Derbisaly Berkinbaev: socio-political and scientific-educational activity (second half of the nineteenth century) | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: История

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №42 (176) октябрь 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 20.10.2017

Статья просмотрена: 22 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Бегимбаева, Ж. С. Derbisaly Berkinbaev: socio-political and scientific-educational activity (second half of the nineteenth century) / Ж. С. Бегимбаева, А. А. Жанторин. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 42 (176). — С. 150-153. — URL: (дата обращения: 07.03.2025).

The article deals with the socio-political, scientific and educational activities officer for special assignments, colonel of the Russian army, a member of the staff of Orenburg department of Russian Geographical Society Derbisaly Berkinbaev.

Keywords: official, colonel, scientific activity, article, exhibition, statistical committee

Derbisaly Berkinbaev — an outstanding public figure, official at large, Colonel of the Russian

Army, a member of the Orenburg department of the Russian Geographical Society [1].

Within the framework of the study of the regional history, the life and scientific activity of Derbisaly Berkinbayev in the Orenburg department of the Russian Geographical Society is of considerable interest. The relevance of the regional study of history, archeology and ethnography, in particular Western Kazakhstan, as «an interesting object for scientific research that allows us to clearly and eventfully enrich the main stages of the ethnogenesis of the Kazakhs, the history of their relations with the peoples of the eastern extremity of Europe, the originality of the medieval period, the social cataclysms of the new and modern times «was justified by Academician MK Kozybaev [10, p.230].

One of the major scientific institutions of Russia, which made a great contribution to the scientific study of the regional history of Kazakhstan, was the Imperial Russian Geographical Society (IRGO). The Society was established on August 6, 1845 and set very broad goals and extensive tasks for the study of Russia and the peoples inhabiting it [9, p. 87].

In the Southern Urals, the historical and cultural study of the region was associated with the emergence in 1868 of the Orenburg Division of the Russian Geographical Society. In connection with the fact that the comprehensive study of the eastern regions of the Russian Empire expanded, later the IRGOs were opened: in 1877 — West Siberian and in 1897 — Turkestan. With the expansion of the research facilities of the West Siberian Division of the IRGO in 1902, the Semipalatinsk sub-department of the West Siberian Division was opened, which, in its significance, overgrew the framework of its status. In 1915, the question was raised about the opening of the Semirechye department of the IRGO, which in turn proved the importance that this region had for Russia at that time [4, L.27].

The initiative to create the Orenburg department of the IRGO belonged to the Orenburg governor-general N. A. Kryzhanovsky (1818–1888), who saw serious problems in the study of the region, especially in matters of practical value. July 17, 1867 for the number 4728 was issued by the Decree of the Russian Emperor Nicholas I on the establishment of the Orenburg department of the IRGO [4, LL.27–27]. It was the fourth regional department of the IRGO after Siberia in Irkutsk, the Caucasus in Tiflis and the Baltic in Vilna. Its sphere of influence included the Orenburg Province, the Urals, Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

January 14, 1868, the first meeting of the organized department took place, which became a scientific center for studying the history and culture, ethnography and life of the population, natural resources, economy and trade of the peoples of the Southern Urals [5, L.3].

The first galaxy of national intelligentsia, students of the Orenburg Cadet Corps and the Orenburg School for Kazakh Children under the Frontier Commission, who studied the history and culture of the Kazakh people, was interested in the activities of the Society and participated in it. Here, the goals of Russian politics and interests of representatives of the Kazakh intelligentsia, which found a niche for the realization of its scientific potential, were unified. The real members of the Orenburg department of the IRGO were seven Kazakhs: M.-S. Babadzhanov, I.-M. A. Asatov, B. K. Karpikov, U. K. Kuntekov, N. M. Savanbayev, S. T. Tlemisov, M.Ya.Yaraspayev; Five Kazakhs were members of the staff: I.Altynsarin, D. B. Berkinbayev, B. D. Daulbaev, B.Nauryzbaev, T.Seydalin [8, p.1–2].

It was the seventies of the nineteenth century that were the most vivid and fruitful period in the history of the Orenburg department of the IRGO. In 1868–1870 the number of members of the NGO of the IRGO increased from 42 to 89 people. A correspondent network was created, considerable material was accumulated for the publication of the first issue of scientific works sent to Kazan to the printing house of the University [6, L.7].

In 1870 the Orenburg department of the IRGO founded its own publication «Zapiski». In total, four of its issues were published (1870, 1872, 1874, 1881). The best scientific works of Kazakh, Russian and Bashkir researchers were published in these issues. At the same time, recommendations for publication were made through the meetings of the Orenburg department of the IRGO.

In each Russian province or region, from the middle of the nineteenth century, their Provincial or Regional lists began to appear. «Turgai regional bulletins» were published in the regional center of the Turgai region in the city of Orenburg. Here were the administrative institutions of the Turgai region, formed according to the reform of 1867–1868. All official materials were published in the «Turgai regional bulletin», and unofficial materials in the «Turgai newspaper», which began to appear separately from 1895 [2, p.17–20]. «Turgai newspaper» is notable not only because it widely published materials on the history of the Kazakh territory, materials of Kazakh folklore, materials about the life and life of auls — on its pages appeared the first articles of Kazakh figures Hamza Kardzhasova, Baymuhamed Nauryzbayev, Derbisaly Berkinbayev and others.

