Legal framework for the use of water resources in Central Asian countries | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Сайдатов, О. Ф. Legal framework for the use of water resources in Central Asian countries / О. Ф. Сайдатов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 5 (243). — С. 260-261. — URL: (дата обращения: 30.03.2025).

Located in the central part of the Asian continent, Uzbekistan, which has such natural conditions and favorable land resources, is located in the inner part of the continent and its river flows into the seas and oceans. It is worth noting that rivers play an important role in the development of our region, it is rivers that play a decisive role in the development of the national economy as an important natural resource, especially in today's dry climate and irrigated agriculture, for the Republic of Uzbekistan the importance of rivers in the national economy is very important.

The countries of Central Asia are divided into two categories in the field of water resources: the first category is the Republic of Tajikistan, where the Amudarya River originates, and the Kyrgyz Republic, from where the Syrdarya River is the longest in the region. The second category includes Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, which are located in the lower reaches of rivers, consume most of the water, having few sources of water resources, but rich in other types of natural resources. After independence, Central Asian countries revised their legislation on the use and protection of water resources, adapted to the laws of the former Soviet Union, and changes were made in their own interests, water codes were adopted. We will consider the development of the water legislation of the states of the region after independence and the most important priorities in them.

Currently, issues related to water resources in Kazakhstan are regulated by the country's constitution, the Water Code adopted in the new edition in 2003, and other regulatory documents.

Kazakhstan is one of the countries with a regular focus on the legal regulation of water relations with other countries in the region.

In particular, the Deputy Director of the Interstate Water Commission, V. Sokolov, noted that while in some countries of Central Asia water relations are regulated by laws and regulations of the 1990s, Kazakhstan adopted a new “Water Code” (Section 11, Part 32, art. 146). Indeed, the Water Code of Kazakhstan adopted in 1993 was amended in 1996, 1999, 2001 and adopted on July 9, 2003 in a new edition. This, in turn, indicates a gradual improvement in the water legislation in the country.

In particular, water issues in Kyrgyzstan are regulated in accordance with the Law “On Interstate Use of Water Objects, Water Resources and Water Facilities in the Kyrgyz Republic” [1] dated June 29, 2001, the Water Code of Kyrgyzstan (9 chapters, 71 articles), adopted in January 2009 and other regulatory documents adopted on this basis. The main goal of the Water Code of the Kyrgyz Republic is to provide the population and the economy with quality and sufficient water resources and ensure the rational use of water, the only legal basis for their protection [2].

The Water Code of the Republic of Tajikistan was adopted by the Parliament of the country on November 29, 2000 [3]. and consists of 5 chapters, 24 chapters, 146 articles. Chapters 2 and 3 of the Water Code of the Republic of Tajikistan provide for the procedure for the design, placement, construction and operation of facilities, structures and other facilities that affect the state of water use.

In the Republic of Turkmenistan, water relations are regulated by the Constitution of the country and the “Water Code” and other regulatory documents adopted on its basis [4]. Among the above-mentioned documents, the Water Code, which entered into force on November 1, 2004, is of particular importance. The Code includes rules that regulate the use of water resources in the country and ensure their protection, based on the main goal of the state.

As is known, cooperation in the field of water use and protection is carried out on the basis of international legal norms. Water relations are also regulated by both national and international legislation. The Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (March 17, 1992, Helsinki) is one of the main international legal instruments governing the use of transboundary water resources. The Republic of Uzbekistan joined this convention on August 9, 2017 [5]. In accordance with the requirements of this international document, on December 25, 2009, the Republic of Uzbekistan amended the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Water and Water Use” of May 6, 1993. In particular, Article 2 of this Law defines transboundary water bodies (water bodies crossing the borders of two or more states) and transboundary waters (crossing the borders of two or more countries).

All in all, the rational use of existing water resources in our region not only contributes to improving the quality of agricultural activity in the region, but is necessary for our young generation to provide them with drinking water and sanitary and hygienic life. Considering the interests of the present and future generation, making a conclusion from the life of other regions with water problems, for the development of economic and social spheres, exercising the rights of the inhabitants of our region to a favorable environment to the neighboring states of our region, trusting in cooperation in solving common problems of water resources protection In each country and in accordance with the interests, close cooperation in the process of using water resources is necessary for the development of its region.


  1. “Закон о межгосударственном использовании водных объектов, водных ресурсов и водохозяйственных сооружений Кыргызской Республики”,.июн 2001 г. Юридический сборник НИЦ МКВК №. 14.
  2. “Водный кодекс Кыргызской Республики”, декабр 2004 г. Юридический сборник НИЦ МКВК №. 14
  3. “Водный кодекс Республики Таджикистан”, ноябр 2000 г. Юридический сборник НИЦ МКВК №. 13
  5. Bekchanov Z. XX asrning 60-80-yillarida O’zbekistonda suv resurslaridan foydalanish muammolari. – Urganch, 2013. – B. 41.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): юридический сборник, Кыргызская Республика.

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