Corporate Project Management System | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Экономика и управление

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №22 (260) май 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 02.06.2019

Статья просмотрена: 219 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Карманова, А. С. Corporate Project Management System / А. С. Карманова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 22 (260). — С. 544-546. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

The article deals with various interpretations of the concept of corporate project management system in the management system. The goals and objectives of the project management system are characterized. The main methodologies of the project management system are considered. Construction of cusp is given. Advantages of cusp implementation in the company are described. The results of the implementation are summarized.

Effectiveness of the project approach to the development of the company, to the management of contract and investment projects of the company has not been questioned for a long time, because in most cases, project-oriented activities can achieve the set goals in a given time and with optimal costs. However, a significant part of companies still does not carry out purposeful and systematic management of their projects. At the same time, the implemented projects can be industry specific, reflect the investment orientation or organizational development. Topic of integrated project management of the organization is extremely popular. In the dynamic life of modern companies, the word project is associated with both success and disappointment. Everyone is sincerely interested to have more success and fewer disappointments.

This interest contributed to the development of theoretical principles and methodological foundations of project management. Today, each company has the opportunity to organize the discipline with the help of these principles and principles, which will allow: to carry out competent end-to-end planning of the whole project(s), and rapid coordination of the scope of work between departments and external contractors; effectively assign tasks to employees; monitor the accuracy and timeliness of assigned tasks without significant time spent on reporting.

As a result, the top management of the company observes the full picture of the progress of each of the projects, the real workload of employees, available reserves, achieved and expected results, and other important characteristics of the projects.

Objectives of the project management system: [1]

1) allocation of special procedures for managing a project in which the alignment and adjustment of objectives and project results;

2) improving the accuracy of project planning by formalizing and describing the company's experience in the implementation of individual project procedures, the use of special tools for calendar planning;

3) improving the efficiency of interaction between departments and employees of the company by describing the functional responsibilities, responsibilities of project participants, determining the principles of interaction and conflict resolution on the tasks of the project.

Today, the tasks of modern companies began to go beyond the management of individual projects. In this connection, there was a need to move to a fundamentally new scheme, involving the inextricable link of all projects in the company, in all directions from internal projects to expand office space to large government orders, international projects and new areas of activity. The project management system is one of the most important components of the entire organization management system. A project management system is a collection of processes, tools, methods, methodologies, resources, and procedures for project management. The system is documented in a project management plan, and its content may vary depending on the application area, organizational impact, project complexity, and availability of existing systems. The project management system, which can be both formal and informal, helps the project Manager to effectively bring the project to completion. A project management system is a set of processes and related monitoring and control functions combined into a functional unity. In order to solve problems related to conflicts of goals, priorities, deadlines, assignments, resources and reporting in the context of complex works (projects), a corporate project management system is created, which includes organizational changes in the company, methodological framework and project management information system.

Use of corporate project management system (CSM) is appropriate in companies that seek to increase the number of successful projects (both internal and external) and improve the efficiency of project activities. Corporate project management system (CCMS) a set of organizational, methodological and information tools that support project management processes in the organization.

The construction of the MCC includes: [2]

1) creation of a unified corporate project management methodology;

2) changes in the organizational structure of the company (creation of the project implementation Committee, project office);

3) implementation of project management information system.

Project management methodology describes the project management processes of the company. It is a set of project management procedures and document templates designed specifically for the customer company.

The organizational structure of project management (project implementation сcommittee, project office) ensures the implementation of project management processes, performs the functions of coordination and monitoring compliance with deadlines, budget of all projects, and also allows you to monitor the overall progress of projects at key points.

Project management information system provides effective planning and control of the project execution, consolidates data on the implementation of projects at all levels. Functional requirements for the information system are developed on the basis of project management processes that are optimal for the customer.

Project management methodology describes the project management processes of the company. It is a set of project management procedures and document templates designed specifically for the company's clients. Project management system is an organizational and technological complex of methodological, technical, software and information tools aimed at supporting and improving the efficiency of the planning and project management processes, which are based on the scheduling software.

Project management methodology describes the project management processes of the company. It is a set of project management procedures and document templates designed specifically for the company's clients. A carefully designed information model enables management and team members to make appropriate and informed decisions throughout the project cycle. Appropriate management organization can ensure the construction of procedures for analyzing the quality of work, which focuses management on achieving the goals. The information model of the project, developed at the initial stage of planning, is further processed in the process of its implementation. Thus, the basic methods of calendar planning are used throughout the life cycle of the project.

Benefits of implementing EPM [5] Among other benefits and opportunities received by organizations from the implementation of the project management system, we can distinguish the following: ensuring the implementation of the company's strategy through projects; improving the efficiency of interaction between the company's divisions; creation of a regulated project management process in the company; achieving coherence in the work of the project team; creation of a common understanding by all project participants of the tasks and content of the implemented projects; unification of information flows and document flow for project management; improved control and management of project execution; prompt receipt of information on the progress of the project from the executors due to the regulated and automated reporting procedure and, accordingly, the ability to analyze problems and make operational management decisions.

The main results of the introduction of IPM agreed and approved list of projects, arranged by the degree of importance for the development of the organization. The approval procedure of the project portfolio gives us the opportunity to reasonably assess the degree of compliance of each of the executable and the potential of the project to the strategic goals of the organization. Clear definition of roles of participants allows eliminating the main source of conflicts absence of the coordinated regulations of interaction of project teams. An objective assessment of the current execution of various projects, early identification of possible problems, the constant formation of both a summary and a detailed picture of the status of projects.

Thus, creation of csue is an attempt to develop a system of effective management of limited resources of the company to perform unique works. The MCC should be developed and continuously improved, and with it should grow the knowledge and skills of the staff working in the MCC. Only in this case the company will be able to respond to the diversity of the environment in which it exists.


  1. Ross, Andrew and Kenny Crossan. «A Review of the Influence of Corporate Governance on the Banking Crises in the United Kingdom and Germany» Corporate Governance 12, no. 2 (2012): 215–225.
  2. Li-Ying Huang, C. Lai Gene, Michael McNamara, and Jennifer Wang. «Corporate Governance and Efficiency: Evidence from U. S. Property-Liability Insurance Industry» Journal of Risk and Insurance 78, no. 3 (2011): 519–550.
  3. Atkinson, Anthony and Steve Salterio. «Shaping Good Conduct: The Search for More Effective Systems of Corporate Governance has created a Unique Opportunity for Strategic Financial Management Professionals» CMA Management 75, no. 10 (2002): 19–23.
  4. S Morteza Ghayour, B. and Meysam Doaei. A Dialectic Model of Development of Stakeholders’ Theory and Corporate Governance: From Hume Utilitarianism to Aristotelian Virtue Ethics. International Journal of Financial Research 3, no. 2 (2012): 96–96.
  5. Rossouw, G. “Balancing Corporate and Social Interests: Corporate Governance Theory and Practice.” African Journal of Business Ethics 3, no. 1 (2008): 28–37.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): MCC, CCMS, CMA, CSM, EPM, IPM.

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