The «Turgai regional bulletins» also published Kazakh proverbs collected by Beibit Daulbaev, a respected member of the Orenburg department of the IRGO [2, p.28]. Actively helped researchers in the study of the Kazakh steppe Derbisaly Berkinbaev Berkinbaev (1838–1913), the famous bi, chief 15, and then 23 distances. Since 1869 he worked in Iletsky and Irgiz uyezds. In December 1876 the NGO of the IRGO sent out local correspondents of the program for collecting historical and geographical information. In the list of members for the Iletskoye district of the Turgai region, the program was addressed to «the younger assistant of the mediocre, Derbisali Berkinbaev» [7, L.15].

For active assistance to Russian researchers in the study of the Kazakh steppes in 1879, Derbisaly Berkinbaev was elected a member of the Orenburg department of the RGO. Since 1881, D. Berkinbaev worked in Aktyubinsk, twice traveled as a member of Kazakh delegations to St. Petersburg [3, p.104–105].

In 1896 the Orenburg department of IRGO and the Orenburg Scientific Archive Commission took part in the preparation and holding of the All-Russian Art and Industrial Exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod. The Exhibition Committee formed by them did a great job of collecting Kazakh exhibits. The Kazakh exhibits were collected for the exhibition by county and volost officials, among which Derbisaly Berkinbaev, Seitbatal Nurmukhamedov were particularly prominent [11, p.244]. In 1897, D. Berkinbaev became a member of the Turgai Statistical Committee. He took an active part in the organization of the Turgai regional museum, «for works on the first general census of the population» was awarded a medal [3, p.104].

In 1895 in the Turgai newspaper he published an article «Ancient ruins and barrows in the Kyrgyz steppe» No. 38, September 17; in 1896 the correspondence «Aral-Tubinskaya volost» No. 56, January 24 [2, p.29].

Thus, it should be noted that the «Turgai newspaper» was an important phenomenon in the public life of the Kazakhs of the Western region of the Kazakh steppe in the second half of the 80s — early 90s of the nineteenth century. The author's composition, the problems of published materials, the resonance in public life, ties with the Kazakh public, all this was a notable phenomenon in the socio-political life of the region. Scientific organizations, in the person of their member staff and correspondents, took an active part in this process.

By 1900, ten members of the Orenburg section of the IRGO were ten Kazakhs. The real members of the society were Ish-Mukhamed Asatovich Asatov, Bikmuhamed Karpikov, Kampikov, Umurtai Kuntekovich Kuntekov, Nurkan Murzabakinovich Savanbayev, Southboy Tlemisovich Tlemisov, Minaydar Yaraspayevich Yaraspayev. Members of the company were Derbisaly Berkinbaevich Berkinbaev, Beibit Daulbaevich Daulbaev, Baimukhamed Nauryzbaevich Nauryzbaev, Tleumukhamed Aiturich Seidalin [8, p.1–2].

The reflection of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev on history, philosophy, political science, and sociology as necessary factors for the progressive transformation of society are notable. Such attention of the Head of State inspires new searches and ideological interpretation of the indicated problems. This problem of national identity, the realization of cultural, national code, the President deciphers through the study of national history, the concept of language, traditions and customs, cultural identity [12].

The study of Russian history, based on the study of modern methods and the use of archival documents that have not been introduced into scientific circulation, the study and analysis of the period of the second half of the XIX — early XX centuries, on the example of the life and activity of the historical personality of that time — Derbisaly Berkinbaev, undoubtedly has important. The election of Derbisily Berkinbayev in 1879 as an associate member of the Orenburg department of the Russian Geographical Society was a fact testifying to his recognition of his merits in research and development.


  1. [Electronic resource]:
  2. Galiev V. Z. Kazakhstan on the pages of pre-revolutionary press: Siberian newspaper, Turgai newspaper. Almaty, 2001. 185p.
  3. Galiev V. Z. Caravan trails: (From the history of public life in Kazakhstan in the 17th-19th centuries). Almaty: Atamura, 1994. 128p.
  4. ГАОрОФ.94, Оп.1, Д.2
  5. ГАОрОФ.94, Оп.1, Д.17
  6. ГАОрО Ф.94, Оп.1, Д.16
  7. ГАОрО Ф.94, Оп.1, Д.43
  8. Proceedings of Orenburg department of IRGO. Appendix to the report for 1899. № 1. Issue No. 15, Orenburg, Typo-lithography of F. B. Sachkov, 1900.124p.
  9. The history of native oriental studies from the mid-nineteenth century to 1917. M.: «Eastern Literature», RAS, 1997. 536p.
  10. Kozybaev M. K. History and modernity. Alma-Ata: Gylym, 1991. 254p.
  11. Masanov E. A. Essay on the history of ethnographic study of the Kazakh people in the USSR. Alma-Ata: Gylym, 1966. 322p.
  12. Nazarbayev N. A. A glance into the future: Modernization of public consciousness [Electronic resource] //: April 14, 2017
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): IRGO, NGO, RAS, RGO, USSR.

Ключевые слова

official, colonel, scientific activity, article, exhibition, statistical committee

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