Effects of Distance Learning on English Language Learning | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №22 (156) июнь 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 06.06.2017

Статья просмотрена: 597 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Мухитдинова, М. Р. Effects of Distance Learning on English Language Learning / М. Р. Мухитдинова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 22 (156). — С. 183-185. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/156/44110/ (дата обращения: 16.01.2025).

As we know the fact that today the knowledge of English is not a luxury, but a necessity. The ability to speak fluently and express your thoughts in English makes you more competitive in the labor market. Nowadays hardly anyone will give up the prestigious highly paid work, which will raise the standard of living. But, as a rule, many of us are busy enough to attend English language courses. Fortunately, this problem is solved. The development of the Internet and the emergence of various multimedia technologies made it possible to distance learning English.

The modern paradigm of education is based on such concepts as personal-oriented learning, individualization and differentiation of educational activity, the formation of motivation for learning, self-development of trainees, etc. These conceptual ideas of education are successfully implemented in the modern information and educational environment that provides the organization of the educational process with the help of information communication technologies both internally and remotely. In this regard, special importance is given to such problems as the methodical preparation of teachers and teachers of foreign languages ​​for the use of new technologies in the educational process and the formation of their information and communication competence. [1]

Firstly we can say that, let's clarify the concepts of «distance learning», «e-learning» and «distance education technologies». In Uzbekistan education system provides definitions of distance learning technologies and e-learning. On May 30, 2002 the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on further development of computerization and information and communication technologies in P F-3080 and the Cabinet of Ministers Decree of June 6, 2002 «On the further development of computerization and information and communication technologies on measures for further work in this direction. Distance education technologies are understood as educational technologies, implemented mainly with the use of Information-telecommunication networks with indirect (at a distance) interaction of students and teachers. E-learning is understood as the organization of educational activities using information contained in databases and information used in the implementation of educational programs and ensuring its processing of information technologies, technical facilities, and information and telecommunications networks that make possible the transmission of such information through communication lines, the interaction of students and educational workers. However, distance learning in the above-mentioned law is not considered as one of the forms of education in the educational system. It defines only three forms of education: full-time, part-time and part-time. At the same time, according to the law, education can be obtained either in organizations that carry out educational activities, or outside such organizations; the form of family education and self-education. One of the most features of the process of self-education is the active use of Internet resources, and distance courses assume a large percentage of independent work. As for the training process in modern educational organizations, now it is presented in the form of mixed learning: full-time and distance or full-time using distance education technologies, as well as electronic resources. «Distance learning is a form of learning in which the interaction of the teacher and students and students with each other is carried out at a distance and reflects all the components inherent in the learning process (goals, content, methods, organizational forms, teaching tools), implemented by specific means of Internet technology or another means of interactivity. " [4, p. 216]

To develop a course of distance learning, special software is usually used in the form of so-called shells. Examples of such shells are LMS (Learning Management System) — a learning management system — and Moodle — an e-learning course management system. Content and design are interdependent components of the distance course. The pedagogical design of the course is the structuring of texts, the formation of a system of links and transitions between concepts, sections, the choice of tools for the implementation of the educational process, external design, accounting for ergonomic requirements. [2] Distance course is a certain system for interaction of participants in the learning process. Typically, this is an educational website consisting of several pages — sections, the studied discipline and other components of the distance learning environment.

The CMU conditionally includes the following blocks:

‒ Theory, educational information (it can be presented in various forms: text with graphics, video lectures in the record, webinars and open Internet resources on the subject of the course).

‒ Control: tests, final graduation event, portfolio, self-control and mutual control.

‒ Pedagogical communication: presence of a special place, for example, a forum, for consultations of students with the teacher and communication between students.

