The Role of the Game in English Language Lessons | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Махмудова, Х. И. The Role of the Game in English Language Lessons / Х. И. Махмудова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 20 (258). — С. 493-495. — URL: (дата обращения: 25.02.2025).

This article is about using role-plays in English lessons. In this article it is spoken about the technique with very good learning opportunities, so it is often used not only for children but also for adults and using of role-playing games in the classroom allows increasing the effectiveness of classes.

Keywords: preparatory, final, role-playing game, learning activities, necessary, a technique.

Эта статья об использовании ролевых игр на уроках английского языка. В этой статье говорится о технике с очень хорошими возможностями обучения, поэтому ее часто используют не только для детей, но и для взрослых, а использование ролевых игр в классе позволяет повысить эффективность занятий.

Ключевые слова: подготовительная, финальная, ролевая игра, учебная деятельность, необходимый, техника.

Role-playing games are actively used in teaching English. This is a technique with very good learning opportunities, so it is often used not only for children, but also for adults. The use of role-playing games in the classroom allows you to increase the effectiveness of classes. Learning activities become more interesting and diverse, the participants actively interact with each other, which allows them to accelerate the development of speech skills.

What is the use of role-playing games? Help in the formation of speech skills. Involvement in the game and personal involvement in what is happening allow you to actively join in the conversation, even those students who are usually laconic. Gradually, speech becomes more confident, fluent and diverse.

Allow replenishing vocabulary. It is the regular use of words that leads to their good mastery. The game situation helps to activate the memory, so the vocabulary is remembered even better.

Train the perception of speech by ear. Interacting with other participants in the game, you can learn to understand English speech with different accents and pronunciation features.

Contribute to the overall development of the student. Role-playing games in English not only make it possible to improve language skills, but also activate creative abilities, dialogue skills, etc.

They make learning more interesting, and therefore more effective.

Give an impetus to learning. Games show how the material being studied can be used in real situations. This allows you to increase the motivation of both children and adult students.

In the role-playing game there are three stages:

– preparatory,

– the game itself,

– final.

The preparatory stage in the class provides the introductory conversation of the teacher, who introduces students to the role-playing situation and the vocabulary of the role-playing game. Preparation at home includes reading texts, articles on the problem.

After the role-playing game, the necessary element is the final stage, which involves the implementation of certain tasks for example, writing an article in the newspaper on the problem, writing to a friend, etc. Depending on the purpose of the lesson and the level of preparedness of the students, role-playing games can be held in pairs, in subgroups and in the whole group.

Role-playing in pairs is the easiest kind of role-playing game. Here you can use questionnaires that students must complete by asking each other questions. Role playing in subgroups can be done in different ways. Some authors believe that all subgroups should play at the same time, and the teacher should control their work, moving from one group to another. But there is such an option: when the subgroups play in turn: one subgroup plays, and the rest are listened to and evaluated in order to take part in the further discussion.

To use the role-playing game, the topic “Shopping” is very favorable: as a separate topic for studying in the first year, as well as a sub-topic when passing the topic “Travel”. Introduced the necessary vocabulary on the topics “Shops”, “Products”, “Clothing”, repeated formulas of courtesy: Can I help you? What would you like? What can I do for you? Introduces interactive replicas on the topic: How much does it cost? What is the price of...? Have you a... of my size? etc. A role-play is played most often in pairs according to the situation, for example, “Preparing for the New Year. You are preparing to celebrate the New Year. You have made the menu of the holiday table. What do you buy at the store? Act out the dialogue between the seller and the buyer. ”Taking the form of this program as a basis for a role-playing game, I use it as a final lesson on various topics: “American holidays”, “Famous Americans”, “Sport and health”, “New Year and Christmas”, etc.

So, a role-playing game is learning in action, improving the quality of learning;

– this is a highly motivating factor, since the game arouses the interest of students, especially in terms of the unpredictability of the outcome;

– gives students a foothold: suggests what kind of speech patterns can express one or another thought in this particular situation;

– accompanied, as a rule, by an emotional uplift, which has a positive effect on the quality of training, increases its effectiveness.

Role play is a technique that helps students improve their speech skills in the dialogical speech, as well as try their hand at acting.


  1. Constantinescu, R. S. (2012). Learning by playing: Using computer games in teaching English grammar to high school students. Education Source. 110–115.
  2. Crookal, D. (1990). Simulation, gaming, and language learning. Newbury House.
  3. Language games and activities. Hulton Educational Publications Ltd.
  4. Lee, W.R. (2000). Language teaching games and contests. Oxford University Press.

Ключевые слова

This article is about using role plays in English lessons. In this article it is spoken about the technique with very good learning opportunities, so it is often used not only for children, but also for adults and using of role-playing games in the classroom allows to increase the effectiveness of classes

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