The scientist of our time | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Прочее

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №47 (233) ноябрь 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 27.11.2018

Статья просмотрена: 12 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Каландаров, Х. Х. The scientist of our time / Х. Х. Каландаров. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 47 (233). — С. 397-398. — URL: (дата обращения: 07.03.2025).

Our country has long been one of the ancient cradles of Islamic science and culture. Imam Bukhari, Burkhanuddin Margonani, Imam Termizi, Hakim Termizi, Mahmoud Zahamhztzy, Kaffol Shashi, Bakhuddin Naqshband, Khoja Ahror Valy, Muhammad Khorezmiy, Ahmad Fargani, Abu Rayhan Beruni, Abu Ali ib Sino, Zyzhem, Ahmad Fargani, Abu Rayhan Beruni, Abu Ali ib Sino, Ahmad Fargani but also in the history of world civilization, it is true with golden letters.

Keywords: religion, Islamic science and culture, multi-ethnic and multi-religious country, World Islamic Communication, The Council of Secretaries of the World Union of Muslim Ulema and others.

Introduction: Thanks to independence, our religious and national values have been fully restored, and we respect the memory of our great ancestors, and opportunities have been created to study the religious, scientific, and spiritual and educational heritage left by them (1).

Discussion: Muhammad Sadyk Muhammad Yusuf was born on April 15, 1952 in Uzbekistan, in the family of a spiritual scientist. His father, the teacher Muhammad Yusuf, gave his son an elementary religious education, created all the conditions for him to succeed in school, instilled a love for reading books.

After graduating from high school, in 1970, Muhammad Sadyk studied at the Mir Arab Arab Madrasa in Bukhara, which he successfully completed as an external student. In 1973 he entered the Tashkent Islamic Institute. Imam Bukhari. After graduation in 1975, he worked in the journal «Muslims of the Soviet East».

In 1976 he entered the University of Dava Islamiya in Tripoli (Libya), from which he graduated in 1980 with honors. Returning to his homeland, he began working in the department of foreign relations of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Central Asia and Kazakhstan, taught at the Higher Islamic Institute. Imam Bukhari. During this time, Muhammad Sadik developed a new curriculum for the institute, introduced the teaching of new Islamic disciplines, and adjusted the provision of students with the necessary educational and scientific literature. 1986 became the rector of the institute.

On February 6, 1989, Muhammad Sadyk, Muhammad Yusuf, became mufti — the head of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Central Asia and Kazakhstan, and on the eve of independence of Uzbekistan, sheikh was elected deputy of the USSR Supreme Soviet and became the first mufti of independent Uzbekistan. With independence, the people were given religious freedom, Mufti Muhammad Sadyk Muhammad Yusuf became a popular figure in Uzbekistan. In the same year he was elected people's deputy of the USSR (2).

Sheikh directed his activities as a mufti and chairman of the Spiritual Administration to eliminate the existing barriers to the Muslims gaining their religious rights, to gain the opportunity to receive religious education, to restore Islamic culture. As Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Central Asia and Kazakhstan, as well as People’s Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, he submitted to the then Government a detailed report on the life of Muslims throughout the country, demanding to restore and protect their rights. After that, the state policy towards Muslims has changed. It was allowed to open mosques, Islamic educational institutions, publish religious literature, perform many religious duties prohibited during the Soviet era. At the deputy's request, a decree was adopted on the organization of pilgrimage for Muslims from the USSR.

However, in 1993, Sheikh Muhammad Sadyk Muhammad Yusuf resigned, leaving the post of head of the Spiritual Administration. During this period, he worked in the international organization «League of the Islamic World» with headquarters in Mecca, and then at the Islamic University in Libya.

After the terrorist attacks in Tashkent in 1999, Muhammad Sadyk Muhammad Yusuf received an official invitation to return to Uzbekistan. The authorities took this step, apparently because they realized that it was necessary to support theologians who preach true Islam, seeing how quickly the ideas of extremist religious organizations spread in the country.

Returning to his homeland in Uzbekistan, Muhammad Sadyk Muhammad Yusuf began writing many theological works. He took part in a large number of events and meetings throughout the country devoted to raising the scientific and religious culture of Muslims, made a semantic translation of the Holy Quran into the Uzbek language, published more than a hundred of his books and translations on Islamic sciences (3).

In recent years, Muhammad Sadyk, Muhammad Yusuf, being a member of the founding assembly of the World Islamic Communication, was busy working to develop religious culture among the people of Uzbekistan through the website He constantly participated in scientific conferences, seminars, meetings and meetings around the world.

Muhammad Sadyk Muhammad Yusuf was a member of the following Muslim organizations:

1. The Council of Secretaries of the World Union of Muslim Ulema (co-founder); 2. The Constituent Council of the World Islamic League (Mecca); 3. Presidium of the World Association of Tasawwuf; 4. General Secretariat of the World Islamic People's Guide; 5. Presidium of the World Council of the Islamic Appeal; 6. Royal Academy of Islamic Thought (Jordan); 7. The executive bureau of the Assembly of Islamic ulamas and thinkers of the world (Mecca); 8. Academic Council of the World Islamic University (Islamabad); 9. World Association of Mosques.

Muhammad Sadiq Muhammad Yusuf died on March 10, 2015 at the age of 62 (4).

Result: At the same time, the rapidly developing world has misinterpreted sacred Islamic religious laws and misinterpreted false religion, as well as misinterpreted the holiness of religion and a high level of science and spirituality that can convey the essence of its world and humanity to members of society, training specialists with religious potential.

Conclusion: The Muslim renaissance, which was created by our great ancestors who founded the awakening of scientific enlightenment, is now studying the scientific heritage that fascinates the enlightened world, conducts scientific research, continues the traditions of the scientific disciplines and schools they create. rows in the list.


1. Sh.Mirziyoyev.Asarlar I tom. “Buyuk kelajagimizni mard va oliyjanob xalqimiz bilan birga quramiz”T.:” O’zbekiston “.2017

2. I.Karimov. Yuksak ma’naviyat-yengilmas kuch.T.:”Ma’naviyat”.2008

3. M.Xayrullayev. Ma’naviyat yulduzlari.T.:”Ma’naviyat”.1998.

4. U.Alimov.Ma’rifatli islom namoyondasi.T.:”Hidoyat”.2016.

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): USSR.

Ключевые слова

religion, Islamic science and culture, multi-ethnic and multi-religious country, World Islamic Communication, The Council of Secretaries of the World Union of Muslim Ulema and others

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