Census of Jews in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2009 | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Социология

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №10 (248) март 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 09.03.2019

Статья просмотрена: 20 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Шагатаева, А. Б. Census of Jews in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2009 / А. Б. Шагатаева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 10 (248). — С. 214-217. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/248/57096/ (дата обращения: 07.03.2025).

The article is devoted to one of the unexplored problems of national historical and ethnographic science-ethnodemographic process between Kazakh Jews. The first settlers of the considered Jewish ethnos to the territory of pre-revolutionary Kazakhstan of the XIX century came in the second half. In 1867 in the territory of Kazakhstan at the expense of the first Jews of the Nikolaev troops the fortress Verny (nowadays Almaty) became the immigrant of the city. In the years 1920–1930, this process was carried out at the expense of young people, who came from settled areas for a five-year construction on the basis of political deportees in Kazakhstan, evacuation in 1941–1945gg., evacuation in 1954–1960 development of virgin and fallow lands, construction of industrial plants, Science, Culture, etc. b. he made his impact. Since the penetration of Jews in the Soviet government was allowed since 1960, in 1970–1980 Jews in Kazakhstan went to their ethnic homeland in Israel, the rest to the United States, Canada, Australia and other countries of the world. Therefore, the share of Jews in the total population of the Republic of Kazakhstan has decreased.

Key words: economy, Kazakhstan and Russia, economy.

Various ethnic groups of polyethnic Kazakhstan from their historical homeland to the Kazakh land during the colonial policy of tsarist Russia and the Soviet totalitarian system were forcibly and voluntarily settled. Jews, like other ethnic groups of the Republic, take their place in social, political, scientific, educational, social, cultural and economic life. How many decades and centuries, living in the Republic, has preserved its language, culture, traditions and customs. Although the population of a small ethnic group is settled in fourteen regions of Kazakhstan, Almaty and Astana.

Therefore, it is important and necessary to study a small ethnic group, as Jews living between other ethnic groups who have preserved their ethnic and cultural identity. Special literature and valuable data on studying of ethno-demographic processes-1999 and 2009 Used data from the population census of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Method of research

Theoretical and methodological basis of the work-the writings of leading domestic and foreign authors dealing with issues of ethnic, ethno-cultural, ethno-demographic processes and: Diaspora studies.

Comparative historical, statistical, demographic, system and complex methods were used as a methodological basis for solving this problem. Comparative-historical method of studying the total and salaried comparison of ethno-cultural development of this or another ethnic group, determines the identity and specificity with other ethnic groups. Statistical method of correlation and factor analysis of objective statistical data and measurement to determine the relationship between the average weight method, tabular and others.b. used. The demographic approach allows us to study the demographic situation in the structure of the population, the mechanical, natural population growth. To implement tasks in a specific or comprehensive study of system-and complexly defined or combined objects in various fields of science, including public use.


The increase of representatives of other ethnic groups in Kazakhstan in the XVIII-XX centuries in connection with the migration policy. In particular, the location of the Jews we are considering on the territory of Kazakhstan is associated with the establishment of the colonial policy of tsarist Russia. In some regions of the Republic the Bolshevik system of power developed peacefully, and sometimes with violence. The settlement of Jews in Kazakhstan was influenced by the following factors:

  1. General provisions pre-Revolutionary period. In the Russian Empire, the cantonists, formed under the leadership of Nicholay I, were transferred to the Jews at the age of 25–35 years, and children under 18 years in the ranks of the cantonists and transferred to Christianity. The first Jews, the Nikolaev troops, the Verny fortress (nowadays Almaty) began to arrive on the territory of Kazakhstan in 1867 when the city became prestigious. On the territory of Kazakhstan were inhabited only by Jews who have permission to the settled zone [1].
  2. The pre-war period. 1920s-1930s the five-year construction has increased at the expense of young people from the settled regions and also among the deportees to Kazakhstan.
  3. War and evacuation. 1941–1945 many Jews were resettled in Kazakhstan, including Almaty.
  4. Postwar period. 1948–1953 during the struggle against «cosmopolitans» Jewish intellectuals were sent to Kazakhstan, including Karaganda.
  5. 1954–1962 in connection with the arrival of groups aimed at the development of industry, science and culture of Kazakhstan in the years of development of virgin and fallow lands [1].

Table 1



Among them









3 485


2 127
































Eastern Kazakhstan














West Kazakhstan










































Northern Kazakhstan







Southern Kazakhstan







Astana city







Almaty city







According to the results of the census, in 1970–27 013, in 1979–22 762, in 1989–17 526, in 1999–6 743, according to the last census of 2009–3485 Jews were shown [2]. The main factor in the sharp decline of the investigated ethnic group was the destruction of the Soviet totalitarian state. However, the main factor is not the ethnopsychological direction, but the complex market economic difficulties in the country, unemployment, production stoppage and most importantly — the fall of collective and state farms in the agricultural sector. They did not have the opportunity to engage in private enterprise.

According to the 2009 census, the number of Jews decreased by 2 times, especially in the regions of Western Kazakhstan (see table 1). First of all, it concerns Jews in Atyrau, Mangistau, Kyzylorda regions.

Currently, a significant part of Jews is concentrated in the cities of Almaty, Astana, Karaganda region, East Kazakhstan region, Kostanay region. For example, in those regions of the studied ethnic group made up 2566 inhabitants. This result showed that for Almaty — 1488 (42.7 %), for Karaganda region — 529 (15.2 %), East Kazakhstan region — 194 (5.6 %), Astana — 183 (5.2 %), Kostanay region — 172 (4.9 %) Jews [2]. Through these areas we can see that the city prevails.

Among Jews urban population prevailed — 61.0 %, respectively, 7.1 % of the population lived in the village. The rural population is most common in comparison with other regions in Almaty region (4.9 %), Kostanay (4.9 %), North Kazakhstan (4.9 %) regions [2].

The most important information about the representatives of ethnic groups taken to the object of study can be obtained from the statistical data concerning the representatives of different cities of Kazakhstan: Almaty — 1488, Karaganda — 513, Kostanay — 143, Pavlodar — 131. In other cities, the figures are below 100.

Now consider the areas concentrated in Almaty, Kostanay, North Kazakhstan regions of rural Jews. In Almaty region — 57 people, in Kostanay and North Kazakhstan regions — 29 people [2].


Thus, we have defined the ethnodemographic process of the Jewish people, which has a century-old history in Kazakhstan. In the first stage, the growth of this ethnic group has grown not only from natural growth but also as a result of mechanical growth, i.e. due to migration process in the 1970s and 1980s, their number decreased. The main reason here, market relations, due to Jews in the labor market, were forced to move in with their parents. Several reasons, according to the Jewish Diaspora in Kazakhstan, were the reason for the decline in natural growth, the birth of children born from mixed marriage. They were considered «part of the second marriage» and not the Jewish people [3]. This made it possible to reduce the rate of population census in the Republic.


  1. Крутова Н. В. Евреи на земле Восточного Казахстана. — Усть-Каменогорск: изд. Областной дом дружбы малой ассамблеи народов Восточного Казахстана, 2006–235 с.
  2. Национальный состав, вероисповедание и владение языками в Республике Казахстан. Итоги национальной переписи населения 2009 года в Республике Казахстан. Статистический сборник. (2010). — Астана: Агентство РК по статистике.
  3. История Казахстана: народы и культуры: Учеб. пособие / Р. Э. Масанов и др. — Алматы: Дайк-Пресс, 2001. — 569 с.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): XVIII-XX, Восточный Казахстан, Казахстан.

Ключевые слова

economy, Kazakhstan and Russia

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