Разработка внеклассного мероприятия Country Quiz | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №42 (280) октябрь 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 19.10.2019

Статья просмотрена: 49 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Арчегова, С. З. Разработка внеклассного мероприятия Country Quiz / С. З. Арчегова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 42 (280). — С. 258-259. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/280/63093/ (дата обращения: 17.07.2024).

Пояснительная записка

Проведение внеклассных мероприятий в оригинальной форме направлено на развитие основных видов речевой деятельности, формирование ассоциативного мышления, памяти, навыков общения и творчества учащихся. Различные конкурсы и викторины, игры и соревнования на английском языке способствует лучшему запоминанию и усвоению материала, открывает широкие возможности для индивидуального развития детей.

Данное внеклассное мероприятие нацелено на достижение учащимися следующих результатов:

Личностные результаты — уважительное отношение к культуре других стран, умение высказывать собственную точку зрения.

Предметные результаты — формирование устойчивого интереса к изучению иностранного языка посредством игр, конкурсов, викторин.

Метапредметные результаты — формирование механизма языковой догадки, логичное изложение своих мыслей, умение определять понятия, создавать обобщения, устанавливать аналогии.


Hello, Dear guests and supporters! Good luck, dear players! I’m happy to greet you here at our contest, which will help us to find out how well each of you knows Great Britain and the USA and, may be, to find some new information about the country. So, let’s start!

Round I


  1. What parts of Great Britain joined in 1607?
  2. In 1653 a certain man became Lord Protector in England. What is his name?
  3. He was the Prime Minister of the UK during World War II and met the Soviet and American leaders.
  4. Who ruled the longest period in the British history? How long did she reign?
  5. This woman took the highest post in the British Government in 1979. What is her name? What is her nickname? What post did she take?
  6. What heavenly sign did William’s army see in the sky before they attacked the British at Hastings?
  7. What was Charles II reign darkened by?
  8. This king is famous because of the women who divorced, executed, died, survived? What king? Which women?
  9. This English monarch was a contemporary with Tsar Ivan IV in Russia?
  10. The delegates from 13 British colonies in North America gathered in Philadelphia in 1776 and in 1787. Why?
  11. Who is the Head of Canada? Who represents her/him?
  12. This American president got Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 for his activity. What president? What activity?
  13. He had an English father and American mother. He got education at Harrow and Sandhurst. He was the Britain’s Prime Minister.
  14. Give a famous quotation of John Kennedy about the need for all Americans to be active citizens. ‘’Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country’’.
  15. What book did this English philosopher write? What language was it written by? What was his fate?
  16. Gorbachev and Reagan signed this document in 1987 in Washington DC.
  17. A. S. Griboedov was not only a famous writer but a successful diplomat. Where did he work? How were his diplomatic efforts described?
  18. What’s popular web-site in Britain similar to Russian ‘’Odnoklassniki’’?
  19. This youth movement was born in England and trained teens in woodcraft. When was it? What was its name? Who started it?
  20. In what way did the Hippies differ from other youth cults?

Round II


  1. Who discovered America in 1492?
  2. What is the capital of the USA?
  3. How is the American flag called?
  4. How many states are there in the USA?
  5. What is the most famous symbol of the USA?
  6. What do people celebrate on the last Thursday in November and what is traditional food of this holiday?
  7. Where does the American President live and work?
  8. In which city can you see the Statue of Liberty?
  9. What color are taxis in the UK and in the USA?
  10. Who was the first President of the USA?
  11. Who is the President of the USA nowadays?

Musical pause.

Round III

The Parliament

  1. Who does the real power in Britain belong to?
  2. How many houses are there in the British Parliament?
  3. What people are usually members of the House of Lords?
  4. Why is the House of Lords very important?
  5. How often do the British people elect members of the House of Commons?

Poetry pause.

Round IV


  1. What goes up and down at the same time?
  2. At whom do all people sit with an open eye?
  3. What is white when it’s dirty and black when it’s clean?
  4. What speaks every language in the world?

English song.


Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): USA, COUNTRY, III, QUIZ.

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