The use of complex sentences with adverbial modifier of place in Uzbek language | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №6 (244) февраль 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 12.02.2019

Статья просмотрена: 103 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Тургунова, Э. Э. The use of complex sentences with adverbial modifier of place in Uzbek language / Э. Э. Тургунова, Э. Н. Тоштемиров. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 6 (244). — С. 273-275. — URL: (дата обращения: 07.03.2025).

There is much more to be said about the complex sentence than about the compound. This is due to several causes, which are, however, connected with one another. For one thing, the semantic relations which can be expressed by subordination are much more numerous and more varied than with coordination: all such relations as time, place, concession, purpose, etc. are expressly stated in complex sentences only. Then again, the means of expressing subordination are much more numerous.

Adverbial modifier of place means the place of action, its beginning and ending or the direction of action. For example: Qayerga ketib borayotganimni o’zim bilmas edim. Bir yoqda to’nfurushlar, bir yoqda mahalliy yahudiy bazzozlar.

It may be connected with the negative part of the sentence. (mainly predicate). In this case the action is not happened at the place of situation, is not directed at the same place. For example: U hech kimni yaquniga yo’latmaydi.

Tursunoy uyiga yetib kelganda o’z eshigiga burilmay, to’g’ri borib Shirmonxon opalarning eshigini ochdi.

The adverbial modifier of place may be expressed with a simple word or word combination. These type of words are given here: nari, narida, naridan, nariga, beri, berida, beriga; yuqori, yuqorida, yuqoriga, yuqoridan; pastda, pastdanpastga; orada, oradanoraga; oldida, oldidan, oldiga; uzoqda, uzoqdan, uzoqqa; to’g’rida, to’g’ridan, to’g’riga, yonida. For example:

U onaning ko’ziga qaramasdan, yonida turardi. Quyosh tobora yuqoriga intiladi.

The simple word material of adverbial modifier of place can be expressed with the help of nouns of place, direction and other words. For example:

Hadeb o’qiyverasanmi qizim? O’n yil qishloqda, to’rt yil shaharda o’qiding, ha, bo’ldida!

U, eshikdan kirishi bilan opasi bo’yniga osilib yig’ladi va oshxonaga olib kirdi.

When the adverbial modifier of place is expressed with the word combination, there is a connection between attribute and antecedent (determination). For example: Bahorikor yerlarda esa faqat yomg’irga ishonib g’alla ekilardi, u ham namga to’ymay, siyrak, nimjon, yelkasida yuki oz bo’lardi.

To’ngak orasidan quloqlari dikkaygan quyon paydo bo’ldida, koptokdek sakrab butalar orasiga yashirindi.

The adverbial modifier of place is expressed with the help of auxiliary noun as: ost, old, yon, ich, ket, orqa, ora. So, secondary parts of speech which express the adverbial modifier of place, as: shuyerda, u yoqdan, biryerda, haryerga, can also be structural modifier of place.

For example: Komiljon yangi ferma binosi ichidan chiqarilgan quvur oldida qazilayotgan ariqning narigi yuziga o’tib to’xtadi.

Sometimes the antecedent (determination) may be like qavat, xona, joy, yurt, yer, shahar, atrofi, the attribute of the sentence may be numeral, pronoun, adjective and adverb like kishi, qishloq, shahar and proper and common nouns are used as structural adverbial modifier of place. For example: Mana bu yerga klub, mana bu yerga maktab, mana bu yerga kolxoz idorasi tushadi. Kishi yurtida shoh bo’lguncha, o’z yurtingda gado bo’l!

The structural combinations of attribute and antecedent (determination) which express the whole meaning of place which was taken affixes of case is considered as adverbial modifier of place. For example: Shu payt tog’ cho’qqisidan katta bir tosh yumaladi va yo’lidagi boshqa toshlarni qo’porib, daxshatli toshbo’ron boshlandi. Ikki soydagi buloqlardan oqqan suv Oltinsoy jarligiga quyilib, pastlikka o’qday tushib ketardi.

Nowadays also the rare auxiliaries uzra, sari with nouns which comes before them can also be adverbial modifier of place. This modifier of places doesn’t take any affixes of case. This case depends on the meanings of these auxiliaries. For example: Bu zo’r hujum, buyuk yurishning birinchi kunlaridayoq zafar quvonchi keng yurtimiz uzra chaqmoqday tarqaldi. Biz klub sari bordik.

The structural components with the meaning of direction tomon, yuqori, tashqari can also be adverbial modifier of place. These words don’t take the affixes of direction.sometimes they can be used to emphasise and to show the stylistic meaning. For example: Mehmonlar bozor tomonga qarab boshlarini sal qimirlatib qo’ydilar. Qay tomonga qarasang, yangi-yangi tanishlar uchraydi.

Sometimes auxiliary of direction is used with the help of noun case ofdirection. For example: Qamish kapaning bari qishu –yoz suv ichadigan soyga tomon yo’l oldilar.

Adverbial modifier of place is used with the following components of pair words in Uzbek. For example: Javdirab u yoq-bu yoqqa qaradi-yu,boshi yomon aylanayotgan bo’lsa kerak, yana yotib oldi. Shu kundan boshlab, ichkaridan tashqariga mokiday qatnay boshladi.

It can be used by the word combinations too. For example: U besh yildan beri mening brigadamda, men ishlaydigan Toshkent yuk deposida

ishlaydi. Meni qo’yarda — qo’ymay xotin-qizlar klubida tashkilotchi qilib qo’yishdi.


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