctly;

14) accurate assessment of the problem;

15) correctly assess the problem;

16) active participation in social relations;

17) organization and initiative;

18) feeling of responsibility;

19) the ability to engage in scientific discussions, the power of proof and the ability to prove;

20) widespread involvement in the activities of scientific, technical and scientific societies;

21) commitment to scientific work, love for a particular subject;

22) formation of research skills and skills;

23) honesty and demand in science;

24) practical application of scientific knowledge and inventions;

25) the right attitude to criticism;

26) socio-political activity;

27) self-confidence;

28) high level of culture of scientific research;

The above features allow us to fill in today's youth with their individual aspirations, abilities and abilities.

− excellent knowledge of foreign languages (availability of language certificates);

− un Efficient use of information technology (effective use of databases Scopus, Web of Science, Pro Quest, Elsevir);

− ability to create scientific research using computers;

− Davom to continue and maintain the teacher-student tradition;

It should have features like these.

At present, the departments of the organization of scientific activity of gifted students function on the basis of the department of scientific work and innovations of higher educational institutions. The main purpose of the department is to select and support talented students from among the students and to support them in their field. One of the processes that deserves special attention is the work of departments with scientific potential. Be able to give the student the necessary advice, support and motivation. Recognition and motivation of every student's achievement is important because encouragement is one of the factors that stimulates students' creative activity. It is desirable to establish a circle «Young Pedagogical Scientists» under the department, led by senior researchers as the leader of the circle. didactic and role-playing games; unconventional education lessons; trainings; The student was provided with all the necessary conditions and freedom to demonstrate his scientific and creative abilities.

Also, the work with the literature plays a key role in conducting students' research work. It would be desirable for students to develop a reading environment, to work in the Information Resource Centers of Educational Institutions, to work with young talented researchers who can guide young researchers in the selection of literature.

In the department of the organization of scientific activity of gifted students at the higher educational establishments organized circles for young researchers, for example, the circle «Young pedagogical scientists» in the department of pedagogy:

− classrooms equipped with modern information technologies;

− young Researcher, Information Resource Center;

− coverage of activities of certain circles on the university website;

− be a consultant in working with an international database at the Information Resource Center;

− collaboration with secondary schools (for use as respondents);

The graduation of undergraduate students' qualification papers from the 2nd year, not the beginning of the 4th year, should be completed within 3 years.

− writing theses, articles;

− to participate in scientific conferences with their speeches;

− to be interested in research work on final qualifying work, to make future inventions.

Today, the era of innovation requires innovative teachers in all areas of continuing education. The modern specialist — the future teacher should not only have the fundamentals and the fundamentals of the profession, but also be able to creatively solve practical tasks, constantly improve skills and adapt quickly to changing conditions. All these qualities should be acquired by a future teacher in a higher education institution.

Observations, interviews and interviews show that in the current virtual globalization, the majority of professors are inadequate use of information technology, inadequate competence to conduct research, the inability to write scientific articles, and the lack of creative writing skills.

In conclusion, in developing the competence of research students in higher education institutions, first of all, it is necessary to improve professors and teachers to meet the needs of the modern specialist, and to provide students with all the necessary organizational, practical, research and creative features.


  1. The Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 20, 2017 No 2909 «On Measures for Further Development of the Higher Education System» (Item 1), Tashkent-2017.
  2. The Concept of Development of Higher Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030 (Chapter 3, paragraph 3), Tashkent-2019.
  3. Alemasov V., Mamadiev Sh. Research: methodology, methodology, creativity» — textbook, Tashkent-2015.
  4. Rakhmanova A. D., Yunusov R. F».Fundamentals of Scientific Research» — textbook, Tashkent-2008.
  5. Rakhimov B. H. “Socio-pedagogical bases of student-youth orientation to research activities” (DcS), Tashkent-2009.
  6. Kadirova M.R “Modernization of creative activity in teaching foreign languages to students of non-language higher education institutions” — Abstract (PhD), Tashkent-2018.
  7. Tavarov S. K. «Formation Technology of Student's Physics and Mathematical Faculty» Abstract (DcS), Kurgan-Tyube-2009.
  8. Stefanovskaya, T. A. Pedagogy: М., 1998.
  9. Slastenin V.A «Psychological and Pedagogical Imaging and Stabilization of Subjects of the Three Powers», Pedagogical Observations and Nauka. — 2006.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): USA, научно-исследовательская деятельность.

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