Advantages of web based learning as means of foreign language teaching | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Усарова, Д. А. Advantages of web based learning as means of foreign language teaching / Д. А. Усарова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 25 (159). — С. 319-321. — URL: (дата обращения: 27.03.2025).

The urgency of the application of new information technologies in a modern school and university is dictated, first of all, by the need to form skills of independent educational activity of students. At present, with a rapid increase in the volume of information, knowledge by itself ceases to be an end in itself, they become a condition for the successful realization of the individual in the future professional activities. In this regard, the task of any teacher is to help the trainees become active participants in the learning process and form a need for them to constantly seek additional knowledge that goes beyond the basic textbook. In other words, it is necessary to create a model of the educational process that would allow to disclose and develop the creative potential of students, which is useful to them and outside the classroom

Learning a foreign language is a multifaceted process, which is conditioned by the main goal — the development of an individual who is able and willing to participate in intercultural communication in the studied language and independently develops in the speech activity that he learns in another language.

The advantage of introducing Internet technologies into the learning process of a foreign language is no longer in doubt and does not require additional evidence. Over the past decade, a lot of work has been written in the domestic methodology, in which researchers disclose the positive impact of various forms of Internet communications — e-mail, chat, forums, web conferences and webinars aimed at creating a communicative competence of learners that are foreign speaking.

One of the main advantages of the Internet is access to an unlimited amount of fresh information and a huge selection of authentic materials, for example, news events, interesting facts from the lives of famous people and peers abroad, words of modern songs, letters, ads, menus, timetables, signs in Shop, airport, poetry, educational videos, etc.

Authentic materials taken from original sources are characterized by the naturalness of lexical filling and grammatical forms, situational adequacy of the language tools used. They give the trainees the opportunity to observe the use of language in real communication, to copy patterns of verbal and non-verbal behavior of partners; To take new, sometimes non-standard solutions to problems during their joint discussion at a lesson under the guidance of a teacher. Moreover, students acquire certain regional knowledge. The point here is not so much in acquaintance with the geographical peculiarities of the studied language country, its sights, as in the knowledge of background and nonequivalent vocabulary, features of the individual lexical units functioning, idiomatic expressions in another culture, knowing the features of speech etiquette when communicating people of different social groups in natural situations Communication.

For example, Uzbek-speaking students should know that the most native speakers prefer to live in two-story cottage houses, so downstairs, upstairs (on the ground floor, upstairs) are natural, there are no fences around the houses, and hedge is used — a «hedge» — neatly trimmed trees and shrubs. Or they make picnics on the lawn right in front of the house, when unfamiliar people gather, fry meat on an open fire (barbeque), and guests usually bring with them some treats (lunch is a pot-luck dinner), and the next day After the party it is customary to send owners gratitude letters for a well-spent time. Howdoyoudo's greetings are used only in those cases when they greet someone for the first time, Hi, Hello — when addressing friends and close relatives, the form of treatment in official circles is Gooday (morning, afternoon).

Lexical content in phraseological theology and proverbs is somewhat different in Uzbek and English versions. Compare:

To be like water off a duck 'back — in Uzbek it is translated as from a goose water (in the English version it sounds «duck» instead of «goose»).

A squeezed orange — in Uzbek the squeezed lemon is translated (in the English version, «orange» instead of «lemon» sounds)

Like father, like son — Apple is not far from the apple tree. (In the English version it sounds literally «What kind of father, such a son»)

Without knowing the relevant knowledge, it is unlikely that students will be able to guess from the run how an idiom or proverb is translated. The resources of the Internet are an invaluable and immense base for creating an information-objective environment, education and self-education of trainees, meeting their personal interests and needs. Distinguished by a high degree of interactivity, the information resources of the Internet create a unique educational and cognitive environment that can be effectively used to solve various didactic tasks in the study of a foreign language:

Form reading skills, directly using authentic network materials of varying degrees of complexity (depending on the level of instruction);

