Development of students' interest in the subject of physics on the basis of activation of cognitive activity | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Development of students' interest in the subject of physics on the basis of activation of cognitive activity / Б. Д. Оразов, Э. К. Кожабекова, А. А. Eржан [и др.]. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 45 (283). — С. 344-346. — URL: (дата обращения: 27.03.2025).

Using the rich heritage of the psychological school of V. S. Vygotsky, the basis of educational technology is the idea of the emergence and formation of the student as part of a single system that reflects the essence of the phenomena of natural or social truth in the process of mental activity.

Keywords: physics, exercise, work system, physical surveys

Today, the school is tasked with the formation of a new person, increasing his creative activity.

The most important thing now is the education of an intellectually developed personality, armed with knowledge and striving for knowledge. In this regard, modern requirements for the lesson set the teacher the task of systematic development of personality by including in active educational and cognitive activity.

Since the form of organization of the educational process remains at the level of classes-subject-lessons, it is necessary to rethink their relationship, as well as the content of these individual links of the technological process, which leads to a change in the values of professional and pedagogical culture.

The main questions that require answers: what should be a person of the 21st century? How to cultivate interest in the subject of physics?

How to solve acute contradictions of pedagogical practice:

– reduction of society's need for an educated, developed personality and students ' interest in knowledge, knowledge.;

– between the need for the formation of reasonably effective knowledge of students and the priority of verbal teaching methods;

– between the mass nature of training and individual approach to knowledge acquisition;

– among the need to increase the amount of information included in the content of education, and the ability of the organism in its development.

Ways to solve pedagogical contradictions associated with the solution of problems:

– study of individual characteristics of students, their interests;

– combination of traditional and active teaching methods;

– introduction of technology of differentiated training and level control of knowledge;

– combination of block submission of educational material with its variable completion.

The system of work on the development of students ' interest in learning is built in the main provisions: the theory of activity (L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev), the theory of development of cognitive interests (G. I. Shchukina, L. I. Bozhovich), the theory of activation of cognitive activity of students (T. I. Shamova, A. K. Markova), pedagogy of collective Affairs, pedagogy of cooperation, technology of differentiated training, interdisciplinary training, emotional and psychological communication, etc.

Using the rich heritage of the psychological school of V. S. Vygotsky, the basis of educational technology is the idea of the emergence and formation of the student as part of a single system that reflects the essence of the phenomena of natural or social truth in the process of mental activity.

At the same time, the natural process of cognition used in the training system is restored. Radically changing the position and role of the teacher, who helps to master the ways of knowledge, both from information (source of knowledge) and from the key (how to use knowledge, how to solve problems) becomes a stimulant of mental activity. In this case, the creative potential of both the student and the teacher is equally used.

The main goal: the formation of students ' ability to organize their activities to describe the environment in the language of physics, and not the sum of knowledge.

Education is only a means of developing thinking. The mind develops in activity. Therefore, everything that stimulates active mental activity, creates conditions for it (problem situations, interests, interests, needs of the student), directly corresponds to the development of thinking.

The effectiveness of the educational process depends not only on the abilities of students, but also on their purposeful motivation of teaching, their teaching, learning, lying, diligence and interest in the subject.

Stimulation of the student's activity will be different if: «he's interested;

– he himself is interested because he is useful in the future (but he consciously);

– he is forced, forced (parents, teachers....)- mechanical teaching;

– he loves the personality of the teacher, so he teaches.

The student's interest in the subject sometimes depends not only on the content, but also on the confidence that he is doing an important, necessary thing.

Once again helps to develop such a conviction-to understand the meaning of history solutions that matter in order to read different forms of learners by adding situational problems.

Therefore, special attention is paid to the organization of the educational process individually-oriented (by nature) and individually-activity (in fact).

The process of school education is aimed at personal development in all major forms of interaction with the world. It is impossible to explain any phenomenon of nature only with the help of the laws of physics (and physics is the science of nature), the laws of all Sciences have a fair influence. In this regard, inter-subject relations are important, which allow to form an idea of the person about the unity of the scientific picture of the world.

The development of students ' interest in the subject of physics, the formation of deep knowledge, the explanation of physical phenomena occurring in nature, the application of the laws of physics in life:

– advance acquaintance with the cognitive activity of primary school students;

– Study of the personality of students at the 1st stage of acquaintance (in the 5th grade at the lessons of natural history)));

– study of students ' interest;

– new organizational content of block-based education and interdisciplinary connections (adapted programs).

