The most important means of forming public control in the information society | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Философия

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №38 (172) сентябрь 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 25.09.2017

Статья просмотрена: 23 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Маматов, Г. С. The most important means of forming public control in the information society / Г. С. Маматов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 38 (172). — С. 140-141. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

Since the 90s of the 20th century, radical changes in the social reality of the overwhelming majority of the world’s states have become the basis for a theoretical review and analysis of socio-political phenomena and transformations. These processes were especially acute in the states that took the path of independence. Of course, the process of transition from one social system to another has the property of social tension, which is often accompanied by a clash of different social forces and interests, sometimes acquiring an armed character. And only a sober, balanced political calculation based on the experience of peaceful diplomacy and serious scientific research, taking into account the features of the development of public life, new political realities, can become the basis of positive results in the reconstruction of society.

In our opinion, an example is the step-by-step model of Uzbekistan. “After the collapse of the USSR, the most unforeseen events were to occur in Uzbekistan,”- writes “The Vek”, however, this did not happen. President Islam Karimov found a way in solving complex interethnic relations with Kyrgyz, Tajiks. His proposals, were connected not with elections, but with the appointments of heads of state and collective farms were appropriate. If he did otherwise it would be difficult to predict the future of the country. Relations with the countries of the Muslim world are established with jewelry precision [1].

In the process of forming a new national statehood, in the first years of independence, not only the political and economic spheres were important for Uzbekistan, but also the sphere of social character. It is the solution of social relations at the political level, the achievement of peace and internal stability within the state, with a weighted economic course that has yielded promising results.

The transformation of the 90s of the 20th century is essentially a rejection of the totalitarian system. This is the time of the formation of modern media, responding to the needs of a legal democratic society and new information technologies. It is natural that the state relies primarily on the media as a serious ideological, spiritual and educational tool in the context of possible internal strife in the country, as well as working out measures against foreign policy ideological threats.

The well-known political scientist G. Laswell singled out four tasks of the media:

  1. To have a sober view of the world (from the point of view of collecting and disseminating information)
  2. Propaganda of culture and enlightenment
  3. Editing (selection and analysis of information)
  4. Forming public opinion [2]

Unquestionably, in a society developing on democratic principles, the media fulfilling the tasks of the fourth power serve as a means of forming public opinion and determine the most urgent problems in the sphere of spirituality and enlightenment. Proceeding from this, Uzbekistan adopted a number of laws and regulations aimed at developing the media. In particular, special attention is paid to article 67 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan [3].

Such a reflection of the role of the media in the Constitution firstly guarantees the right of citizens to freely express their thoughts in the press, radio and television, secondly, it is an indicator of special attention to the role of the media. One cannot fail to notice three aspects in the law of the Constitution: 1) Freedom of the media 2) the priority of the law 3) the absence of censorship.

Of course, in the first years of independence, the economic situation of the media, their condition did not have a decent level. In order to generate income and economic development, there was a danger of falling under the influence of “sponsors”. This state of affairs could result, through various types of bribery to custom articles and false information. An objective assessment of the role of the media in the society, an understanding that the people's control of the activities of the government in the sphere of social justice and legality is carried out through the media, Uzbekistan was tasked with restoring the role and authority of the media in the society, and their active participation in social reality.

Liberalization of the media, a broad organizational and legal range of issues related to ensuring freedom of speech, a reliable legislative framework aimed at developing media that meets the standards of democracy could not yield positive results.

From 1985 to 2000, the activities of the media played a very important role in the sphere of social and economic transformations in the country, in the sphere of forming a creatively conscious worldview of citizens, as well as ensuring the rule of law. As is known, the media as the fourth power forms the basis of civil society. Having ensured the freedom of the media, it is possible to freely discuss and solve the social and political problems of society, to give an objective assessment of the activities and decisions taken by the authorities.

In recent years, in the process of democratization of society, a number of laws have been adopted aimed at enhancing the role of the media. According to the adopted laws, the state activity in the field of information is aimed at developing and improving the system of national information, taking into account modern world standards. As stated above, activities in Uzbekistan are free and within the framework of the law. They are responsible for the objectivity of the information.

Today, in the process of democratization of society in our country, everything is done for the legal provision of free access to information, as well as the presentation of one’s own point of view. But in order to more effectively develop the legal foundations of this sphere, in our opinion, it is necessary to pay attention to the following: 1) expanding the constitutional rights of citizens in the field of information; 2) clarifying the procedure for information on the activities of state authorities to the public; 3) providing information on decisions and decisions on the part of state power, which are connected with the legitimate interests of citizens’ rights and freedoms. In resolving these issues, it is necessary to ensure the growing role of state and non-state media, because firstly the media analyzes and propagates reforms in the socio-political, economic, spiritual life, secondly, together with the expression of interests and thoughts of certain media layers, they form and direct social consciousness. In the process of ensuring the rights and freedoms of the media, it is important: 1) correctly identify priority relations between state authorities and the media; 2) to develop an economic mechanism for media activities; 3) to remove certain pressure from management structures and state authorities; 4) to continue the further development of non-state participation.

Of course, today the broadcasting system in Uzbekistan has radically changed. The system of state telecommunications has international channels directly broadcasting to 180 states of the world in 28 directions. Through the global network of Internet programs and broadcasts of television and radio channels are transmitted to the whole world. 53 % of TV channels and 85 % of radio channels are non-state media. 7 times increased print media and today their number is 1200. Media activities are conducted in 7 languages ​​of the peoples of our country. Printed materials and TV shows are also distributed in English. The number of people using the Internet system has reached 6 million and is growing day by day.

For comparison, in 1995 the country published 384 newspapers, 66 magazines, 19 television studios, 2 radio stations, 3 state-run electronic media and 1 information agency. In 2005, the number of newspapers published reached 597, magazines 145, 43 television studios, 34 cable television stations and 12 radio stations operated. The number of non-governmental electronic media reached 93, news agencies — 4. At the same time, 70 private television and radio companies operated on the territory of the country [4].

The creation in Uzbekistan of the legal foundations of democratic media is the basis for certain changes in the social and political reality of society. The initial foundations of healthy competition have emerged, and the number of independent publications that meet the requirements of a market economy has expanded. Of course, there are certain problems in creating the economic foundations of the press. There is a need to study the experience of developed countries with a view to raising this area to a new level. Still, the development of reforms in the media as an institution of civil society continues. The society has realized — without developing a free media system it is impossible to build a society with guaranteed rights and freedoms of citizens.


  1. Век. — М.: 1995. 21–27 июль.
  2. Lasswell H. D. The Use of Content Analysis in Studying Social Change.// Social Science Information, 1968, № 1.P.18.
  3. Конституция Республики Узбекистан.- Ўзбекистон, 2016.
  4. Архив пресс службы Президента Республики Узбекистан.- Т. Информация о СМИ Узбекистана 2005 г. 16 января
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): USSR, Узбекистан.

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