On the evolution of the communicative method of teaching foreign languages | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №41 (227) октябрь 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 16.10.2018

Статья просмотрена: 34 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Гозиева, Н. Р. On the evolution of the communicative method of teaching foreign languages / Н. Р. Гозиева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 41 (227). — С. 170-173. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/227/53090/ (дата обращения: 29.01.2025).

The history of methods of teaching foreign languages knows multiple and diverse attempts to find the most rational methods of teaching foreign languages. The oldest method was natural, which is no different from the method to which the child is taught his native language. A foreign language is learned by imitation finished samples, by repeated repetition and reproduction of a new material by analogy with the studied. Natural a method that pursued purely practical goals — learning, above all, the ability to speak and read light text has long satisfied needs a society in which productive ownership is paramount by importance.

Then came the direct method, which reigned supreme. Until the middle of the 19th century. Over the next hundred years there was a struggle between supporters of natural, subsequently direct and transferable methods. And although modern teaching methods in much different, the question of the use of the native language in teaching foreign language or to abandon it and now still has a large value when establishing the methodological credo of one or another methodical system. Next, the direct method is replaced by the audio-lingual method.

It originated in America in the 40s, when knowledge of foreign languages was really necessary. All available methods are applied in depending on the goals and specific conditions of learning a foreign language.

The term «intensification» is actively used in modern methods.

Teaching. His essence, above all, is to create on practical exercises systems of focus and organization attention, resulting in increased activity of students. Wherein

Methodists focus on maximizing the degree the effectiveness of the educational process within the planned time (The Intensive English Program that gives you more. 1998 p 3.) Hence the production relevant guidelines and training systems, aimed at improving the quality of teaching foreign language.

Intensification of teaching a foreign language is not a tribute to “fashion” in century of scientific and technological progress, but absolutely objective necessity which is caused by a number of negative factors «Traditionally» carried out the educational process. These factors are entering contrary to the social order according to which the task is set rapid sufficient mastery of learners of a foreign language and the ability to use it in practice. Therefore, there are «new methods» — hypnopedia, suggestopedy and relaxopedia, each of which is aimed at achieving hyperthermia, i.e. above memorization of language material in first of all vocabulary (Yu. Abdullaev, A. Bushuy 2000, p. 124–126) But Practice shows that the role of these methods ultimately comes down to implemented especially auxiliary functions — to provide a more durable mastering foreign language vocabulary. By mastering other aspects of the language (and especially speech) the advantage of these methods is not detected. But they very promising and can open up new horizons for rationalization learning process in general, so we consider it in more detail further.

In the 1950s, an audiovisual method was created and widely introduced some components of which it was possible to transfer and the practice of mass schooling. Some speech intensification activity of students is achieved, first of all, by enhancing specially selected samples of oral dialogic speech, as well as thanks to the synchronous use of inseparably connected and interdependent auditory and visual learning aids. AT audiovisual method, emphasis is placed on the use of technical means, resulting in a visual plot (as a substantive base for dialogue) is invariably accompanied by voiced footage.

Intensification of learning oral speech at the initial stage of learning achieved through the audio-visual method. On such a job it takes a lot of time, training tools and efforts that ultimately do not leads to genuine intensification.

Currently, the communicative method is widely used learning foreign languages, which is the object of our study.

In a foreign method, it is designated as an approach. We see it as principle. Consider it as a communicative teaching method.

Varieties of communicative teaching methods foreign languages. Communicative language learning appeared in the 60s in British method, where the language was taught on a situational basis. Main English language structures were processed in different situations.

Communication In the mid-1960s, the theory of a language about audio linvalizme. British Methodists questioned theoretical principles of situational teaching methods for foreign student’s languages. They realized the ineffectiveness of methods of teaching language by structure and began to develop a functional and communicative potential approach to language learning. They saw the need learning based on communicative need, not based on only structures. Supporters of this point of view were S. Kendlin, X.

Weed son. At the same time, these specialists relied on the work of the British linguistic functionalists (D. Fifs, M. Holliday and the American sociolinguists O. Haims, D. Woopers, and philosophers D. Austin, Sierl.)

Another condition for the emergence of different approaches to learning language has been increasing the social need for foreign language language in Europe. The subject of this research is: language as a means of expression. Language as a semiotic system and object of study, mutual personal relations of students and remedial study on based on error analysis. Therefore, the communicative method is based on functional and communicative approaches. Developing methods providing practical knowledge of the language as soon as possible, have become a vital necessity. In 1971, a group of scientists I began to develop a method of teaching language that takes into account the need needs of students. In 1972 a commission led by the British linguist D. A. Wilkins prepared a message in which it was proposed functional or communicative definition of language that could serve as the basis for developing a communication program with language learning. The merit of D. A. Wilkins was that he conducted an analysis the student’s communicative need in terms of both the expression of thought and and speech perception. This program has been adopted by the educational department of the Council of Europe. Subsequently, this program has played a big role in the development of methods and improving the quality of textbooks in Europe. The work of the Council of Europe, a study of British linguists, the message of the commission on the language training program, etc.