System of work

– Provides observance of logical sequence of the following stages of activity:

– advanced familiarity with the students;

– study of educational opportunities of students;

– study of students ' interest;

– use of the new content of education organized on a block basis and interdisciplinary communication;

– inclusion of students in active forms of education;

– to use various methods and means of teaching, means of continuous encouragement and control of knowledge of pupils;;

– creating an atmosphere of cooperation that promotes freedom of expression and creativity.

Learning opportunities for students

Children of the same class differ from each other in their interests, abilities, pace of thinking, preparation, attitude to learning, character, etc.:

General attitudes to learning (academic performance and attendance, the overall activity of the student on the number of questions and appeals to the teacher, voluntary performance of educational tasks, the breadth and stability of interest in the various sides of the teachings).

The motivation of the student, the goals that he can set and implement.

Determination of the state of educational activity (it is necessary to understand the reasons for any motivational attitudes, obstacles, to determine the level of educational activity, so that the student overcame difficulties in work, etc.).

Studying the age characteristics of students is important for the correct choice of lesson. Interesting organization lesson for students 7–8 classes: in the form of tournaments, KVN, auctions, relays... For high school students a lot: lectures, protection of creative tasks, reports of groups, conversations...

Interest in reading

In educational work, not relying on strong skills, awakens interest in learning, on the contrary, the successful implementation of educational work through the acquisition of skills of independent learning is a strong motivational factor. The level of development of cognitive interest is diverse: most adolescents have a wide range of cognitive interests, they are characterized by an internal approach, openness in many areas of education. They are actively looking for expertise from a variety of sources and extracurricular (periodicals, radio, television). The breadth of their interests may be expressed by General education, but not always with a deep view of knowledge. These children are a mainstay in the learning process with the key to cognitive energy that arouses interest. In the learning process, it is important to strengthen the knowledge of such students, constantly transfer them to a high cognitive path.

Every year (in different classes and at different times) I pass a test of students in order to identify interest in the studied material, topic, teaching methods, difficulties in the educational process.

The questionnaire for the student

What should be done to develop interest in physics?

Do you like Physics?

If so, why? (No, why?):

interesting or not

more experience or less

the teacher explains good or bad

hard or easy.

Want to go to electives? Physical circle?

Do you want to take part in extracurricular work in physics?

Does physics help in life? What?

Why do I find it difficult to solve physics problems?

I do not have sufficient mathematical training and find it difficult to calculate.

I analyze the conditions of the report and find it difficult to understand the meaning of the processes and phenomena described in it.

I do not know what regularities, formulas should be used in solving problems.

I can't make drawings, tables and depict in the form of tasks that need to be presented.

Making it difficult to check units.

The application can be hidden (or on request).

This contributes to the clear composition and conduct of classes while maintaining and developing students ' interest in the subject.

The psychological state of children is an important aspect of the educational process.

Effectively organized and systematic independent work of students contributes to the assimilation of deep and solid knowledge by all students, the activation of mental operations, the development of cognitive interests.

One of the first personal works «acquaintance with the book (textbook)»:

— let's get acquainted with the book, consider the illustrations to which we pay attention;

— Learning to work with a book (first-interest, then-knowledge)):

— We study the content, learn to find the necessary words on the subject indicator, gradually learn to highlight the head (I speak out loud, students carefully emphasize with a pencil), learn to make a plan, abstracts, take notes, make reviews.

In the lesson plan there is always an item «working with a textbook». This can be a quot; steam anketaquot;, which is liked by students in grades 7–9. Interaction among themselves has a positive effect on increasing their activity, the quality of work performed. After learning new material or checking homework, students answer paragraph questions and evaluate their work. When checking, I said, " what friend gave you a grade?«I put any of the issues considered. If the student answers it correctly, then this column gets in the journal. This will test the assimilation of the material read, activate activities and stimulate students.

When securing and interviewing students:;

Supplement the main statement that is missed.

The assessment takes into account the ability of students to present an accurate, logical connection with the studied topic.

Before independent or control work without fail we work with the formulas necessary for the solution of problems, we write down them on a Board, we learn to find unknown values.


  1. Differentiation in the teaching of natural cycle subjects S. V. Alekseeva.- Moscow: Higher school, 1991.
  2. Optimization of educational process.- Moscow: Enlightenment, 1982.
  3. formation of educational motivation of S. K. Markova. — Moscow: Enlightenment, 1990.
  4. G. I. Shchukina activation of cognitive activity of students in the educational process. — Moscow: Enlightenment, 1987.
  5. a physics lesson in a modern school is a creative search for teachers.- Moscow: Enlightenment, 1993.
  6. The Journal «Physics In School».
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): KVN.

Ключевые слова

physics, exercise, work system, physical surveys

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