Improve listening comprehension skills based on authentic sound texts of the global Internet and a series of communicative-oriented exercises developed by the teacher to control the understanding of the listening. Improve the skills of written speech, individually or collectively (to teach students and students to write answers to letters to partners, select material for abstracts, write essays with elements of reasoning, perform creative projects);

To supplement the lexical with the vocabulary of modern English, reflecting a certain stage in the development of the culture of the people, the social, economic and political structure of society;

To acquaint with the cultural knowledge, including speech etiquette, features of verbal and nonverbal behavior of native speakers in conditions of real communication, features of culture, traditions of the country of the studied language;

Form a stable motivation for foreign-language activities in class on the basis of systematic use of relevant materials, discussion of problems of interest to everyone, for example, discussion of such topics as the war in Libya, the explosion at the reactor of the nuclear power plant Fukushima-1 in Japan, Eurovision 2012, Paralympic Games, etc.

The main advantage of computer telecommunications is that it closes the electronic information environment, allowing students and teachers to work with the computer as a universal means of processing information.

So, the advantages of using Internet resources when teaching a foreign language:

Modern computer telecommunications provide knowledge transfer and access to different educational information much faster and more efficiently than traditional teaching aids. It is known that textbooks and teaching aids on a foreign language are republished long enough, so sometimes the information included in them is no longer relevant to the trainees.

Training using Internet resources can be safely attributed to new pedagogical technologies. The position of the teacher changes; it ceases to be the only source of knowledge, but becomes the organizer of the process of searching, processing information (perhaps, adapting it to the level of language proficiency of a particular group) and coordinating research and creating creative work for schoolchildren and students.

The Internet develops the general educational skills of the students connected with such mental operations as analysis, synthesis, abstraction, comparison, generalization, as well as the mechanisms of probabilistic and semantic forecasting, the language conjecture of schoolchildren, and their linguistic observance.

Teaching language students, Internet resources help the teacher in the formation of productive skills and conversational skills, providing a genuine interest of trainees in learning outcomes. The teacher's task is to teach schoolchildren and students to react spontaneously and adequately to the statements of native speakers or classmates, expressing their feelings and emotions, adjusting or reorganizing on the go, that is, active approach is being taken in teaching a foreign language.

The Internet develops social and psychological qualities of students: their self-confidence and the ability to work both individually and in a team; Creates an atmosphere of cooperation that is conducive to learning, acting as a means of an interactive approach. Interactivity makes learners adequately respond to real life situations through a foreign language. And when it starts to work for them, we can talk about the level of the formation of the language competence, even if there are lexicon-grammatical errors (they are inevitable when studying a language in artificial conditions, outside the language environment).

Highlighting the advantages of using Internet resources over traditional teaching methods are necessary to start from the contradictions of the lesson caused by the shortcomings of traditional teaching:

Collective learning — individual training;

The regularity of direct communication is the irregularity of feedback;

A large amount of information — the time frame of the lesson.

Internet resources help to overcome the above contradictions. Their regular use in the lessons of a foreign language increases the cognitive activity of students and interest in learning in general, expands the scope of the learning process, making it more interesting, effective and optimal.


  1. Armstrong, K.M. & Yetter-Vassot, C. (1994). Transforming teaching through technology. Foreign Language Annals, 27(4), 475–486.
  2. Blake, R. (1987). CALL and the language lab of the future. ADFL Bulletin, 18(2), 25–29.
  3. Chun, D.M., & Brandl, K.K. (1992). Beyond form-based drill and practice: Meaning- enhanced CALL on the Macintosh. Foreign Language Annals, 25(3), 255–267.
  4. Davis, B. & Chang, Ye Ling. (1994/95). Long distance collaboration with on-line conferencing. TESOL Journal, 4(2), 28–31.
  5. Jensen, R. (1993). The technology of the future is already here. Academe, 8–13.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): CALL, ADFL, TESOL.

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