This structure of the distance course is not the only possible one. The number of blocks or sections of the course, their sequence and content can vary depending on the purpose, needs of students, software, etc. It is impossible within the framework of one article to solve the problem of a detailed description of the structure of the distance course as a whole. However, it is possible to show the features of selection and structuring the contents of the distance course of a foreign language, which are primarily due to its рurрose and a specific distance learning model. The main models of distance learning, developed at the end of the last century and still not lost its relevance. Development includes these models of distance learnings:

‒ a model of mixed learning, integrating its internal and remote forms;

‒ model of network learning;

‒ model of autonomous distance learning;

‒ model of virtual school, department, university as an information and educational environment;

‒ model of network learning and case studies;

‒ model of videoconference, interactive television.

Another specific feature of a foreign language is its non-objectivity, meaning the possibility of learning on any subject content and preparing the trainees for communication on any topic that corresponds to their age and interests. At the same time, the goal of teaching a foreign language is to form communicative competence among learners, to master communicative skills,

And not some kind of a circle of ideas and concepts. The exception is those that help in the mastery of the language as a means of communication, the systematization of ideas about it and knowledge of its usage. [5]

Of course, a foreign language is both a goal and a means of learning. A significant difference between a foreign language and its native subject / discipline is its density communication. Spheres of communication in their native language are extensive (in the family, with friends, acquaintances, etc.), and communication in a foreign language, as a rule, is limited to the scope of practical classes at the university. For more effective teaching of foreign languages, development of speech skills and language skills, it is necessary to increase the volume of speech practice, which is unlikely in traditional full-time education. However, using the possibilities of Internet services, attracting native speakers and organizing communication with them, the problem of increasing the density of communication in a foreign language in the educational process can be solved in a modern information and educational environment.

In my opinion the main features of distance learning are the network (remote) interaction of the participants in the learning process, the comparatively large volume of independent work conducted in the just-in-time mode, the special selection and structuring of the teaching material, interactivity, the use of modern educational technologies, distance learning is more likely to use Internet resources that contain authentic and up-to-date information, for example, the latest events in the world (sports, cultural, political, etc.), texts created by native speakers (speeches of politicians at conferences, seminars, messages of leading TV shows), films, videos, materials of electronic libraries, etc. Thus, the range of educational materials, outlined by the traditional textbook, and the topics prescribed in the course program is significantly expanded. And the receipt of relevant information helps to increase the motivation to learn a foreign language. The potential number of individual educational trajectories in this case is significantly greater than in traditional education. [3]

Currently, the distance learning system is intensively developing and improving. The number of higher education institutions, in which distance educational technologies are actively used, is increasing every year, so-called international consortiums of distance learning are being created. At the same time, the areas of application of distance learning for foreign languages ​​in educational institutions are expanding due to its profile organization (for example, in the form of elective courses), integration formal and non-formal education, teacher / teacher training, etc. Thus, it should be noted that distance learning contributes to the implementation of the modern educational paradigm, the integral components of which are personality-oriented training, individualization and differentiation of educational activities, the possibility of autonomous learning, self-education and self-development of students. [2]

To sum up we can say that distance learning is also a motivating factor in the study of foreign languages, contributes to the formation of general cultural and professional competences among trainees, but, first and foremost, foreign communicative competence. At the same time, the implementation of distance learning in foreign languages ​​at the university places the teachers in the task of mastering and introducing into the educational process information and communication technologies, modern educational and technical means, as well as developing distance courses, each of which is a specially designed training system in the Internet environment. The selection and organization of the content of teaching a foreign language in a distance course depends on the purpose, the choice of the distance learning model, the software capabilities, the competence of the pedagogical personnel of the participants in the educational process for networking.


  1. Eroshkin S.Yu. Perspectives of socio-economic and innovation-technological development of the state //Values and interests of modern society: materials of the international. Scientific-practical. Conf. / Moscow State University of economics, statistics and informatics. M., 2014. P. 145–149.
  2. Zenina LV, Kameneva NA Training of students in business correspondence in English // Open Education.2013. No. 6. P. 76–79.
  3. Kameneva NA Use of computer translation as a means of intercultural communication in training foreign languages // Philological sciences. Questions of theory and practice. Tambov: Diploma, 2014. No. 4. Part 1. P. 99–102.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): CMU, LMS.

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