Role in spreading a communicative approach or simple communicative language learning. Sometimes instead of terms “Communicative approach”, “communicative language learning” were used the terms «content-functional approach». Since 1970 years the range of application of communicative language learning has become expand. Both American and British supporters of this innovations began to be seen as an approach (rather than a method) that was aimed:

  1. To make the goals of learning the language communicative,
  2. Develop a methodology for the development of 4 language skills, which takes into account the interdependence of language and communication (J. C. Richards. T. S. Rodgers).

Communicative approach emphasizes communicative competence. When the term «competence» was first introduced N.

Chomsky (1965), he was directly related to the knowledge of the native language. In other words, the term «linguistic competence» implied temporary forms that performed the necessary morphological changes and took the usual word order. But the term «linguistic competence» was questioned D.

By Himes (1972). He suggested that the term “communicative competence «must be related to the interaction of grammatical (language rules) and socio-cultural (language application rules) aspects language.

According to him, if people have communicative competence, they will have the knowledge and ability to use the language. D. Hymes he emphasized that literacy is one of the components of grammatical competence. He pointed out that the sociolinguistic aspect of language has to do with the intended use of the language in this context. In his article “communicative competence,” the author gives more extensive competence, social and sociocultural a factor. He proves that sometimes the grammatical parts of statements may not be intended to achieve certain goals, and non-grammatical statements may be acceptable. D. Hymes makes the conclusion that we can separate sociolinguistic factors from linguistic competence. Consequently, knowledge of the language is not only means knowledge of the language, but also knowledge of what is intended in this context. M. Kennel and M. Swain (1980) created an important speculative model that considers the relationship of theory and practice. They identified 4 main components of communicative competence:

  1. Grammatical Competence: Mastery of Lexical units, rules of morphology, syntax and phonology.
  1. Grammatical competence is mainly related to linguistic aspects of language focused on dictionaries, word order, formation of sentences, pronunciations, per letter, etc;
  1. Sociolinguistic competence: correspondence of statements (grammatical and communicative functions) in this context related to topics, roles and participants, directions and standards interactivity;
  2. Speech Competency: Combination Mastery grammatical forms and knowledge to achieve unity of oral and written text;
  3. Strategic competence — verbal communication theory, which consists of the above 4 types of competencies.
  4. In other words, they consider communicative competence as synthesis of grammar knowledge, knowledge of how the use of language in the social context.

Grittner (1975) proves that the ability to speak foreign language is the essence of practice, not intellectual discipline.

Willing (1978) writes, “To learn a language is to learn. In this regard the main point of the beginning is the interaction of the teacher with the student and trainee with trainee. He advocates that learning a language can be more effective if the center of communication is a learner.

«Communicative environment» involves the trainees in themselves, and the place where goes through the communication process, emphasizes interaction, communication and language use.

However, in the development of the theory of communicative teaching methods language has a number of controversial issues. One of them is use of terminology. J. Richards and Redress write real “Method” is defined in terms of three levels: approach, structure (design), procedure- work procedure. Approach is a theory of language and learning. Project (design) is the definition of linguistic content and the description of the role teacher, student and educational material.

The method of work associated with the methods of work. E. Antonia differentiates the concepts of «approach», «method», «reception». In his opinion, the term «method» is the covering (umbrella) term for definitions (notation) of the relationship between theory and practice. Approach is position, point of view, the theory of the nature of the language being studied. Project-relationship theory of language learning and educational material. Method of work — class work for teaching student’s language and practice.

In the concept of L. Backman, a person’s communicative ability consists of knowledge or competence, ability to perform a speech act.

He believes that the concept of communicative language learning includes three components: 1) Language competence, 2) Strategic competence, 3) Psychophysiological mechanisms. At the same time, language competence is knowledge: strategic competence — mental capacity for implementation of components of language competence:

—determination of speech actions to highlight the types of situations:

Determination of the quantitative and qualitative correlation of linguistic, conditional speech, communicative exercises in the formation of different level of communicative competence in a single theme, and a series of so and others.

Thus, we can conclude that in the history of the methodology teaching foreign languages existed and exist numerous and diverse attempts to find the most rational method of teaching foreign languages. Every attempt (approach, method) had and has a definite influence on the development of theory and practice teaching. In addition, each approach or method was based on a specific theory, as the methodology itself, and related sciences.


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  2. Vaysburd M. L. Learning to understand a foreign language text when reading as a search activity // Foreign languages at school. No. 2, 1997.
  3. Vaysburd M. L. Tasks of teaching to achieve success in a lesson // Foreign languages at school. No. 5, 1978.
  4. Halperin I. R. Text as an object of linguistic research. Moscow 1981.
  5. Gordievskikh O. V. Organization of teaching reading with a dictionary // Foreign languages at school. No. 1, 1997.

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